This Broken Planet (online)

Chapter One | competing worldviews  


When you ask the question, “How did we get here?” you’re engaging in cosmology—the study of the beginning of the cosmos. The cosmos is the physical universe—all physical matter. (For me, cosmology is also the study of the beginning of spiritual things and spirit beings as well.) There are good cosmologies and there are bad cosmologies. But the word “cosmology” is neutral. It’s just the arena for the fight, so to speak. 

It’s also a belief. What you believe about cosmology is a matter of faith; not proof—regardless of your position. There is no scientific data from the creation and years immediately following, enabling us to say that science can prove a cosmology is false (see chapter 6), it can only speculate—possibly really well, if done right.

If you believe that science has all of the answers, including the opinions stated by scientists, then you are exercising your faith in their comments. Your faith is in them. How is that superior to believing the story put forth by a Book that claims to be from the One Who put the Earth in place? A Book that is true in all of its teachings, which are many and varied, just as life is. That’s a Book worth investigating, in my view. As are the claims of scientists—it’s all worth investigating, isn’t it? 

(Did you answer my question as to which is superior by looking at the evidence? Did you answer that the secular view is superior because it comes from science?) Well, let’s do that together. Let’s see whose claims make the most sense to us scientifically, logically, and theologically (as we put our fears, biases, hatred, and any other negative feelings aside). “Father, help us to open our hearts and minds to your truth, amen.”

The Bible is not Christianity; it’s a book that says it’s from the Creator of all creation. Christianity has become a religion. Christianity needs to be monitored for truth. The Canonical Bible has already been vetted and is trustworthy (just watch out for a few bad translations out there. See chapter 8 for a short list). People—what the Church is made of—are fickle; one minute they’re fine, the next, they’re not good at all. Don’t judge The BOOK by its COVER (that is, the ones smothering it; those calling themselves the Church). It teaches us to have self-control; not to exercise control over others, for example. Whoever has done that in the past or today, was and is wrong for doing so. Much abuse has come through religious Christianity over the centuries since becoming mainstream. And there is more to come; no doubt.

How you answer the question, “How did we get here?” will weigh heavily on how you receive this new theory of mine. And it is just a theory, since I am not God, or even a prophet of God. I’m just a regular guy with a high school diploma. But the bottom of it will reveal your willingness to accept or deny a spiritual reality—regardless of the ample amount of scientific data in the world that accompanies it—there is a God…and He talks to us.

You see, this kind of thing will always get boiled down to faith, regardless of the evidence before us. We all have the same evidence, you know, what differs is how we receive it, or allow ourselves to perceive it. This book is my public profession of my own faith (my cosmology). I think it’s worth sharing. 

If you didn’t know, the word “cosmology” is a word used in both education and religion. And they each seem to have their own opposing in-house cosmological views nowadays as well.  Like I said; it’s controversial. 

Sadly, we’ve been born into a war zone, and the nannies that have been watching over the orphans have been prepping them for slaughter. The schools have our children and grandchildren so confused that they can’t even define what a woman is, let alone treat her right. I see where the schools have been taking our children. They are the proverbial “Pied Piper”, leading the children to death everlasting—as are the religions. 

At one time, the local college was teaching what the local church said about scientific subjects. But now, they differ from each other, and there are differences of opinion inside each institution’s walls as well. Neither is the hero; both have been villainous. (If you are a church attendee, then you know that Jesus is the hero, not those in the pews or pulpits.) And I’m not saying that teachers or pastors are villains. I’m saying that the ideologies coming from either can have error, which is the real villain.

Just as scientists disagree on much of cosmology with each other, the Church members disagree with each other about it too. But somehow along the way, much of the Church decided to follow the college guys instead of God. They gave up on God too soon, before all of the evidence was in. No wonder disagreements abound.

The Past: Abstract or Reality?

Well, the past is reality that fades into abstraction in our minds. We can’t really keep ahold of time as it slips past us. But God can. He has a record of every thought, word, or deed of every person ever conceived written in the books of life. 

We tend to think the way that we are taught to think. Luckily, one of my closest life teachers growing up was a peaceful, humble scientist and genius—my dad. My other most prominent teacher was my mom; whose faith is rock solid and she has a good sense of reality as well. They’re both very grounded. They both taught me how to think, not necessarily what to think. They both showed me to God, like all good parents should.

