This Broken Planet (online)

Chapter Two | the broken planet model 

Jesus replied, “I have already told you, and you don’t believe me. The proof is the work I do in my Father’s name.  But you don’t believe me because you are not my sheep.  My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.  The Father and I are one.”
(John 10:25-30, NLT)

Quickly, I just want to let you know that there are times when I don’t know if God told me something or not (speaking of day-to-day things; not visions). But there are other times when there is no doubt at all (like with a vision). This is the second vision of substance I’ve received in my life from God. The first was in 2019 and was more private. That one was very big and grandiose, whereas this one was small and not as dramatic. This one was very brief; lasting only about five to eight seconds in all; the other one lasted maybe twenty to thirty seconds. The other one was just an overlay of visual spiritual elements over physical reality. This one started like that but then took up my whole view. I instantly understood the meaning and ramifications of this latest vision. As I have progressed through these studies, the Lord has shown me great things. Communicating those concepts is now the challenge before me. Any other visual gifts from God have been fleeting and insignificant, by and large.

Now, don’t let my discussing God throw you off of the scientific input that is about to come. Just because God is involved does not exclude science. Not in the least. 

Science: The study of God’s creation

In fact, if this revelation is from God, then it will fit exactly with the science (the real science) that we gather in the physical side of things today—but not secular scientists interpretations and backstory. I’m not going to speak in biblical terms exclusively, nor scientific. I like to keep things grounded to what we can see and touch if there is a connection, while staying connected to God. That’s being scientific in a way. And I’m not planning on quoting a lot of scripture either (how much is a lot?). But both lenses are going to be used to look at this interesting topic. And the theory must fit with the Bible or it must be jettisoned as viable. That’s how accurate the Bible is. But the Bible must also fit with what we see. And it’s up to us to understand what we’re looking at. So far, when I take an honest look at the cosmos (or just life), the Bible always agrees with the reality I perceive that is on, in, under, and above the ground. 

Even though I have no collegiate schooling in the sciences or biblical doctrines of this topic and its related themes, this topic can get pretty technical and “heady”. So hang on for a wild ride through the planet beneath our feet and the Maker above our heads. I’ll try to explain the technical jargon as we go along, so we’re all on the same page as to definitions. 

Okay, so now without further delay, I (finally) present the understanding that God gave me about Earth’s beginning, present, and fiery end. This will actually go by pretty quickly, so buckle in. I give you The Broken Planet Model.  

“ta da”

The Mantle 

Its Irreducible Complexity Reduced

I begin with the Mantle, because it’s a key element to Earth’s ruin and reshaping. Without having a Mantle that is made like this one, we wouldn’t have the conditions that we do on Earth now. So I think it’s very important to understand this vision of the Mantle and how it operated while still at peak performance. 

The Mantle is actually (I’ve learned) a very complex structure that has (or had, when whole) many facets to consider. Just as biologists learned that cells have amazing structure and complexity as technology allowed more discovery into the infinitesimal structures, so too, we find that the Mantle is incredibly complex—more so than I expected, for sure. I’m actually amazed at this work of wonder.

In the image presented to my mind by the Holy Spirit, I saw the Mantle of Earth in perfect condition and new (not destroyed like it is now). I saw a brown, smooth, rock surface covered by a thick layer of water. The illustration here (left) is how I try to explain what I know to be true. Unfortunately, my graphic arts skills have much to be desired. The gray rocky Mantle in the image is supposed to show where this brown rocky surface was. The vision from God did not show me what lay below or how thick the surficial rock was. But I will show (below) two images of geophysical models that depict cool material mixed in with the extremely hot material in the lower regions of the Mantle and Core. This tells me that the smooth brown surface of the Mantle that I saw was blown inward into the Mantle’s interior. That, I believe, is what scientists have discovered deep in the Earth’s belly. Well, and accompanying the skin of the Mantle, there are probably pieces of the Crust’s bedrock that have fallen into it as well.

I have determined, apart from the vision, that the Mantle was a huge rock ball (almost the size of the whole planet today), with a firm outer crust and a mushy interior made of lava, magma, and possibly crystalline shapes. It was a perfect sphere; not bulging out at the equator, like This Broken Planet does now. But I only saw its surface; not the interior. The illustrations and descriptions I offer on the interior of the Mantle are not a part of the vision. However, I believe that the Lord has led me through my studies this last year and made it clear to me what actually happened at the Flood. Certain aspects of the Mantle are crucial to understanding this scenario that I will be explaining.

In the center of the Mantle is the solid Core, swimming in liquid lava (they call lava the Outer Core and the solid metal ball the Inner Core). The Mantle’s interior may have been like a gradient of crystalline materials that morph as they go deeper toward the core (maybe a third of the depth?). I expect all kinds of states of matter to be in it, which change with depth, heat, pressure, and radiation, and lava to fill in the rest of the space (until it was destroyed by the blast, anyway, releasing much of the lava). 

So, in your mind, see a gigantic spherical geode-like ball that is filled with lava and has a smaller solid metal ball in the middle (the size of Pluto; smaller than the Moon). The exterior surface of the Mantle in the vision was solid rock that was smooth and hard, like a bowling ball. It was a perfect sphere of amazing complexity and power (nuclear power) when new. This is the way that I saw it in my mind, smooth and intact. This Mantle had some very crucial functions to perform. It had to contain everything that was inside of it (especially the heat and radiation). Note: Geodes are formed as bubbles in lava; born of heat and pressure.

It was made irreducibly complex. Meaning, all of the parts had to be in place together for it to work right. It was a work of engineering on a planetary scale. Just like, yet unlike, all of the other planets that were made by the same Guy. (And don’t forget those infinitesimal systems and spheres deep inside the lifeforms with the same kind of physics and feel, too.)

