Chapter Six | some scientific dating methods
These methods that I’m going to share may not seem like much to the average person, but these are devastating to the Deep Time farce—thinking the world is m/billions of years old—just about as devastating as the fossil record and erosion are. We have data stretching back quite a ways that can confirm certain trends that are observable, quantifiable, and predictable.
Now keep in mind that nothing is absolute and any method can have flaws, and there is no method for proving the age of the Earth scientifically through direct observation. But these methods are simple, uncomplicated, and anyone can see the implications of the observations and data.
The reasons why some scientists push back against these evidences are due to nonscientific reasoning; not scientific reasoning. They are still people, after all.
One of these methods is done in a lab, but it uses a much more accurate metric than the failed Deep Time lab methods, with their algorithms and assumptions (and Huttonian bag placed firmly over head). This one is actually scientific, meeting the most rigorous of scientific standards, unlike radiometry (already discussed).
But first, let’s look at a couple of other techniques or data points.
The Sun’s Size

Since our Sun and Moon appear as being the same size from our perspective on Earth (due to their relative distances to us), full eclipses of the Sun by the Moon reveal much to us about the Sun’s active surface and its shape and size. These things can reveal more to those who can figure out such things.
One thing that stands out about the Sun that we’ve been measuring for a very long time now is its changing size. The Sun is shrinking. This is an observable, measurable fact. The rate can be seen to be steady on average (over the long run). Yes, it oscillates, but the overall trend has been shrinkage. Some say that the oscillations have remained neutral over the eons; meaning that there is no net loss or gain in size. I don’t know why they say that.
If we were to have the Sun’s shrinking caught on time-lapsed photography, we’d see it growing larger as we went back in time. And guess what? If we were to rewind time just 1 million years, the Sun would be too big for life to exist on Earth. And it would have burned out a long time before 4.5 billion years could have come around too. Oops. Deep time? The Sun says “no”.
This one is actually hotly contested by some in the science community. Many do not believe that the Sun is shrinking; while many others do. And while not everyone agrees that it is shrinking, most agree that it will collapse at some point. (Go figure.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t know how many comets zip through our solar system, but it’s a few. Each comet that we see must be no older than the universe. But how old are they? If we knew that, we might know how old Earth is (or the universe).
Well, the thing about comets is like the thing with the Sun; they’re shrinking. Comets are losing material all the time as they scream through the cosmos.
If we measure how much material is lost, we might get a rate of degradation, and then see that they are too young to be 4.5 billion years old. In fact, they can’t be even a million years old and still have any size at all. There would just be trails of matter strewn about the galaxy; no comets still intact at all.
Some comets, I’ve heard, are made of ice. I wonder if some of those comets came from the water that was ejected from Earth into space at the explosion of the planet. Just something to ponder. Yes, water and other materials were probably ejected into space. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were bits of Earth on the Moon from Earth’s devastating explosion 4,300 years ago. Who knows? Maybe all of the comets are earthlings (little bits of our home planet). Maybe there’s an ice chunk made from Earth water that was ejected into space, or a rock perhaps, that carries some microbes or other lifeforms in it as it travels the cosmos.
Erosion (again)

As mentioned before while discussing problems with Deep Time, we have evidence on Earth of massive amounts of erosion occurring at the same time all over the planet. Massive amounts of runoff have accumulated on the edge of all seven continents. This phenomenon is called the Continental Shelf.
This is what it looks like when entire continents are subjected to numerous tsunamis in a succession of inundations of mud, ash, sand, silt, clay, and all other forms of soil (rocks, animal remains, and plants too).
The entire world was covered with violent flows of water during the deluge. These tsunamis stripped the land of all life and soil, tossing it to the churning waters and slamming it upon the Mantle below, then mixing it in swirls, swift flows, and collisions of opposing forces with rising lava and magma.
It took about 5 months for the continents to be formed from the muddy soft soil of the original Crust mixing in with the rising lava from the Mantle. This is just the soft soil from the original Crust; the hard Bedrock pieces all quickly went down to (or into) the Mantle in a massive chaotic fallout. And then it took about 7 more months for everything to come to a relative standstill, with the top layer of mud getting washed off to form the continental shelf as the waters receded. It took both lava and mud to form the continents. And the lava was still flowing when the waters receded (it still flows in places, like Hawaii and Iceland). In my opinion, it really is a miracle that there is any usable soil left in the world at all. I’m certainly not amazed that only 29% of the world is made of dry land, with barely half of that being inhabitable. Antarctica, the Sahara, The Mojave, and other places are not really that inhabitable; not without some serious habitat structuring. Throw in extreme features and weather and there you go. What is that, about 13% usable land? Before the flood, Earth could have been nearly 100% usable from pole to pole with a few seas, lakes, rivers and streams dotted about.
The aftermath of nearly a year of the miles-thick accumulation of flows of mud, ash, and sand, coupled with massive plates of earth being chewed up and slid about upon the ruptured Mantle is nothing less than total devastation of the planet. It is ruined. Bye, bye Old Earth; hello, Middle Earth; come on, New Earth! (As promised by Jesus.)
This is what we see: Continental shelves that emphatically scream out about the one-time event we call a “flood”. Features on the ripped surface that show how erosion was on a scale unimaginable today (etching scars into the rocks as other rocks are carried along). And some of these features are delicate and fragile. People visit such formations as can be found in the Badlands of the Dakotas (for example) and marvel at how one rock can precariously balance on top of another for so long. Well, we marvel because it is impossible for those formations to last very long at all; just thousands of years, not millions. Even the sides of the Grand Canyon should be smooth and worn way down, compared to reality.
Erosion speaks volumes about the age of the Earth. There’s too much of it for there to not have been a flood, and there’s not enough erosion for it to have gone on for even tens of thousands of years at the current, mild rate. And the thing about erosion is that it is consistent all across the globe. It speaks more of a worldwide flood than anything else, and everything else confirms it.

