This Broken Planet (online)

Chapter Seven | biology

I think it’s fascinating to juxtapose the explanations of one biological backstory against those of the other because they’re so opposed to any unification with each other at all. And this is shown very clearly in how the basics of their respective views are illustrated.


From both creationism and evolutionism, we see imagery used to illustrate the relative concepts. And these illustrations really show us just how opposite these two worldviews are. Both use the very simple and elegant images of trees for their illustrations (to really get to the root of the issue, I guess). However, when we see how each view uses the imagery, it becomes quite clear which to follow (for me, anyway).

For humanity, evolution seems to not know what to do.  On the one hand, it likes to divide up the people into what it calls “races”, which would call for many family trees. This is a very foreign concept to the Bible student. As far as I know, there is only one race of humans. We just call us the human race. I call us “family”. So evolution wants to see groups of humans coming up separately from each other in various places. [Different Trees]

Now, if this story has been abandoned lately, then don’t worry about it. But for decades this was their way to show “superiority” between the “races” that they invented, saying that they came up separately from each other around the world. 

Worse than that, on the other hand, evolution also uses a single tree to show common ancestry between all living earthlings (flora & fauna). Within this device it puts people in with the animals, showing that animals and people are of the same ancestry! 

Wow! What ridiculous nonsense is that?! (I’ve been waiting my whole life to proclaim that as publicly as possiblesince elementary school.) I have never for one minute believed such hooey. It’s insulting, really. And do you know they include plants in that as well? Look at the image directly above. They’re putting us in line with plants and bugs. You know, none of these lifeforms is older than mankind, by more than a few days. This is nothing more than the enemy making fools of anyone who falls for it.

On the one hand, they used this farce to say that certain men aren’t men (equals, peers) because of something they dug up from an ape someplace, saying that it was an inferior man of some sort. Then they randomly pin that on some poor “race” (another of their inventions) so that the others can pick on them. And I’m quite sure, even though I never went to a university, that whoever came up with the whole inferiority thing was not in the inferior category. Hmm.

“Yeah, that’s the ticket”, he said with a chuckle, “let’s just say that these guys are still like their ape grand-pappy, so that we can claim superiority over them”. 

“Whoa, diabolical.”

On the other hand, the creation backstory says that none of the kinds of creatures is related to any other kind; they are all from separate family trees, without a connection, other than all trees being in the same forest (Earth) and having the same Creator/Designer. Bible believers follow the concept of equality of all men; regardless of literally anything. You might be better, smarter, faster, yada-yada-yada, but you are not better than any other, as a human being. We are all equal in our value to God. We don’t allow bigotry in our presence, do we, Christians? (Obviously, some have, but that’s on them as fallen, depraved individuals.)

And so it’s the image of a forest (all coming from different origins) that best explains the origin of the many forms of both flora and fauna; not just one tree that is shared with mankind and all other lifeforms (what we know of DNA’s restrictions disallows it). Each family has their own family tree; even us.

Creation shows each kind (family) growing up independently of each other

In other words: man has always been man; ape has always been ape; dogs are dogs; cats are cats, and never the differing kinds shall merge. KINDS DON’T MIX (like “families”). 

Different species of the same biblical “kind” (family) can mix and produce much diversity in the kind. I think that God did this for the survival of all kinds; giving them a chance to make it through the various ranges of weather and other harsh conditions of the soon to be hostile planet. As far down as we can dig into the rocks and dirt and ice, we will see this evident truth in the fossil record—a trilobite is a trilobite. 

Don’t like trilobites? Okay, wherever we dig, a man is a man. A squid is a squid. And on and on it goes. It is a universal truth of biology. And it shows a steady amount of distinction everywhere; for all time, that we can sift through. From the very deepest to the shallowest, wherever we dig them up, kinds are kinds and they are the same as they are now (mostly). 

“Then where did the dumb tree come from that shows a mythical way of seeing life (putting all animals on the same family tree of genetics)?”
“Well, it was made up, of course.” 

The only reason why I can imagine such a lie being manufactured would be to remove the Creator from the backstory. Why would they do that? I guess they just didn’t like the truth. Maybe He scared them (and rightly so). Who knows? My fear is that they are just pawns of the enemy. Whatever demons can do to get people to not think about God, they will do; whatever it takes. They never slow down or take a rest. They are invisible and sometimes play to our senses for favorable input that leads to an unfavorable outcome (if we fall for it).

In the real world, we know that genetics does not allow one animal to change into another animal. It just doesn’t allow that kind of change to happen. We may be able to track differences in bird features on a remote island (like their beak shapes), but we still can’t say what the bird was supposed to have been before it was a bird. There are limits imposed into the genetic sequencing that only allow changes to go so far and no more. Variation within a kind is everywhere. Kinds becoming different kinds has never been seen anywhere on Earth. Ever. It is superstition to believe so. And who’s to say that Darwin’s finches didn’t already have different beaks onboard the Ark (there were 7 pairs onboard, after all)?

If you want to call this ability to change slightly “adaptation”, be my guest. If you want to go out of the realm of possibility and say that the same mechanism can allow a slug to become a skink, then we cannot agree. And I might laugh at the absurdity of it (like I did in elementary school). Even a child knows that such a thing is ridiculous (at least, I did—instantly). And we have proven such in labs across the world in this millennium and the previous one as well. We have discovered limits to changes. 

Biology does NOT allow for evolution between animals of differing families (kinds). It only allows for slight differences in the lifeforms (species), while keeping their unique traits unique for their kind. Mostly, mutations are destructive to the lifeform’s health and continuance. To think that there could be an upward trend in DNA malformations is absurd. By “upward”, I mean “positive”, “helpful”, “healthy”, “good”, etc. It is not scientific to believe that the trend has been positive when mutations occur; only changes that are within the scope of the family traits are good. See Entropy. The overall effect then is a lot of sameness throughout the species and the kinds.

For instance, all cats are catlike. All dogs are doglike. Their unique traits remain their own. This doesn’t preclude similarities between families; those are there too. Both dogs and cats have tails, and paws, and walk on all four legs primarily. But their differences, the things that make them catlike or doglike, never go away from the family. It’s a family trait for a reason.

Books, upon books, upon books have been written showing how evolutionary thinking is completely wrong for life on Earth (including biologically) in every imaginable way (many written by evolutionists). Yet, the powerful schools keep fighting back and they keep winning the battle over keeping the Bible (and truth) out of our schools (“Separation of Church and State” in America is BS). Some nasty people have even used that excuse to keep little Johnny from praying over his questionable lunchmeat and gnat-garnished gelatin in the school cafeteria. Poor Johnny needed to pray over that “food”. 

The truth is out there. We just need to take the bag off the heads of the scientists so that they can do science without stupid restrictions and guidelines (like, “the present informs the past”; or the world is eternal…billions…millions…). If you are a scientist, see how my Broken Planet Model can inform your discoveries. And don’t let “them” bully you into not studying it or writing about it. Entropy is real. Factor-in God’s story with your outlook, you’ll get farther, faster.


There is great capacity for good in biology: fighting disease or making life better through understanding and caring for the life around us and in us. But there is also great capacity for evil to be done, medically. And we are seeing it already around the world.

Factories and labs like in Wuhan, China produce a great quantity and variety of biological weapons. Laboratories all around the world, here and everywhere, are doing things with DNA that they should not be doing—like combining human DNA with that of animals. This is evil of the worst kind. We must fight against the labs doing such evil. Only, the politicians are using it to control the population of the world (they tried to take out billions of us just a few years ago).

“But it’s in the name of ‘science’ and ‘discovery’” you might protest. 

“No, it’s in the name of Satan”. I would reply. 

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), whether flora or fauna, are creating real problems in the health of humanity on all levels. The labs of food companies only care about speed of production and appearance in the grocery store. Actual nutrient content or health isn’t even on their plate. 

Worse than that, strange animal remains have been said to appear in the waste stream of labs all around the world, including America. Animal remains (obvious abominations of attempts to combine two creatures that should not be) are allegedly beginning to emerge in sewers and waterways all over. 

They aren’t viable lifeforms (that I know of), but if true, the scientists are trying to do things they ought not to do. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if I heard that a new hybrid of human and something else were created somehow in a lab. Or if they announced an alien race that has come to the world (but it wouldn’t really be what they say; it would be a lie that is as manufactured as the lifeform they produce.) Oh, but the capacity of that one for social control. (It’s really scary.) Or imagine demons, posing as aliens (more so than now), running the world outright. “We are in charge now!” And they really, actually, literally are extra (not of) terrestrial (this world).

Evil-You-Shun has been used to justify the killing of people whom an evil dictator said were inferior to him because they hadn’t evolved as much as him and people who looked like him—as if there’s a valid excuse. (Hitler was an example of this behavior, even though he had no Aryan features, himself.) He justified the mass murder of millions of people using evolution (as one excuse of many). Again, there is no excuse.

At the heart of it, evolution is evil because it is a lie that attempts to remove God and His truth from human consciousness. And when that happens, all hell can and usually does break loose. It’s about the worst kind of deceit we can come up with. I mean, look at how bad people are with His influence; imagine how bad we’d be without Him at all! Well, we’re just about there as a planet. And evolution, with its deep time farce, has been ushering-in just that kind of world at a very quick clip. You can remove God’s rules; but in the process you’ll remove His blessings too. That’s just how He works. 

Let’s quit talking about how bad religion has been in our society and just drop it. Stay out of religion. But don’t take up another system of bondage in the process (like the schools wield—schools & cults; what’s the diff?). 

Instead, simply recognize Who the Creator is and thank Him and worship Him for His goodness (you’ll have to read the Bible for that info). Ignore the bad parts of human behavior and religious inventions. Just focus on God and His goodness toward us. Not in a religious, got to impress with goodness, kind of way; but in humility, honesty, fear, and a genuine desire to be with Him as an obedient child. This can only come  through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross—start there, since He did the work so you don’t have to (and you couldn’t anyway.) And don’t stop meeting together to worship and praise Him and care for each other’s needs in brotherly love.


  1. Does DNA support or refute evolution?
  2. How does DNA refute evolution?
  3. Can one kind of animal turn into another?
  4. Is life better illustrated with a single tree or a forest of trees?


  1. It refutes it, due to the stringent limits it places on reproduction.
  2. Offspring have the same characteristics as their parents. Always.
  3. No. Dogs are dogs and cats are cats. Never the two shall meet.
  4. A forest of trees, showing separate lines of ancestry.


Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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