According to the Broken Planet Model (BPM), the blue matter shown is what was blown into the inner parts of the Mantle in the explosion. The image is from Dr. John Baumgardner and the CPT model. The blue material is either or both the skin from the Mantle and/or the bedrock bottom of the Crust Layer. Both would be cooler than the original inner matter. Having the skin blown inward would allow the bedrock to fall in as well.


Again, inside of the Mantle was the Core, which is as hot as the Sun’s surface (maybe a touch hotter, even). That’s a lot of heat to contain right under our feet; estimates are around 6,000° C or 10,832° F, but it contained it (and still does to a degree—pun). I believe that the crystalline structures are key to containment of the heat. (When I say that it contained the heat, realize that I mean the majority of the heat, like the first 10,000° F or so. It still gave off a lot of heat to warm the Crust of the planet—idk what temperature.)

Job one; contain the Core’s heat. That much heat released suddenly would not be great for the world. Trust me, before this is over you’ll see that our current view of “global warming” is cute and funny compared to the real meltdown that has already begun, and would actually consume This Broken Planet in short order, “geologically speaking” (ha ha). 

Just this one factor—diminished heat containment from the Mantle—would spell the doom of Earth in the not-so-distant future. (Hint: not “global warmingglobal melting”.) 

Another possibility is that the Core is now cooling down, since its heat is no longer being retained. And that, too, would spell the end in a distant possible future that will never arrive.

Neither of these two things will actually happen; they are only geological inevitabilities that would eventually destroy us if given time. However, the Lord will return before Greenland is green, so don’t worry.


The Mantle’s second job was to contain the Core’s radiation. I don’t have any knowledge or data on the amount of radiation that was present in the Core in its normal state. But it had radiation that it kept safely tucked inside of it. 

Unfortunately, the Crust and sky have quite a bit of radiation in them now. I’d guess it’s enough to keep people, plants, and animals from living very long lifetimes, like those recorded in the Bible before the Flood. 

The introduction of radiation upon the Crust is what caused an almost 100% reduction in the lifespans of people on Earth. Did you ever wonder how Noah and Adam and many of the people in the Bible born before the Flood lived into their 900s (nine-hundreds)? This is a theory that explains it. Our maximum age has been held to 120 years (Genesis 6:3).

We may not think that the radiation on Earth is all that bad; but in reality, it’s keeping us from living really long lives. These days, a life that long seems impossible. But to them, they would wonder why we are all dying off so young. If I lived back then, at 62 years of age (my age now), I’d have been like a teenager of today.

“Did you hear about Uz?”

“Oh yeah, what a shame to die so young.”

“Yeah, he was just hitting his four-hundreds, poor guy!”

So, a key thing to remember about this model is that when the Mantle broke open and the radioactive lava spewed out, the world became irradiated for the first time. Rather than long periods of a dribbling of radiation onto the planet, realize that it was a huge dump of it all at once, with dribs and drabs continuing after that.

A huge amount of radioactive lava coming from deep within the Earth all at once is why radiometric dating doesn’t work.
~ me

Is this inconceivable to you? Do you really want millions of years that don’t exist? I think this model is totally plausible; you should too. I’m just glad that I don’t have to live in this dying, degrading skin for that long. 

God intended for people to live forever. It was our introduction of corruption into our makeup that caused Him to put a limit on our lifespan (by way of radiation at the Flood). If He didn’t introduce death before the Flood, Adam and Eve would still be alive today. If that happened, this world would’ve been overrun a long time ago with crazy, immoral people who care nothing for others. It would be a MUCH bigger hell than it is now. 


The third function of the Mantle would have been to contain its own inner pressure (if any), which could have been immense—just as the heat within it was immense. As we will see, it was this proposed internal pressure that likely helped the Mantle and the Crust break into pieces. Or, break more quickly and completely; really ruining the Mantle and Crust.

However, internal pressure is not necessary for the model; the ruin could have come whether the pressure were at zero in the Mantle or not initially. The thing that is necessary is at least one hole in the Mantle (for lava to exit through). And if that hole were made under pressure…[big, big boom].

And while I’m saying that pressure is not necessary for the model to be viable, I believe that it was present in a great amount. It was the pressure that pushed out the lava that formed the foundations of the continents and thereby saved us from having a water world. Lava gushing up from below is a big factor in our geo history. If the pressure were very great, it could have even produced asteroids and comets from Earth debris leaving the planet’s gravitational grip (maybe).


The fourth job of the Mantle was to keep its interior safe from outside elements that could damage the Mantle if introduced to its contents. In fact, it would have been extremely important to keep what I’m going to present next (a Water Layer) away from what is inside the Mantle (the hot lava). 

“Adam!” He yelled, “Keep the water away from the lava! It’ll explode if they touch!”

Whether we look at keeping what’s inside away from what’s outside, or what’s outside away from what’s inside, having these two sections exposed to each other turned out to be a very bad thing. Explosively catastrophic!

Have you ever seen water contact boiling oil, or something else that is super hot? It explodes into vapor. You see, when water instantly (violently) turns into steam or vapor, it’s called an explosion. And when a watery planet has an interior that’s as hot as the Sun, allowing the super hot part to contact the water part is not going to go well. The resulting explosion must have been phenomenal, even though the water was already hot to our touch. 

And since the Water Layer was encased in rock (the Bedrock layer), making it sealed, the rapid, explosive buildup of pressure would have really let loose when the Bedrock Layer failed. And since the Crust (both Soil and Bedrock Layers) already had a (presumed) hole from a meteorite, it was compromised and wouldn’t have had the strength to hold together. In your mind, see the bedrock expanding to the point of failure from the inner expansion of water into gas. As soon as that initial breakage of the Bedrock occurred, it began a chain reaction collapse that quickly spread around the world.

So when the two elements (lava and water) met, the spark of catastrophe was ignited. The fuse was lit; the powder keg blew. Allegedly, a meteorite moving at great speed punched through the Earth’s Atmosphere, Soil, Bedrock, and Water Layer, and then came to rest deep within the Mantle’s flesh. This injury brought lava, like blood, shooting up and out from deep within the Earth’s Outer Core. Ironically, it was this bleeding that saved the human race. Earth’s bleeding lava saved us from being on a water world. That escaping lava came out and made its way onto the surface of the fallen pieces of the Bedrock and formed scabs mixed with the soil skin (turned mud) to become raised up scars, places for refuge from the waves. We call these scabs “continents” and “islands” today. The lava both ruined and saved the planet, simultaneously. Without the pressure, heat and escaping lava, the planet wouldn’t have blown up; without the pressure, heat and escaping lava the continents would not have been raised and created. The pressure that was certainly created was the pressure from the contact of lava and water in a closed sphere, creating expanded water vapor; not what was present inside the Mantle before the contact. But both are likely.


A less obvious fifth job of the Mantle would have been to keep its Magnetic Field intact. I have a feeling that the magnetism of Earth is intended for more important things than just setting our compasses and GPS devices to. But I’ve heard that these days it isn’t what it used to be. And that it could just shift suddenly, too. I have a lot to learn in this area. All I know about this is from an aeronautical perspective (as a former pilot/controller), which isn’t much. But I have heard that the motion of the lava in the Outer Core, rotating around the Inner Core, creates a dynamo effect, which is the source of the magnetic field.

I see the Crust experiencing a tremendous earthquake (for lack of a better term) as it is expanding from the inner explosion, reverberating and shaking just before, and during, its complete collapse. I also see it turning or spinning on the Water Layer as it breaks up, due to the inertia of the meteoric impact and also the inertia of the resultant blast—especially since it occurred in water (actually, it’s probably still in motion). The irony of a blast happening in a sealed water container of sorts is that its effect was minimized. And we can surmise that it happened at the bottom of the Water Layer as opposed to the top. But the resulting waves must have been something to behold. And keep in mind that the water was in full motion before the explosion. (The Water Layer was in motion, while the Crust Bedrock upon it was not, because the Crust was being held by gravity to the Mantle. I don’t know what makes the Mantle rotate. The Moon may have played a part in stabilizing the Crust as well.)

With the bedrock likely spinning to a different orientation to the Mantle as it cracks and breaks apart, and all of the surficial features melting into mud, there’s no way to correlate our surface now with that surface back then. No way. I’m trying to describe what happens to a basically hollow rock ball that is blown apart while riding on deep water that it then falls into as a fractured mess. And that ball had loose soil on it that was washed away by the flowing, scalding water. What we see today on the surface is nothing like it was in the days before this catastrophe. Not one thing on the surface remained on the surface; not one part of the former surface remains as part of the surface now. Every square inch of the antediluvian surface is now under the oceans or continents. Every square inch of our current surface was created or formed during or slightly after the flood, 4300-some-odd-years ago. What was on top is on the bottom; what was on the bottom now makes up the top (when mixed with some of it). Soil is the only surviving part of the land; and most of it was turned to solid rock by the rising lava from the depths below. The Bedrock became our current Tectonic Plates.

Wherever North, South, East, and West were before the world exploded, they aren’t there now. Did things shift? Oh, yes; undoubtedly. Could they shift again? Why not? I doubt that a broken magnet is as good as one that’s intact (as a metaphor). But this shifting is also happening to the part that is now covered up by the brand new continents; the underlying Mantle. The really important shifting to the magnetosphere is probably a result of what happened to the Mantle. The Mantle must have shifted some when it exploded (imploded) inward as the Crust exploded outward. Maybe this touches on the variation between true North vs Magnetic North? Maybe pieces of both the Bedrock and Mantle surface are interfering with the dynamo effect of the Outer Core? This would be a good study for someone to undertake.

Now, I don’t think it is the Mantle that produces Earth’s gravity; I believe it’s primarily the Core (although this is still up for debate. Newton said all bodies attract each other in space). If the Core is the center of Earths’ gravity (the magnet), then having the shell of the “magnet” (the Mantle) burst inwardly may have had an influence on the magnetosphere (the magnetic field around the planet). On the other hand, if the Mantle is also responsible in part for Earth’s magnetosphere, then its demolition would definitely affect its field, I’d think. But maybe it’s all academic, because the Mantle includes the Core. But magnetism and gravity are two separate phenomena. I just use these terms for illustration.

Another image showing how the Mantle was subjected to a series of explosions when its lava met the Water Layer above, blowing parts of the Mantle inward.
(Image: Sebastian Noe / ETH Zurich)

Magnetic Fluctuations in the Crust

I would also expect smaller pieces of the Crust’s bedrock to be upside down in some measure across the planet. Maybe near the margins of plates (a plate is a big piece)? Is this another explanation for apparent polarity shifts in the rock in various places worldwide? Are some pieces (here and there) just upside down or sideways, and that’s why their polarity is different than other regions? That’s just something to think about (there will be more on this in just a minute). Pieces of all sizes and shapes were flying everywhere in this massive explosion. Some are extremely huge in surface area, while others are tiny pieces tossed about. I’m sure there are all sizes of medium as well. When a glass breaks on the floor, there will be large pieces, medium pieces, and extremely tiny pieces, all the way down to dust. Why would this be any different? The measurable polarity shows it.

Another likely reason for apparent shifts in magnetism in the rocks, which is more abundant, could be due to the soil turning to rock as it is still malleable and not yet fully hardened, but still receiving the magnetic signature imprint. While still being hardened, it could be pushed about, causing built-in fluctuations in the magnetic signature as it wrinkles and fractures from the motion.

Tectonics and Subduction

Look at the Tectonic Plates we have today; those are the pieces of the Crust Bedrock that fell onto the fractured and damaged Mantle. Some are on top of others; some got submerged into the Mantle’s hot lava depths. This is where the idea of subduction comes from. But it was really caused by the explosion and cracking of a collective of pieces (originally part of an intact sphere) that are larger together than the surface they fell onto. Naturally, physics demands that those pieces of a larger sphere must overlap each other, unless turned to small enough bits, when falling onto a smaller sphere. In our case, the pieces were mostly very large and overlap each other in places. However, there is evidence (shown in the images above of a “Broken Mantle”) that cooler pieces (pieces that don’t belong there) are found deep in the much hotter substances below. This says to me that some pieces did in fact go deep into the hot goo; pieces that didn’t start off there. (What say you?)

All of this is regarding the Bedrock pieces now on or in the fractured Mantle; but we can also observe the new rock formed from the hardening mud layers (that is, the soil that was atop the now shattered bedrock). When mud turns to sedimentary rock (through hardening by heat), a magnetic signature is imprinted into the layer. If it gets subsequently deformed or mangled somehow (depending on how soft and pliable or hard and brittle the forming rock is), that signature is already set and we can tell if it was turned. Some rocks are wrinkled up like cow patties and the waves of differing magnetism polarity can be read in their folds. So, to really confuse observers, there are those two kinds of rock: Broken Bedrock pieces (now tectonic plates) and cooked mud that hardened into sedimentary rock (now forming the continents above the plates). And since those pieces (the smaller ones) either flipped or sank into the Mantle, that would show up as anomalies in the magnetic signatures. And since some of them are overlapping, that is what we call “subduction”.

The Water Layer

This Water Layer is something that I don’t think you’ve heard about before. It’s a key element of the Broken Planet Model. I see no reason why this Water Layer cannot geologically explain nearly all of the major features of Earth’s surface today after the great catastrophe that ripped it apart, and also fit with the biblical narrative, which demands adherence (due to its veracity in everything else). This is opposed to the mainstream academic view, which fits with neither scientific observation nor the Bible (despite their claims that it does). We can now dispense with that idea and hold onto something that actually works in reality (Biblical Young Earth Creationism and the Broken Planet Model).


No one ever saw the Water Layer as it was. It was hidden deep under the surface of the Earth. It existed a few miles below the surface, under everyone’s feet, and they wouldn’t have even known it was there. 

My proposed Water Layer may have been less than two miles thick and directly covering the Mantle. I don’t know precisely how deep it was, since that detail wasn’t given to me in the image I saw. I came up with two miles by just looking at Google Earth and reading what the depths of the ocean are (I mean, it can only go as far down as the Mantle, right?). I think of the Mediterranean Sea as being about the same average depth as the Water Layer.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA—pronounced “Noah”), the average ocean depth is 12,100 feet, or 3,688 meters. The deepest parts go down as much as 35,876 feet, or 10,935 meters. So, on land, if you can see an aircraft’s contrail high in the sky but the airliner is too small to see very well, that’s about the same distance as being at the deepest bottom of the ocean and trying to see a boat on the surface. It’s deep. Really deep. But, I think the average depth today is very close to what the Water Layer’s depth may have been.

One of water’s many amazing properties is that it never really goes away from the Earth. It only gets moved around and changes states (solid, liquid, or gas). 

Supposing that there could not have been more water on planet Earth than what we have now, I think we could try to estimate how deep the Water Layer may have been, but that would seem to be difficult (to me) with all of the variables involved. No doubt, some smart college boys could figure it out.

First, we don’t know how big the single land mass then may have been exactly (not a continent, but a continuous layer). Why don’t we know this? We’ll look at that in the next section on the Crust Layer. But the way to go about determining the depth of the Water Layer involves knowing how much water would have been needed on the surface for life. If the entire Crust were inhabitable, meaning no oceans, that has an impact on how much water is left over for the Water Layer since they were both mixed together at the flood. If it were mostly ocean, well, you get the idea.  We have no way of knowing, so we just place no ocean as a baseline in the span of possibilities and go from there. (Personally, I think that the original soil layer was fairly thin and spread out with not too much water upon it or in it.) This really is not what the water was like though, since there were many life forms in the seas. Some of them were huge, like whales or aquatic dinosaurs. And we know that there were rivers, as mentioned in Genesis.

I would like to ask a hydrologist how much water she thinks would have been needed for life above the surface, if the planet only had land on the surface (a slightly larger surface than now). Once we know how much was needed, we can then just subtract that amount from the total amount of water on Earth and then we would know approximately how much was left over for the Water Layer as a maximum. (Some of you could probably do this off the top of your head.) But there were lakes, seas and rivers, so good luck.

This Water Layer would have been extremely important to Earth’s composition. Being directly on top of the Mantle, it would have acted as an insulator and even-distributor of the Core’s heat to the Crust above (I’ll get to the Crust next section).

The Mantle and the Water Layer together would have been a perfect heater for the new planet’s Crust Layer above.

The Water Layer would have been fresh water, without any lifeforms in it, with the possible exception of microbes. (idk, in my experience, boiling kills germs—microbes.) It would have been anaerobic (without air) as its Mean Sea Level was probably in the midst of the lower Bedrock bottom of the Crust above it.

There were likely currents in the Water Layer from the Coriolis Force, but since there’s no shore to crash into, the flow would’ve been smooth and steady—nonstop.

I wouldn’t doubt that the Sun or Moon had some gravitational effect on the Water Layer, but I don’t know what it would have been. The gravitational pulls from farther away and acting upon only one side of Earth at a time would be too minimal for me to think they mattered at all, really, versus Earth’s gravity pulling from within upon all sides at once and so close, (yes, even for the Sun—our orbit is the reaction to Sun’s pull, after all). And then, with the Water Layer theoretically in motion, it would be subject to circular forces that stabilize its position within the rocks on both sides of it (containing it). This means that the water would be less susceptible to being pulled to one side of the Mantle or the other by either the Sun or the Moon (or Jupiter or anything else, really) as the water was already going from one side of the Mantle (Earth) to the other (very quickly, at that). The rotating force of the water cannot be easily overridden by even an equal force, much less by the weak tug of gravity from another body. Completely contained, the Water Layer is very stable as a single mass of energy in constant motion. Like gravity, it has a force of its own that counteracts gravity from afar (in this sense). It is so busy going sideways, that it doesn’t want to go any other way. (Look up Angular Momentum, if not familiar.)

If the Moon had any effect at all on the Water Layer, it may have been to pull some water onto the surface as it passed by that region to water the surface (since there was water transfer between Water Layer and Surface). But this is speculation on my part. I hope that someone smarter than me will look into this.

So, having the two spheres arranged this way (Mantle and Bedrock), with the one gravitationally pulling from inside the other, uniformly on all surfaces of the outer sphere all at once, insures that the outer sphere remains stable in its distance from the inner sphere pulling upon it. It would be nearly impossible for the outer sphere to make contact with the inner sphere for this reason. But add in the volume and density of the liquid water in motion between them, and “voila!”, a perfect planet for comfort and stability. The liquid Water Layer had mass, volume, density, and angular momentum, as well as intense heat and pressure. It isn’t budging in one direction or the other. It is the perfect substance for the role it played then, just as it is now.

Therefore, don’t think that the stone ball (Crust Bedrock) containing the Water Layer would have fallen into the Water Layer, contacting the Mantle (as some may think seeing the two stacked up in an illustration). That’s kind of silly, really. It’s a ball; that God formed to hold together. How could it fall on its own, without something to make it fall? It had to break to release the water. It might have been strong but brittle at the same time—like most masonry structures, with water seeping or passing through it.

But break, it did, when the layers were punched through and the explosion happened. Still, we know through hydraulics that water is very strong when it cannot be displaced. In fact, it’s harder than rock in that regard (you can crush rock). If it can’t escape the pressure of whatever is on top of it, it just suspends whatever is on it, no matter how heavy. Water has to be displaced for something to fall through it. No displacement; no collapse into it. This also keeps the Crust from wobbling upon the Mantle, as just discussed. Liquid water can be really dense when captured and unable to escape.

The Water Layer suspended the Crust Layer above it just fine until the Crust was broken, giving the water a path for displacement. And that displacement was the Flood.

When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the underground waters erupted from the earth, and the rain fell in mighty torrents from the sky. The rain continued to fall for forty days and forty nights.
(Genesis 7:11-12, NLT)

Hopefully, that once cryptic verse isn’t so cryptic for you now, is it? “Fountains of the Great Deep” it’s called in other versions. “Bursting forth,” they say; “underground waters erupted” it says here. Yeah, under a lot of pressure on a global scale at that! Spraying and spewing forth greatly! And when super hot water meets air, it really goes bananas. I’ll get to the rain in a little bit. For now, realize that this hidden Water Layer became the surging waters. The first rainfall was from water being spewed high into the atmosphere from the explosion as it was jetted through the rocky cracks. This initial “rain” is brown and gray from dirt and ash mingling with it. It has pieces of earth joining it in its leap to the heavens and fall back down to earth. It’s a cloud of pyroclastic debris and water. It’s all on fire from lava and extreme (sunlike) heat. Smoke is billowing fiercely as it struggles to keep up with the deadly projectiles in their shooting array of chaos and destruction. The rain from weather phenomena will be discussed a bit later. This rain is fallout. And it’s nuclear fallout at that.

So now you know that Earth’s ruin at Noah’s Flood wasn’t just from the rain (that was not what killed everything and everyone); it was the bedrock and soil falling out from under them into a deep, torrential bed of scalding, flowing water. They were cooked as they were torn to pieces and drowned. The REAL flood had nothing to do with 40 days of rain covering Mt. Everest by 22’. That would be impossible. (BTW, the Mariana Trench is about 36,070 feet below sea level, while Mt. Everest is about 29,032 feet above sea level, for a spread of about 65,102 feet, or 19,843 meters, or 12.3 miles. That might be the total thickness of the continents worldwide, from the deepest bottom to the tippy top of the highest heights.)

Those waters erupted all right. Some water may have left the atmosphere! Sometimes, eruption just isn’t a strong enough word. This is one of those times. But the eruption would have been brief, like an explosion. Because it was one. Big earthquake; instant death. Nothing but water for months. Can you see it? Water explodes outwardly from the blast; instantly after that (simultaneously, really), swirling, gushing water removes and replaces land; everywhere on Earth; all at once. Kaboom! Flush! Then the world becomes water. But you wouldn’t see it from orbit, because of the overcast; from smoke, dust, debris, and fog to the tallest towering cumulonimbus monsters covering every inch of the planet.
1) Green Planet; 2) White Planet; 3) Brown Planet; 4) Blue Planet.

Green Planet
White Planet
Brown Planet
Blue Planet

The Crust Layer

Finishing out the Layers of Earth is the Crust Layer on top of the Water Layer. The Crust Layer back then was a free-floating ball on a bed of water. It isn’t falling through the water for the same reason that canteens don’t fall into the water inside of them. Or, think of a coconut; it’s rounder, like Earth. Best yet, think of a gyrocompass, as a free-floating ball on water. And remember that gravity is holding the Crust and Mantle in a stable state of separation, while the Water Layer provides support to the possibly flimsy Bedrock. But I already covered this above.

Today, we know there is a gap, called an unconformity, that goes by the name of its discoverer: The Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho). This is where the Water Layer was originally contained. Now it’s just a place where the two surfaces above and below it are different. It was a gap that held water, but now it’s a line that shows a place of separation in the rock strata.

The Crust Layer would have been the perfect environment for life on Earth—nothing like it is seen today with its current jagged, hostile environs. I see the Crust then as being a hollow ball, filled with water and having a rock mantle in the center that gives off heat. It would have been something to behold.


The Crust Layer in my model has two basic layers to it: 1) a Bedrock Layer and (2) a Soil Layer on top (with some surficial water in the mix, too, naturally).

Picture, if you can, a Bedrock bottom of the Crust (or look at the pictures). It’s anywhere from 2 to 5 or more miles thick—just guessing. Again, I wasn’t given specific numbers, so be loose in your imaginings—or do the math yourself. Actually, the thickness of the Pacific Ocean floor is probably it. For sure, it is whatever lies directly above the Moho.

In the midst of this Bedrock Layer is the Mean Sea Level of Earth’s Water Layer that contacts the Crust and probably feeds it with a constant supply of fresh water through springs or vents or a porous bottom. (Water transfer between Crust and Water Layers is necessary to the model, since Genesis mentions it in the Bible. It also says that Noah was to use tar or pitch to seal the Ark. Hot vents would likely produce tar pits).

On top of this rock bottom is either soil (amazing soil full of life that we would not be able to properly imagine today) or sand (if aquatic).  Sure, mud, clay, and other soils were there too, as well as metal ores, jewels, and the like (tar pits too). The bottom surface of the Bedrock that contacted the Water Layer was super smooth. I imagine the possibility of sand and gravel being at the bottom.

The land produces such diversity and volume and splendor of life that no person today could accurately capture its beauty and vitality. I see nothing but gently rolling hills of various biomes, with who knows what kind of beauty, covering this Crust in one land mass that is slightly larger than our planet is now. I don’t call it a “continent” so that it is not confused with the continents of today. Can you imagine walking through a forest the size of the Pacific Ocean? All of where the Atlantic is now was once land. No islands in deep oceans; just freshwater rivers and shallow lakes or seas on an endless land mass everywhere. No deserts or barren lands or deep oceans. All areas are full of life. Antarctica was not there; only more land as warm and fertile as everywhere else on this lush planet. The North Pole was the same—no Arctic Ocean—just lush vegetation teeming with life. No breaks in the land, really; only shallow seas and lakes scattered about with a few rivers here and there, likely in the lowlands.

How about perfect soil that is hundreds of meters to a few kilometers deep and can grow anything in an amazingly short period of time by our standards? How about if this perfect soil were everywhere but under the shallow seas? And what if all the minerals the people needed were easy to recognize and get to and extract? 

Regarding the Bedrock Layer under the soil, this is what we now call the “Tectonic Plates”. They are the pieces of rock that used to be in one complete ball, a little larger in diameter than our Crust is now. Some are huge and some are small. Some smaller ones might be upside down. Some are stacked on or overlapping each other (called “subduction”). And some may have been pushed into the now mushy Mantle, sunken into its depths. Today, all of Earth is on shaky ground.


Freshwater lakes and seas could have been abundant and beautiful across the globe. Rivers (a scar from the massive runoff of the Great Flood today) may or may not have been as they are now. We do know that there were rivers coming out of the Bible’s Eden in the “East”. But we don’t know if there were any others in the world or not. Most definitely, the Amazon, Congo, Mississippi, and Yangtze were not around before Noah’s Flood (a certainty with my model). What the rivers were like then is a mystery we’ll never know. (I could see Noah, himself, naming the Tigris and Euphrates rivers as he followed them southward from his landing site toward the Plain of Shinar—and Japheth laughing about it. I mean, if it’s the first river to be named, using a familiar name of a large river might be expected.)

The deepest seas on the Crust Layer would likely have been no more than 1000 feet deep or so (like America’s Great Lakes, or the Caspian or Black Sea, or Utah’s Great Salt Lake, and Africa’s Lake Victoria, etc.). The tallest mountains could not have been more than a couple thousand feet tall above sea level. Just gently rolling hills—everywhere, I’d think. Don’t think of their seas as being like the deep oceans that we have today. Think only of water like what is on the continents now, at most.

I wouldn’t expect a passage from the surficial waters to the underground chambers for anything but water. Only because getting caught down there would be too scary and far too dangerous for any creature. However the water was transferred, it had to have been without allowing animals to pass through. Water that is two miles deep, pitch-black, in violent motion, and hundreds to thousands of degrees hot, and anaerobic is not a friendly environment for any earth life that I can think of.

I imagine the deeper seas to be resting on the top of the Bedrock Layer below. This would maximize the depths and allow for easier transfer of water between the surface water and the Water Layer below. The shallower lakes may have had sandy bottoms. Who knows? But one thing I believe is that the large seas had to be wide enough for the mud to stay far enough away for the sea life to be able to breathe in the waters and to not get scalded to death by the super hot waters below when they rose to mingle together. This would provide pockets of livable temperatures without all of the mud that dominated the planet for a time there. Just guessing.

Water Table

When talking about the water level underground, we call it the “water table”; like the local sea level under the surface. I think that the water table would change as the Moon went by. Like now, how it causes tides in the ocean, I think that it could have pulled water up out of the Water Layer onto the surface. Just a hunch, at this point. We need to know what the tectonic plates are made of to get a better idea. There had to be a system of water exchange between the water above and below the Bedrock. That makes the Bedrock porous or having shafts, tunnels, or vents necessary. Maybe it was both (porous and vented). It would be neat to know, but not crucial to the model whether it was porous or vented.

Other Features

Nonexistent (yet) were the tall mountains, deep valleys, deserts, caverns, and volcanoes that we have on the surface today. Not one tall mountain existed on the whole surface of Earth; no Grand Canyons either. The Crust wasn’t as smooth as the Mantle, but it was very smooth compared to today’s broken, jagged Crust with soaring peaks and plunging canyons. All of those features are the results of the razing of This Broken Planet of ours.