Before leaving the topic of erosion, it is important to point out again that there is NO SIGN of erosion between the many “strata” of Earth’s Crust, other than the great unconformities, which together scream “FLOOD”! If there were really a million years between “layers” (a number that is unfathomable for me) then we would see signs of erosion (a LOT of it) between strata, but there is absolutely none of it. Zero. This is terminal for the theory of Deep Time and supportive of a flood. And not just erosion but even the little burrows and tunnels of small animals and insects that scurry on the ground. There is not any (not any) evidence of soil disturbance between the strata of sedimentary rock anywhere on Earth, except for those great unconformities between the layers of megaflows. Just dead animals; none of their homes or tracks or burrows. I get sad thinking of it. Of course, the topsoil is full of tracks and signs of life since the flood.
Deep Time has zero support in the real world beneath our feet. I don’t see any evidence in the world anywhere of any time beyond a few thousand years. If you can find some, please point it out. Just be honest (and smart) about it.
Population Ceiling and DNA

An MtDNA genetics graph showing lineages back to Noah’s three sons’ wives.
If 8 billion is how many people we have in the 4,300 some odd years since Noah’s Flood, how could the world be any older and hold many more people? (I know this is circular, but it illustrates the point.) 8 Billion peeps is a big number, but if we had been here any longer than that, the population should be in the high billions by now. It’s gone up 1 billion in just my lifetime! The parabolic curve we see now in the population data would have started a long time ago.
There just aren’t anywhere near enough people in the world for it to be even 20,000 years old. And if the Flood never happened we might have been overrun a long time ago with people (although that world had a LOT more land than we do now—but no fossil fuels for getting around).
Sorry, the population just won’t let the world be much older than, say, ten thousand years. But I’m going with the 5,986 (or so) that are chronicled in the Bible. Let’s dive deeper into these two factors of human population growth and migration, and tracking it all scientifically, as DNA can act like a clock looking into the past.
The Low Ceiling of Population
How many grandparents do you have biologically, regardless of whether you knew them or not or if they were even alive or not when you were born? Four, right? (Two from mom, and two from dad—see how important gender is, kids?) That means that every person alive today has 4 ancestors in their 2nd generation up. And as you go backward in time, the population seems to grow quickly, because each grandparent has four grandparents and each of those grandparents has four grandparents… But we know that the population actually tends to grow going forward in time; more than backward. Although, backward numbers are guaranteed; whereas the numbers going forward aren’t. So what’s going on?
Well, we soon find when we follow ancestry backwards that we need to start connecting the family lines between other families, clans, and nations (Noah’s grandkids were siblings and first cousins). When going backwards in time, the family tree expands quite a bit at first, but then it begins to close back up on itself, joining family lines all around the world until we come back to Noah and his three sons.
You see, at some point, the connections begin to close up going back in time, so that it will meet up with the family lines of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. This is because from those three men all people of the Earth today came into existence. There is no other way that this can go. It’s a closed ceiling. The family lines must meet back up somewhere in the past before we get to those three. If this doesn’t work, then nothing about Biblical Creationism will. But it does, and it can and has been proven.
There are billions of us between Noah’s time and now (8 billion alive today). But we can’t just keep having the population continue to grow in reverse as we look back in time. For instance, if we were to pick a European country and find a male to trace his Y DNA, we’d soon have too many ancestors for his own country’s population. We would need to begin adding in people from the surrounding countries in order to keep up with the count. There would be too few people in the population of that country (in reality) just a few hundred years back to support his ancestry. So it becomes necessary, very quickly, to bring in more blood from other people groups.
And that’s how things worked out over time. Different clans became nations, and those nations and their clans interbred with other nations or clans. Through conquest or migration or trade or just being neighbors, couples would come together. Neighboring clans and villages and nations needed to go find mating partners in each other’s territories and people at some point.
This means that there was a lot more interbreeding between clans than we might think. But it makes sense when we see this phenomenon. I show this, not to submit proof of a young Earth, but to just show how it all worked out over time. But the proof is there; everything matches up going back in time when we use the short timeline of Young Earth Creationism.
The Y Chromosome