If you were taught primarily by schoolteachers, you may have picked up some bad information. When you are under a teacher, you are at the mercy of their biases and worldview (and those of their superiors if in an organization, like school). There is much capacity for truth to be abused in a formalized setting, such as school. Well, no worse than any other setting, it is just usually mass communicated from a school, impacting more souls at a time (like broadcasting fake news). Well, there is the demand of regurgitation of the so-called “facts” that they present and grade you on, too. BTW, the same can be said of churches when it comes to spreading fake news and views. I have yet to find an organization made up of people that has true purity in its message.

Now I know that schools in the world are run by someone with an agenda against our kids. That someone uses people without their knowledge of even being used! He is a very smooth operator. A lot of teachers have had to answer to God for telling lies to children that are harmful to their relationship with Him, even though they were deceived as well. 

The real deceiver is Satan, but people are his instruments of delivery. And God will make us answer for listening to and following the devil instead of Him. God has been pretty upfront about that the whole time. (He still hasn’t forgiven the snake for letting Satan in, I guess.)

But beyond that, we tend to put the past into a more abstract context in our minds. Even our own memories can be deceiving or unreliable. As a collective, we have had a tendency to stretch out our recollection of history, making it seem longer than it really was. I mean, it’s so abstract that we can apparently stretch it into millions of years in our conceptualization of it, and beyond that even into billions, which if discussing years is just crazy. God gave us logic to deduce that such a concept is ludicrous if applied to the world beneath our feet today. But hey, if you’re going to Nah Nah Land, you might as well go all the way, I guess. It really does cost one’s grip on reality to cradle the notion of a million years of history for us here, though. Either hang onto reality or millions of years—you can’t hold on to both. They’re too far apart. (See? I am a diehard Young Earther. Not to worry, that’s about as abusive as I get.)

The reality is that our history on this proving ground has been very brief and it is due to be fulfilled in a very short time (1,000 more years to go). Satan’s rule over us (with his lies) is about to end. That is because Jesus is about to come back and imprison Satan and his entire army. He will destroy the kingdom of darkness and rule God’s Kingdom of Light from Jerusalem. That’s when heaven comes to Earth.

My Cosmology

What I believe about the world has always started and stopped with the Bible. And no, that is not circular reasoning; it’s where I start and where I finish. It’s the first book to come off the shelf and the last to go back on (so to speak, I really don’t shelve the Bible that I use daily).

The reason this practice of mine has endured my entire adult life is that the Bible continues to survive all assaults against it. If it could be ruled out, I’d let it be ruled out. But that just hasn’t happened yet with respect to Earth’s origin and the Bible’s validity in all matters. 

In fact, when I hear the theories of how Earth came into existence that are contrary to scripture, they just seem silly to me (whether religion- or science-born). But I have always listened to and pondered them open-mindedly. I respect those people, as individuals, regardless of their views, just for being made in the image of the Living God. Although the opposite is true regarding my Y.E.C. beliefs and others who hold to the same teaching as the universities—they laugh in my face. But it’s okay; I understand why they act as they do. And the same can be said of those who are less than cordial when presenting a biblical point of view to others who do not. We all need to work harder at being nice to each other when disagreeing. I am speaking of person to person here, not institution to institution, or kingdom against kingdom, or ideology versus ideology.

All I am trying to say is that I am not judgmental toward those who see things differently than I do. And I hope that the reader (that’s you) can be open-minded toward my message here as well.  But it might get a little weird for you, depending on what you already believe about this stuff. I’m pretty sure that you’ve never received this message before now—either in church or in school. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how well-read or not, or any other distinction that could be made about who you are and what you know. No matter what, you are on level ground with everyone else in this because nobody else (with few exceptions) has received this message either (from me). This is the world premiere of this cosmological view (actually, the online version was published first).

If I could offer any spoiler at all, it would be that the lies told worldwide for over these last 200 years have been hugely, and I do mean hugely, exaggerated from reality. So that would make my idea seem like fantasy to those who have heard and believed the biggest fantasies of them all that are godless.

An important thing to remember as you read through this presentation is that you will be presented with facts about the world—the real world. As you receive these facts about Earth, and see how they fit with what the Bible says and not with what the schools say, try to realize that the rest of the Bible is true to observable science as well (when applicable).

The Bible can be trusted in every single message it puts forth. It is through studying the world that the Bible comes to life; and it is through studying the Bible that the world discovers life.

The Spiritual Side of Things

This, too, may be strange for you, but I’m about to explain a very personal, but simple, scenario that I have in my mind regarding the creation and how God did it. But this also touches on the very essence of God and Who He is. It also discusses Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a way that might be new to you. But trust me, I’m not leaving the Bible in any of this. At least, I don’t see me as getting unbiblical here. Before reacting to some of these details, please consider their agreement with biblical revelation. See if what I am saying is biblical. Test it.


God is infinite and lives in infinite light. But why don’t we see His light? If it’s infinite, we should see it. But we have darkness in space. And the light that we have is not like the light that He calls His glory (a special, spiritual light that is not broken by objects the way our physical light is—it just shines right through anything physical). 

His light casts no shadows and is actually unapproachable. 

[God] alone can never die, and He lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach Him. No human [mortal] eye has ever seen Him, nor ever will. All honor and power to Him forever! Amen.
(1 Timothy 6:16, NLT)

If we were to try to enter God’s presence, we would cease to exist, I guess, but how would we even get to Him? He is literally on His own. No mortal human may enter His unapproachable light. I call this His Divine Realm; a place where He and only He exists, since He is infinite and His creation is not.

I believe it is the evil that we carry in us that cannot exist in the presence of God and His Unapproachable Light. Evil is in us like a virus, but a part of us, like our physical DNA. I call it our spiritual DNA (the Depraved Nature of Adam), since it’s as incurable as ridding ourselves of our deoxyribonucleic acid (the physical DNA that cannot be removed from us if we want to have a physical body). So what is God’s solution to this apparent problem (of creating creatures that He knows will quickly become imperfect and therefore unable to approach Him)? 

Well, God had to place a kind of buffer between His unapproachable goodness that would automatically destroy our evil and us along with it. I mean, it probably didn’t take Satan any time at all to fall from God’s grace (thinking he could be equal to God). So this buffer had to be in place ahead of time—before the creation. And since God knows all things from start to finish and then some, He knew that this would happen, oh, and that Adam and Eve would follow suit, just as quickly. God created beings that were good but they became bad on their own. We ruined ourselves. He is not to blame for our ruin, especially since He has been protecting us all along.

So, He made a buffer between His creation and Himself. This buffer is a living Being—a part of Him that is like His arms and hands (as a metaphor). God divided or multiplied Himself without losing any of His presence in each Person that He presents to us. He actually gives Himself two new Personas or Persons within Himself: He calls One His “Son”; and the Other, His “Spirit”—The Right Hand and the Left Hand of God, if you will. He is filling Both and giving Each His own status as God over creation (that is soon to come). They are All considered God—One God in three Persons. 

Together, I call Jesus and Holy Spirit “Adonai” (“my Lord“, in Hebrew). For me, They are One and are unified. For me, there is but one Adonai. Jesus is His human Body and Soul; Holy Spirit is His Spirit, Who can come into contact with me without destroying me. At the same time, Adonai is very much connected to the Father and shares His position above angels and us. They are together very much our God; the One Living God. Using logic, three infinite Persons must be united, by default. How could God not be One with and within His infinite Self (x3)? (1 x 1 x 1 = 1. For producing 1 God; not 3. He didn’t add to Himself; He multiplied or divided Himself).

I am made in His image, partly because He is One Who holds many lifeforms inside of Him and I am one who holds many lifeforms inside of me (physically). You too.

A Spiritual Image of the Creation

1. Physical Realm 2. Spiritual Realm 3. Divine Realm
The hands are Jesus and Holy Spirit; 3 is the Father

I have in my mind this God with His Two Hands cupped together before Him. Like in the image of the hands. Inside the cupped hands, He begins to create the two realms that are the creation: the Physical and the Spiritual Realms.  The cupped hands are to protect us from His righteousness. 

Possible Arrangements of both Realms: Side by Side; Conjoined; Connected; Concentric; Something else (phased)?

Inside these hands, that are larger than all creation, He begins to form matter and spirit. I see streams of both flowing from His Hands into the creation, forming and shaping it all in a fast, fluid manner. Like a beautiful sculpture that forms itself. The Spirit was hovering over the waters. Before it was even all together, He began breathing life into it; abundant life; numerous and varied. And last of all, He made us in His image. When you think of it, woman was the pinnacle of His creative works; the icing on the cake. Try to stay humble, girls.

So really, matter didn’t come from nothing; it came from Him. And we are inside of Him at this moment. But we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit between us and Him (Father God). They are our protection from the Father’s righteousness that would annihilate us. He put them there for our benefit; not His. If we did not have Adonai between us and God, we would have been destroyed immediately, I’m sure. And since we must go through Adonai to get to the Father, and because Father says so, we call Jesus and Holy Spirit “God”. And from where we are standing, they are God; our Creator. You may argue that the Father brought them into existence and thereby created them; however, He then proceeded to create us through them, making them our God. So their divine relationship is above our station to even contemplate. But He didn’t really bring them into existence from nothing, they are and always have been a part of Him. And we are to worship both Holy Spirit and Jesus as God. It’s a command. They are shown to be God and we are to worship God. That’s it.

And think about this: All that Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Father do is for us. God is totally focused on us—each and every one of us personally. He has done nothing but serve us the whole time.

(If this comment triggers some pain in your heart toward the loss of a loved one or some other tragedy that brings animus toward God from you, please remember that He is not the one who brought pain into the world; we are. And when you turn from Him in anger, He is unable to soothe your pain. Better to turn toward Him in your anger. Some things just need to be confronted and dealt with. He’s actually easy to talk to about such difficult matters. And He really does understand and love you through it all. Please give Him that chance. And remember that if we are His, the pain we have now is nothing compared to the joy that awaits us with Him when this world has ended.)

For in him [Jesus] all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him.  He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
(Colossians 1:16-17, Berean Standard Bible)

This describes the physics that we cannot yet figure out. It says that all things are held together by God (namely, Jesus). Think of the force that keeps an atomic nucleus intact.

String theory seems to be searching for a mathematical model to explain God’s power. There might be one out there, someplace. Maybe God will give it to someone if they ask for it nicely, instead of making up stuff like He isn’t even here in the mix. 

Personally, I don’t agree with these theories of physics:

  • String Theory
  • Dimensions below or beyond our 4 (time is the fourth)
  • A big bang

We don’t really need to explain the unidentified source of energy that keeps atoms intact (beyond neutrons), for example (but it would be nice). However, we do know that they’re held together by God—one atom at a time—because He says so and He can do that. If you want to try to figure it out with math, go ahead and good luck. Just don’t expect me to go along with something that has nothing to do with God, especially if it tries to remove His influence. And quit trying to leave the time continuum. Wherever you go, you’re in time (even in heaven or hell). You can’t escape it. Going back and forth along the timeline would be neat, but if possible that would be probably more of a spiritual exercise than a physical one (guessing). However, God can take us wherever or whenever He wants to (not guessing). “Will He?” is another question.

My explanation of life is much simpler than the cheesy theory of string, anyway. As already shown and discussed above, there are three realms of existence:

  1. Our Physical Realm (the universe);
  2. the Spirit Realm (where angels are from);
  3. and the Divine Realm (which includes God Himself).

Time covers both created realms and spirit can control matter (at least, my brain thinks so). God does not have a habitat; such a thing is for His creatures, not Him. He is His habitat (ours too, in a way). Of course heaven is inside of time. Time is a part of the creation. Heaven is a part of the creation. Time will soon run out in heaven (just about another thousand years to go for that place too—the whole Spirit Realm). If it will end, then it had to have had a beginning as well.

It’s interesting and fun to learn new things about the world and universe we are in. But as we explore new ways of understanding or seeing things, we need to remain grounded to the Word of God, since that is where truth lives. Talking of things that don’t exist as though they do is called superstition. And that is never a good thing when deception is involved (and Satan sees to it that all things are touched by deception). But when God lets go of the atoms He’s holding together, that will be a big boom! Well, He did say that He’ll destroy the creation with fire. That will be a big fireball to behold, indeed.

I don’t worry about physics because it’s all in His Hands. And He is just as dependable as physics is (well, infinitely more dependable actually). I see physics’ laws as being a testament to His reliability. Physics is reliable because God is reliable. He established those laws and keeps them secure. I can say that gravity keeps me grounded as easily as I can say that He keeps me grounded. And I could mean the exact same thing with each statement. My body is not an atomic bomb, only because He is still holding my body’s atoms together. His supernatural power feels more natural than anything because it is the foundation of everything that is “real”. 

Biblical Cosmology

The Bible is definitely not a science textbook, but it has no problem treating the most complicated of topics with a simple approach that is very matter-of-fact and elegant.  God’s creation isn’t described for us the way that a textbook would attempt; it just says that He created everything by speaking it into existence. And it’s very different from the myths and legends of various religions and cultures in a literary sense, while having some connection to many early beliefs in some formative ways (like having a good man being saved with a bunch of animals in a boat, or just the mention of a worldwide flood). But there is no other book like it in terms of its message.

Genesis is written in the narrative style; not poetry. Ask any Hebrew scholar and they should back me up on that. And not just in a literary sense, but also a factual sense—its truth shines through. Through a bit of personal study into these scientific things, I have learned that the Bible doesn’t waver from truth.

Very little detail is given about the actual composition of the Crust, Water, and Mantle Layers of Earth. In one passage it just says that He separated the water from the land. Peter said that the land came up out of the waters in the creation. This theory that I am proposing is not in the Bible, per se, it is something that God showed me directly—but fits with the Bible’s account exactly. Here’s how Peter put it:

They [Scoffers] deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.
(2 Peter 3:5, NLT)

So how cryptic is that compared to giving a detailed explanation of what it looked like exactly (with graphs and pictures and CGI video)?

Really, the details aren’t that important. That’s what science is for—getting to the details of it all—and Peter was more concerned with putting up with scoffers and their scoffing at us for our beliefs (and holding onto them through it all), than the science of Earth’s composition.  

But we have to admit that this account by Peter does describe what I’m showing in this presentation (I mean, you should when you see it). If we hold in our minds an image of the Mantle covered by a Water Layer, that is encased in a rocky Crust Bedrock covered with a Soil Layer with freshwater lakes and seas, then this seems to be right on track. And the atmosphere is infused with water too (especially then). So my idea here matches exactly what Peter said; water is on both sides of the land (above and below; surrounding it).

Then God said, “Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth.” And that is what happened. God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens. God called the space “sky.”
And evening passed and morning came, marking the second day.
(Genesis 1:6-8, NLT)

I believe this to be a description of the creation of the atmosphere, separating it (distinguishing it) from the liquid water, and establishing the boundary between the two—surficial and atmospheric water; liquid and gas—we call it “sea level”. This would have been the discontinuity between the two forms of water on the planet’s surface.

Let me play with the text just a bit to show how we might phrase this today, knowing what we know about atoms. This is just to illustrate how wording can change over the years when new knowledge comes to us. See if this will help to see this verse in a different light.

Then God said, “Let there be more space between the water molecules, to distinguish the moisture in the air from the moisture in liquid form.” And that is what happened. God made this atmosphere to distinguish the liquid water from the gaseous water. God called the air “sky”.
(made up version for illustrative purposes)

Obviously, the words I’m using are full of 21st century understanding and concepts that the overwhelming majority of humanity would not have had any clue of. How could anyone before the discovery of atoms have known about this concept of stretching out a water molecule to make it gaseous, using the same atoms?

The bottom line to biblical cosmology is that God (an outside force) made everything that exists from absolutely nothing outside of Himself. This is very different from the atheistic rebuttal that everything just came into being without any outside force or catalyst at all. Of the two, which idea sounds more likely to you: Something out of nothing with nothing acting upon nothing; or something out of nothing with a Supreme Being doing the work, with an amazing intellect and power that cannot be fathomed? It’s also different from the notion that God is His creation and His creation is Him—as in being one, like in Pantheism or Panentheism. (These two thoughts don’t see the distinction between physical matter and spirit, I guess.) God made matter but is not made up of matter (except for the physical body of Jesus).

It’s also very different from the secular notion of a Big Bang, that doesn’t really even address where the matter and energy came from that was supposed to have already existed.

Now, the Bible says that God spoke everything into existence and does not describe what I have described here that I see in my mind (swirls inside of Hands). What I described above is what I see in my mind for understanding; not what I read in the Bible. Are they different? Yes. Are they compatible? Why not? 

To Whom was God speaking, anyway, during the creation account of Genesis one? Was it not to Jesus and Holy Spirit, through Whom He created all of creation? Are They not part of Him, yet distinct? Who else was there? Not Satan, or Michael or any other angels. Not Adam or Eve. Not creatures. Nothing was created yet. Jesus and Holy Spirit appear to be different forms of God Who do not destroy us immediately upon contact because of our inherent evil nature, while maintaining their connection and equality with God (at least, for us they’re equal and not fully separate). They are our connection to God, the Father, and They protect us from His righteousness.


Another important factor in all of this is not only that the creation exists but also that it is extremely complex and ordered with design that shows up on all levels—even those we cannot see unaided. And not only that it is extremely complex but also that it works in a very narrow band of possibilities, as in, it’s been finely-tuned exactly as it is—from the infinitesimal to the immense (atomic to astronomic). I should say “as it was before the Flood”, since the Flood completely changed the world from its original state at the creation.

All things show irreducible complexity—meaning it cannot work without all the parts being in place together from the start. It’s “all-at-once-creation” or nothing.  And we can see it with our own eyes, too. Our minds understand this when the enemy’s clouds are not in our heads. 

The likelihood of such a complex design springing up out of nothingness is just too out there for me to take seriously. I actually NEED to have a God that is bigger than life to create life. Nothing else can make any sense to me at all. Sorry if you don’t get that.

So in my biblical cosmology, a Creator created creation complete and finished, with nothing left to complete when it was finished. He did this in just 144 hours (6 days), literally. 

Why did He take so long? (He could have done it instantly.) Why did He create things in an order that excludes long gaps in the process of creation? (To keep His way the only possible way. Instant creation with “irreducible complexity” is real, whether in the cells or the solar systems.) Why didn’t God use evolution to create life? (Because it goes against His design. He doesn’t leave things to chance. He meticulously designed each creature the way it is to show off His genius. Creation shows God’s way; evolution is just an attempt to take God out of the way. It’s a dumb idea.) Why does the world look so old and beaten up? (See chapter 4.)

Hang in there and I hope to answer as many questions about it as I can. 

Model Preamble

Wouldn’t it be great if we could find an explanation that we could all get behind and investigate further? A cosmology that actually fits the observed conditions of Earth? That would be a fresh breeze of thought, wouldn’t it? (As opposed to the mainstream view that is farther off than you might imagine?)

I hope to offer that to you in this presentation. If it doesn’t fit with your scientific approach to our existence and Earth’s state, then hopefully you will be able to kick in some critical thinking and big time logic to see which view is more accurate with our observations worldwide. (Understanding of physics helps too.)

And then there’s the challenge of dropping tightly held biases that go deep into the psyche. Give that a shot.

There’s a good chance that I might challenge your spiritual view of our existence. (If you don’t have a spiritual view, then take a gander at mine and see what you think.) 

I hope that you will be able to have your faith in God and keep your sciences too (as I do). I have no conflicts at all between my faith in God and His Bible against my understanding of science (actual science; not theories of scientists). They are harmonious with each other. And hopefully, I have not diluted or skewed one in favor of the other. 

I see truth in both science and the Bible and I hope to be able to convey that truth to you in this presentation. Regardless of your position on this topic, your own value as a person does not diminish in my eyes. Believe that, please.

Being able to separate a person from their views has served me well in my dealings with cultists (as one example), who are not the ideologies they have succumbed to. Of course, to see faith in this way it helps to distinguish between the scientists and the scientists’ faith or ideas. I do not see an evolutionist the same way as I see evolution. To me, the theory is separate from the one who theorizes it. People instantly and inherently deserve my respect for being souls made in the image of the Living God; their concepts, notions, and opinions do not. 

You could say that I am tough on concepts, but easy on people. And I am very hard on “evil-you-shun” (evolution) and “deep time” (the millions of years fantasy). Do I hate teachers? No, not at all! But I hate what is taught, if it is untrue. I’m not really fond of cults though.

Be tough on concepts; but easy on people.
~ Me

Warning: I’m about to get tough on schools.

While school is not a concept, it’s an institution of man and demons—an earthly power. According to the Bible, that makes it fair game as a target in this war of ideologies. School employs people, but is not a person itself. It is a construct; a system; a method, that has become a monster. In your mind, separate the people from the entity of the school. It has likely been there for longer than the staff has been alive. It has a personality of its own, apart from the staff’s individual personalities (to a large degree). If I come off as mean here, please know that it is not against fallible people, who can easily be ensnared by harmful ideologies without even knowing it. I speak against notions, ideas, philosophies, and theories, as well as systems, institutions, and what the Bible calls “powers”—not against individual people. I speak out against the godless lies of Satan and his evil empire. And while I can still love a person, I can hate their ideas, words, and practices.

School—A house of fools raising more fools. The fool says in his heart “There is no God”.

But yes, in matters of God, we are always going to run into a point where faith is all we have to continue on with in our search for the big answers (where science cannot go). No matter the path that we take, we will all be faced with a divide that requires faith to cross over, that is, if we wish to continue on our journey into God’s loving presence. And if you were to ask me, I’d say that public school is a cult; pushing fiction for power. Shall I repeat that?

Public school is a cult; pulling kids away from God with a massive network of lies.
~ me again

I see it as controlling and manipulative, and at least passively aggressive when confronted—it’s sometimes litigious, and it can wield local law makers and enforcement like a rag doll too.

SCHOOL: Satan’s Crazy House Obscuring Our Lord

Taking the Creator out of the picture of the creation is like taking the coding out of the DNA in our bodies; it’s just a jumbled mess and then it dies and begins to stink. Taking God out of the narrative is a lot easier than replacing Him, BTW. You can push Him out; but you can’t replace Him with anything worth having. The farther away you go from Him, the worse things will get for you. There really is no substitute for having the Living God in your life.  I am not against the idea of school; just the ideas pushed by school. And since we pushed Him out of the schools in the 1960s they have only gone downhill—quite a bit.

But this can all be turned around by inviting God and His Bible back into our schools. All we need to do is recognize how bad things have gotten in school since removing God and bring Him back in. And don’t cite “separation of church and state” as an excuse. That phrase is not in the Constitution of the United States. What we do have in this country that is established on the laws and Word of God is this: “One nation, under God”. We should keep it that way for our own good and success.

He said: “Bro, gimme your spear for a sec. This dumb ape keeps touching my butt”.
(Parody of The March of Progress, 1965, original artist Rudolph Zallinger)

The theoretical artistic license shown in the March of Progress (parody shown above and below) was extremely damaging to the faith of millions of people in the 1960’s and following, about the time when God was removed from school. Zallinger showed apes and men walking in a line as if they were in a progression of evolution. It had no basis in reality but its effectiveness as a propaganda tool was immense. And some liked how it looked on their dormitory wall, I guess (it was a colorful, multipage graphic that could be removed from the publication it was in). 

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 
(Ephesians 6:12, NLT)

We are fighting using worldviews: demonic versus godly. The public school systems around the world are potentially evil institutions that are taking our children away from our God and giving them to Satan and the powers of darkness. Because the school system is a mighty power in this dark world, it is fair game for us to attack, according to the passage above. I do not mean physically, or violently, or the people personally, or in a manner that violates their human or national rights (dignity is up for grabs). I mean spiritually, communally, and politically. Why stand for their nonsense which destroys our moral fiber and society?

Bro said: “Dinner is planned for tonight, Ted”
Then Ted says, “I want those monkeys that stole our clothes!”
(My wife didn’t get it either.)

Group Discussion Questions:

1. What is Cosmology?
2. Does each cosmology have its own evidence?
3. How do we know that a cosmological view is accurate?
4. Isn’t it unchristian to make fun of other views?


  1. The study of the beginning of the cosmos and life.
  2. No. There is only one Earth that we may observe to devise our cosmologies by.
  3. The more it fits with what is observed and revealed by the Creator, the more accurate it will be.
  4. No. It is unchristian to make fun of other people. We can separate the person from their views. This is in opposition to “identity politics”, which tries to judge people based on their views.


Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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