Green Planet

Pre-Flood Weather

Wherever you would have walked on Earth in that time before the great collapse of the Crust, the weather would have been perfect “birthday suit weather” all the time, regardless of location or date or time of day or night. The reason for the perfect temperature everywhere on Earth is the Water Layer on top of the hot nuclear Mantle, distributing a very even temperature to all places on Earth all of the time. 

The atmosphere over the Crust would have been very calm too.  Today, it’s the temperature differences around the world that drive the extreme weather patterns that can be so deadly and destructive to us. Before the Flood, there were no temperature differences great enough to move much wind across the surface at all. Maybe an occasional gentle breeze, especially on the coasts or near vents of steam. I could see that if an ocean heated up too much it would start some local weather, but very mildly. It’s difficult to imagine much weather change at all. The air was humid and perhaps more oxygen rich than now.

This means there would have been none of this:

  • Snow
  • Ice
  • Sleet or Hail
  • High Winds
  • Thunderstorms
    • Thunder
    • Lightning
  • Tsunamis or Floods
  • Earthquakes
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • Uncomfortably Low Temperatures 

Features that may have existed could have included:

  • Blowholes or Pressure Vents
  • Springs of water bubbling up from below
  • Steam Vents
  • Hot Springs
  • High humidity 
  • Tar Pits near hot vents from below (melting vegetation)
  • Nearly constant atmospheric pressure

Life on this antediluvian (pre-flood) world would have been amazing. Nothing about the weather is trying to kill you—just other men and maybe some animals, plants, and microbes. 

I have heard that the atmosphere then may have had a much higher concentration of oxygen, which would have given people and animals a much healthier life. They say you could have hiked forever with that amount of oxygen in the air.

Mid-Flood Weather

Okay, so that was the perfect weather of the antediluvian (pre-flood) world. But the Bible talks about there being 40 days of rain worldwide during the Flood. And not just a few days here and then a few days there as it traveled around…no, no, no. I think it means 40 days of solid rainfall, globally, all at once! Which is a lot, to be sure, but it isn’t even close to the real damage that was already done with the Crust Bedrock collapsing out from under humanity into the Water Layer. Like pulling the chair out from under someone. Or hitting the bull’s-eye on a dunk tank! FLOOSH! Face it; God flushed the antediluvian world down the drain—before the rain even began.

And that Water Layer was likely in great motion with much kinetic energy before the explosion. It would be like having the land fall into a gigantic torrential river.

“Instant flood waters just a raging and a raging; coming up from below.”

But yes, there was rain too—a lot of rain. So much rain that the world has never seen that much rain in its turbulent weather systems before or since—not even close.

What causes hurricanes? I’ve heard it has to do with the ocean water being very warm, making warm, moist air above it. That warm air soon meets with colder air and then it condenses a lot more than it would if it had just come up out of the colder water. (I hope that I got that right. I’m sure there’s more to it than that.)

So, if warm water causes huge storms like the ones Florida gets every year, what would happen if the water were really hot (like boiling or hotter) all over the world? And in motion? And what if the air was growing colder because of global sky obscuration (clouds) and rain? Because of the explosion, there was an initial burst of water jetted high into the atmosphere that would have taken time to return to the surface as rain, while cooling the already humid air—a blast of clouds and rain to cool the atmosphere.

Well, isn’t this the perfect storm, with the perfect ingredients for the most water exchange possible through weather? Some hot water exploded high into the sky all around the globe to fall back as cooling rain. At the same time, scalding water was gushing up through the Crust’s Bedrock cracks, as the Bedrock collapsed into the Water Layer, falling onto the ruptured Mantle. The former soft Soil Layer became one with the water and turned to mud. But because the water was so hot as it contacted the air, the weather would have gone bananas instantly. Heavy fog and steam would’ve formed instantly on the surface of the entire globe and then rapidly grown into towering cumulonimbus monsters (really big storm clouds) very quickly in a solid blanket over the whole world at once. Really, water that hot would have exploded into the air.

The clouds would have been much bigger, thicker, and deadlier than your worst Kansas thunder-bumpers. They would have been filled with volcanic ash and smoke, each of which is deadly by itself, but this volcanic smoke and ash cloud would have been everywhere over the Earth at the same time, blocking out the Sun and its heat for quite a while (several weeks? 40 days?). 

Ash would have likely been rare on the planet before this eruption. I would imagine that many of the metric tons of ash on the surface now were delivered in these first 40 days of the flood. But we’ve had a lot of eruptions since then, and many more to come before it’s over. It’s amazing the Ark made it at all (call it God’s providence).

Temperatures worldwide would have gone nuts, while the whole beautiful structure and its efficient ways are dashed and scattered, blended and churned into swirls of destruction. The skies are cooling now from water saturation and blockage of the Sun’s needed rays of heat. The sky is quickly super saturated with moisture. Condensation is nearly automatic with the searing seas meeting tepid skies. Cooling from above and warming from below. The world is overcast from sea level to the highest heights of the sky. This is the perfect mother storm of all storms. Earth at this time is a storm planet; a White Planet.

White Planet

Hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, and just high winds… you name it. Also, those seas were already a lot warmer than ours, and the humidity in the atmosphere would have been quite lofty to begin with globally, making the situation ridiculously moist; while the explosion made things ridiculously turbulent. The water is moving so severely that it is moving the already turbulent air above it and vice versa (everything is in motion from the explosion for a whileall forms of water and “land, which is mud at this time).

This had to be beyond uncomfortable for the 8 people and thousands of animals locked inside the Ark. I think it was because of the heat that God told Noah to build windows all along the top of the Ark, for life-saving ventilation. 

The weather during the Great Flood was the worst weather ever, and will never be so bad again (as promised by God, with a rainbow to remind us). 40 days of solid rain actually sounds just about right for all of what was happening at the time, meteorologically.

I invite meteorologists to examine this scenario and talk about what they find. It should be interesting. The winds alone would have been legendary: Tornadoes; hurricanes; El Niño(s) (°.°) …we’ll just say it came from, and went it in, all directions. 

So, the weird thing about the rain is that it didn’t land on any people. They had all gotten sucked underground (or water) and were all dead by the time the rain had started. And the rain started almost immediately (probably within the first hour, globally). And if any strong flying birds were able to take to the air, they may have been drowned mid-flight before collapsing into the scalding water and mud! (The air was really saturated with water molecules really quickly.)

We’ll look at Post Flood Weather in the next chapter on the worldwide Flood. 

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.  For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.  They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! 
(2nd Timothy 3:1-5)

And that’s just the Church. No, really. Salt and light, Church, Salt and light. 

Before and after Noah’s Flood

Before leaving my model description, I’ll just show some verses that eliminate most other models (creation models) from consideration due to not matching these Bible passages. Non-creationist models are already eliminated from consideration. This is for the Bible geeks out there. If we are going to say that our model is biblical, then it must fit with all verses of the Bible. Even these verses:

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
(Psalm 24:1-2, NLT)

Models that have a Pangaea-type continent, like our continents now (only bigger), that wasn’t actually above the waters, don’t quite reach the biblical mark here. The quote says that the earth (dirt) foundations were ON the waters; not abutting the waters like now. Any model that has huge open oceans cannot be biblical, then. Every biblical model must have all land on top of water. Yes?

This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, neither wild plants nor grains were growing on the earth. For the LORD God had not yet sent rain to water the earth, and there were no people to cultivate the soil. Instead, springs [or mist] came up from the ground and watered all the land.
(Genesis 2:4-6, NLT)

I know that the Hydroplate Theory (from Walt Brown) matches this description, but I don’t know of any others, besides my Broken Planet Model. The water table could have been high as well.

“The Lord formed me [wisdom] from the beginning, before he created anything else. I was appointed in ages past, at the very first, before the earth began. I was born before the oceans were created, before the springs bubbled forth their waters. Before the mountains were formed, before the hills, I was born—before he had made the earth and field and the first handfuls of soil. I was there when he established the heavens, when he drew the horizon on the oceans. I was there when he set the clouds above, when he established springs deep in the earth I was there when he set the limits of the seas, so they would not spread beyond their boundaries. And when he marked off the earth’s foundations, I was the architect at his side. I was his constant delight, rejoicing always in his presence. And how happy I was with the world he created; how I rejoiced with the human family!”
(Proverbs 8:22-31)

Since God set the boundaries for the seas (post-flood), which they cannot cross, we have little reason to worry about “global warming” flooding us out. All of Antarctica’s snow, if melted, would not add, really, to the vast oceans of Earth at all. And we know that when ice is floating in water, like icebergs, it adds nothing to the water level when it melts into the body of water that it’s floating in. (Look up Displacement.) This means that the entire Arctic Ocean can melt completely and add not one inch to sea level. The same is true with the Antarctic ice in the southern seas. But Greenland will NOT turn green before the Lord returns. And since it has very little land mass anyway, the snow on the rocks of Greenland is not enough to make any impact at all on sea level. We cannot count the ice in water as adding to sea level; only snow and ice away from the water, on land, can add to its level. And where there is land (Greenland, the Arctic Circle, and Antarctica) a water table must be established under and in its soil first. But since these areas are the largest deserts on Earth, they would need to first establish a water table. So that would take care of much of the snow. Makes sense? Let us not panic about “Global Warming”, while our souls are in danger of Hell’s Fire.

He gathered the waters of the seas like water skins and set the deep in storehouses.
(Psalm 33:7, Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

This verse is a difficulty for models that do not contain vast stores of water underground (without exposure to the atmosphere). If I understand it correctly, the Catastrophic Plate Tectonics model (CPT) does not quite match up with this verse. I think it basically has oceans like today existing before the flood, which were open to the air. That doesn’t work, biblically.

At the blast of your breath, the waters piled up! The surging waters stood straight like a wall; in the heart of the sea the deep waters became hard.
(Exodus 15:8, NLT)

Quickly, I’ll say that the piling up of the waters could refer to the explosion that sent water high into the sky. Indeed, from a distance, water jetting from between two huge plates of bedrock (with much force) would resemble a wall momentarily before collapsing to the earth. Into the heart of the sea came mud, which definitely became hard. The Berean Bible puts it like this:

At the blast of Your nostrils the waters piled up; like a wall the currents stood firm; the depths congealed in the heart of the sea.
(Exodus 15:8, Berean Standard Bible)

These interpretations agree with my model that has soil thickening and hardening in the waters of and after the flood (the heart of it). I don’t think they mean that the water hardened, as in icing, but rather that there was a hardening that occurred within the depths. Here, in the Berean version, the depths are what congealed. What are depths? They don’t have to be water, although they are in water. And that’s what the model shows; muddy depths congealing in the heart of the sea. Other creationist models do not quite reach this level of agreement with scripture. (Just saying.)


  1. What is Irreducible Complexity?
  2. What do we now call the broken pieces of the former Bedrock Layer?
  3. What caused the Mantel to pop, that caused the Bedrock to expand and collapse?
  4. Instead of just rain, what was the real destructive force of the Flood?


  1. The term for something that has to be made in a complete, fully operational state from its creation in order to work. To remove one part of its construction or design would make it unusable.
  2. Tectonic Plates.
  3. It is believed to have been a meteorite impact. The resulting explosion from lava meeting water blew up the Bedrock Layer above.
  4. The collapse of the Bedrock Layer into the Water Layer. It wasn’t that the water level rose; it’s that the land fell.


Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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