Phylogenetic tree of Y chromosome tracking
This can be tracked scientifically though, you know. Geneticist, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, PhD, has done research into the Y Chromosome and learned some very interesting things for us just recently. I’ve been presenting his research already in this section.
In his latest book, Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise he presents “an examination of the genetic history of humanity that makes testable predictions from the creationist worldview” (from his bio on Answers in Genesis).
Using his technique, which follows the degradation of the male Y chromosome, he can count generations accurately and follow migration paths of groups of people. He just doesn’t follow the stretched out timeline of academia. He tried it, I think, and it didn’t work.
Throughout history, following the narrative of those who are in power hasn’t always given us the most accurate accounts. Dr. Jeanson’s method removes the ability for cover-up or misinformation to replace the truth of what actually happened. He can tell what people groups were involved in the biggest migration events throughout history, and some of the little ones as well.
For example, one of his discoveries led to the validation of an old book that chronicles the history of one of the Native American groups’ entry and migration across Canada, North, Central, and South America. The Lakota and Sioux tribes were a part of these migrations.
The book is called the Wallum Olum or Red Record. It is an example of a historical narrative that was purported to be false; when in fact, it is the true story and the (mainstream) alternative is the falsehood, according to Jeanson’s research. In it is reference to the biblical flood (maybe that’s why the enemy tried to sweep it under the rug).
Dr. Jeanson has learned and can demonstrate that every people group on Earth can genetically trace its origins to Noah and his three sons (at Babel, I presume, in Mesopotamia). He says that following the global Y chromosome haplogroup tree is the key to following human history. He tells us that there are around 200 generational steps from Noah to us. Our family tree is a lot shorter than we’ve been led to believe.
If you believe the false narrative of history taught in schools, then you believe that “Native Americans” came to the Americas from Asia about 15,000 years ago. They then tell us that these people were virtually wiped out by disease brought over in 1,492 by Europeans. But Jeanson’s genetic research, a scientifically demonstrable method, suggests other migrations occurred much earlier than 1,492 from Asia, as well as after.
Jeanson believes that subsequent Asian migrations that occurred prior to the Europeans’ mass arrival is actually what wiped out the even earlier migrants from Asia. In other words, it was the “natives” that wiped out the natives (Asians wiping out Asians). And that those people who came in later waves did so a lot later than previously believed. In fact, they all came over later than expected. Some of these later “Indian” migrations occurred after the time of Christ; not before. The effect of this is that the timeline is much shorter than the 15,000 years we are told to believe, without evidence. Now we have scientific evidence for early migrations, showing them to be since the Flood of Noah (~4,200 years or so ago). Maybe just a few years after the Babel incident. It’s a case of false history trying to cover up the truth. Well, now the truth is falsifiable (if done right).
This is an example of a scientifically demonstrable process that debunks a widely held notion that is unfounded scientifically. And it agrees with the Bible completely.
And this process works globally with other civilizations, like the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and all other ancient civilizations. It is as though every effort has been made by mankind (or Satan) to lengthen the timeline at every step of the way from the beginning of time. Is it then any mystery that our timeline is wildly off? And when the Enlightenment crowd got their views pushed into the mainstream consciousness about deep time (geologically) it’s been the way of the world for 200 years.
This idea that scientists are the smart guys who always do the right thing and search out the truth for truth’s sake is just as wrong as saying that people have been making life on Earth better than worse. It’s as wrong as saying that a man should be followed just because he says that a higher power says he should be followed, without evidence.
A scientist is a person, with motives and biases. If he makes a statement of backstory or prediction, then that is different than simply counting the beans, so to speak. When scientists begin to wax eloquently about millions of years or other long timeframes, they are not being scientists at that moment; they are being people making stuff up.
Science is not equivalent to authority. Science is a quest to discover the truth; not make it up. But unfortunately the reverse is what we have been subjected to. People have been calling fact fiction and fiction fact for the whole time. Maybe we should be a bit more skeptical about what we believe and accept as true.
The more I have learned about the Bible; the more I have learned to believe it. I also learn more about the struggle for truth in the world. There are enemies of man that love to spread falsehood, and no one has been able to stop them—and God refuses to; He just lets them tell their lies and will deal with them later, when He judges this world.
If we had a true, detailed, written history of the world (in addition to the Bible’s bits and pieces, I guess), then we would see that the world is not as old as we have been led to believe the whole time (either geologically, anthropologically, biologically, or sociologically—heck, all of the so-called “soft” sciences have been contaminated with error and opinion). But as our data collection gets better, we should be able to drop those tightly held convictions that attempt to force falsehood upon us. Ironic, isn’t it?
We’ve been told how ignorant and backwards the Bible narrative is while being fed narratives that are ten times worse (millions, even, no, billions!).
“The Bible’s a myth; follow this [fantasy] instead.”
It’s almost funny. Except for the way that those secular influences allow tyranny and oppression to flourish (due to removing God’s absolute moral law), which isn’t so funny.
- Is the main argument between science and faith about science or the opinions of scientists?
- What was the book called the Wallum Olum or Red Record about?
- Can ancient records be falsified?
- Can modern interpretations of ancient records be misinterpreted?
- It is the difference of opinion that drives the debates, not the actual data that is correctly collected.
- The story of early migrants from Asia to the Americas.
- Absolutely. Many cases exist where a king is exalted falsely, for example.
- Not just yes, but quite often.
Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers