This Broken Planet (online)

Model Summary

Before jumping into the Q&A, I want to give a very concise SUMMARY of the Broken Planet Model. Hopefully, this will aid the reader as a quick reference guide to the main points of this new way of seeing Geophysics.

Core Premise

The Broken Planet Model (BPM) presents a catastrophic one-time, inimitable (not repeatable)  global Flood event that reshaped the Earth, aligning perfectly with biblical history while dismantling deep-time assumptions. The model explains geology, meteorology, hydrology, plate movement, fossilization, radiometric dating, the Ice Age, and continental formation as consequences of this singular, inimitable event.

1. Pre-Flood Earth

  • Single, continuous landmass—no separate continents, just one vast, lush, green land with some surficial water features.
  • Pre-Flood terrain was much flatter—no towering mountains or plunging canyons, only shallow hills, valleys, and wrinkles.
  • All water was fresh—no pre-Flood saltwater; salination happened post-Flood as minerals leached into the post-flood water.
  • Pre-Flood seas possibly extended to bedrock, allowing direct water movement between the surface and subterranean layers.
  • The Moon may have influenced the water layer, causing periodic water rise and fall via gravitational pull.
  • Pre-Flood Earth was a perfect sphere—no equatorial bulge because the mantle was intact and firm.

2. The Pre-Flood Water Layer

  • fully liquid subterranean water layer existed between the bedrock and the mantle, estimated at 1 to 2 miles deep globally.
  • Extreme pressure existed, as the water was contained, and it was superheated due to the heat of the mantle.
  • Water transferred through porous bedrock and/or vents, replenishing surficial lakes, rivers, and seas.
  • The Coriolis effect kept the water in constant motion, similar to Jupiter’s atmospheric bands.
  • No life existed in the subterranean water layer—the heat. lack of oxygen, and turbulence would have prevented survival.

3. The Impact Event: Trigger for the Flood

  • large, dense celestial object (meteorite) struck Earth near modern Icelandpunching through the crust into the mantle.
  • The impact was nearly perpendicular, creating a deep penetration rather than a surface crater (see Icelandic Plume).
  • A crater would have been impossible since the crust it hit was almost immediately demolished.
  • Iceland and the Icelandic plume are the surviving remnants of the impact site.
  • The collision did not shatter the crust outright—instead, the release of lava and water interaction caused an explosive chain reaction within it.

4. The Global Crust Collapse & Flood Mechanics

  • The mantle was breached, and superheated lava met the subterranean water layer, triggering massive steam explosions in a sealed chamber.
  • The explosions spread globally in minutes, causing the entire crust to bulge, then fracture and collapse into the water layer.
  • Walls of water erupted from the cracks, forming towering water jets that fell as rain.
  • The collapsed bedrock plates sank onto or into the mantle, while lava oozed between them, forming new landmasses atop a new Asthenosphere.
  • Seafloor spreading today is just residual lava leakage, not plate tectonics as conventionally taught.

5. The Immediate Post-Flood World

  • The world transformed from a lush green land to a muddy, turbulent wasteland in mere days.
    • Green Planet—Lush, continuous biomes globally
    • White Planet—Continuous cover of towering storm clouds
    • Brown Planet—Mostly covered by mud
    • Blue Planet—What we have today, mostly water
  • Vast waves and cycles of water motion reshaped the planet, layering mud over new landforms founded on lava.
  • Continental landmasses formed in situ as mud hardened over lava flows.
  • Fossils and fossil fuels resulted from rapid burial in mud, which quickly baked into rock.
  • Massive volcanic activity persisted, blocking sunlight and triggering global cooling.

6. The Ice Age: A Direct Result of the Flood

  • The atmosphere became supersaturated with water vapor, causing instantaneous extreme precipitation.
  • Poles froze rapidly, down to about the 40th parallels, north and south.
  • The Ice Age was a singular, inimitable event, not a repeating cycle—it happened due to the unique post-Flood climate conditions.
  • ”Glacial scars” are actually flood scars—not caused by slow-moving ice but by the final flows of water draining into ocean basins.

7. Post-Flood Human and Animal Migration

  • The Ark landed in the mountains of Ararat, below the highest peaks on the southern slope.
  • Humanity remained together in Mesopotamia until the Tower of Babel incident.
  • After Babel, rapid global migration occurred—civilizations emerged within Noah’s lifetime, worldwide.
  • Central American pyramids/ziggurats were likely built by early post-Babel migrants while Noah lived.
  • Animals spread based on their environmental tolerances, not evolutionary adaptation.

8. Radiometric Dating: The Great Reset

  • massive inimitable radiation event occurred during the Flood, when radioactive elements were released from the nuclear mantle and outer core.
  • Before this event, Earth had almost no measurable radiation—modern radioactive decay rates (entropy) are just the residual effects of this catastrophe.
  • Radiometric dating assumes constant decay over deep time, but this model (BPM) shows that radiation was dumped in one single event.
  • Just like fossilization, the Ice Age, and crustal collapse, radiometric dating is based on a false backstory.
  • This explains the rapid decline in human life expectancy, from over 900 years to 120 years, max.

9. Marine Survival Hypothesis

  • Marine life survived in a few or single, large pre-Flood seas (or possibly several seas), which remained relatively uncontaminated.
  • Survival depended on location—species in high-mud, high-heat zones perished, while those in stable pockets survived.
  • God could have divinely protected the refuge pockets to ensure the preservation of necessary species.
  • Since all pre-Flood water was fresh, marine life had to adapt to salination post-Flood as ocean chemistry changed.

10. Magnetosphere Disturbance

  • The mantle rupture and impact would have destabilized Earth’s magnetic field due to material being sent into the outer core, disrupting the dynamo’s flow.
  • The resulting disturbances could explain 
    • magnetic pole shifts
    • variations between true north and magnetic north
    • and imprinted magnetic anomalies in surficial rock layers.

11. Cosmic Debris Hypothesis

  • Some comets may be comprised of debris ejected from Earth’s explosion, possibly launched into space by the Flood catastrophe.
  • A possible debris field may have existed in Earth’s orbital path, potentially responsible for later meteor showers and impact events.
  • Or, it may have impacted the Earth in subsequent orbits through the field.

12. Evidence Emerging Today

  • Modern mantle anomalies (cold zones, debris-like structures) support this model, as they could be remnants of mantle collapse during the Flood due to the chain of explosions that ruined it.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Ridge and other rift zones are still oozing lava, proving the crust is fractured and still adjusting.
  • Deep-sea trenches, volcanic islands, and oceanic ridges align with the catastrophic rupture event.

Final Thoughts

The Broken Planet Model systematically dismantles deep-time assumptions by providing a cohesive, one-time catastrophic framework that elegantly explains Earth’s features far better than mainstream science.  It is internally consistent, agrees with scientific data, and biblical revelation like no other model.

Questions & Answers 

Where does radiation come from?

According to my Broken Planet Model (BPM), it should all be down in the Mantle, safely locked away, but the Mantle broke, letting it come out. We even know the exact date that this world was irradiated by itself: It came with the Flood of Noah, which began on the 17th day of the 2nd month in 1,656 anno mundi. The Sun is a source of radiation as well. Is there cosmic radiation? idk

Doesn’t radiometric dating disprove the Bible’s timeline? 

No. Radiometric dating cannot measure the initial amounts of sample isotopes in the past. Since the “process” depends on the difference between counts, it is useless (there is no process; just a little man behind the curtain, named Al Gore-Rhythm). 

The main problem with this method is that the ones measuring the isotopes don’t know that the overwhelming amount of radiation we have came upon the planet very rapidly. about 4,300 years ago. They believe that it came on very gradually from solar and cosmic radiation. That is the main problem with it.

Carbon dating is also a guess at best, being unable to account for outside influences on the sample either, thereby being wildly inaccurate, for Great Flood victims especially.

Where was the water before the flood?

We don’t know. This BPM—Broken Planet Model— is my explanation of what God showed me—a layer of water between the Mantle and the Crust. When the Crust broke, the Water Layer spilled out—like when breaking an egg. At the same time, causing its breakage actually, the Mantle was broken with its “skin” being blasted into its inner parts (at least in places), thereby exposing the shattered Crust to the heat and radiation below. 

If the Mantle had not broken, exposing super hot matter from within, the soil from the broken Crust would not have gotten baked into position as it is, building up the continents above the water line. That turned out to be an important feature for our survival. If the mud had not baked, it would not have hardened, and the land would not have gotten built up enough to emerge from the waters. Huh, I just realized that the Potter (a reference to God) baked the continents in place so we could live. We could say that the Potter mixed lava and mud together to make us a new home.

And since the land arose with the mud and lava, the water had a place to recede to (coming off of the rising land). No heat equals no hardening and building up of the mud. Without this hardening, the mud would just be a soft mud layer under a water world. But God is merciful to us rebellious humans, even in His most vengeful wrath against our impertinence toward Him. He could have just drowned us all. And if the Crust Layer broke but the Mantle did not, that’s what would have happened. But because the Mantle broke along with the Crust, and the heat did its thing…

Why are there fossils?

There are fossils because all lifeforms (flora and fauna) were swallowed up by the ground that was turning to mud and getting baked by the lava. The heat from that lava emerging from below, along with the pressure of the mud’s weight above, baked impressions of the lifeforms into the mud as it hardened into stone. In some instances it seems as though the lifeform itself was turned to rock. Just like Lot’s wife, I guess, but different, I guess. We find both positive and negative impressions of plants and animals in the rocks under our feet today. But my guess is that Earth’s pre-flood life was mostly turned to oil or coal or flammable gas. Well, and nutrients in the soil too, if close to the top, I suppose. 

What was Earth like before the ruin?

Perfectly suited to support life indefinitely. Humid. Warm. Always gentle weather. There is no way of knowing what the surface features were, since the entire surface was churned into a different shape during the breakup of the Crust Layer. Based on the amount of soil now above the broken Tectonic Plates (of the former Bedrock Layer), I would just guess that the Soil Layer was rather thin compared to our continents today (if it were spread out all around the larger globe, especially).

Why are there ethnicities?

We see ethnicities because the genetic lineages started at the Tower of Babel, when Noah’s family was broken up, and family genetic lines grew shallower from more isolation or less diverse contact from then on between the emerging, diverging clans.

Why are there different languages?

God created them because Noah and his family were not spreading out to cover the Earth like God had told them to. I say Noah, because according to his lineage in the Bible he was still very much alive at the time of the Babel incident. Why would he not be with his family? I would expect Noah to be the world leader in some fashion or other. He was the oldest and probably wisest of the entire human family (actually, idk how old his wife was). He was the last of the true “ancients” in our lineage; THE Patriarch of the day, charged with the stewardship of Earth. He was there (freaking out when the languages hit, no doubt).

Why are there so many religions? And why are they so similar?

They aren’t all that similar; just from similar sources (men and demons—except one, which is from God). When Noah’s family was split up abruptly, and in a very scary fashion (supernaturally imposed), on the heels of the Great Flood (by 101 years), it may have been too much for some people to take. Many probably developed some kind of animosity toward the Creator. Or perhaps the truth just got eroded in time, along with the crops and villages. The common thread in the tapestry of most religion is this: Human Effort. Judaism, arguably the only religion started by God, was presented as an alternative to a faith-based relationship with God (which He led with in Abram). Christianity is a continuance of the relationship that has been born from Abraham; it is not religion (if you think it is or should be religion, read Galatians). Nearly all religious systems demand a certain level of commitment and servitude from its adherents. Since the earliest settlers of the cradles of humanity were all related (first cousins), it would not be unusual for many common ideas to exist in almost all early religions around the world. I believe this, because they all spread out so far and quickly from Babel. All people groups on earth can trace their family origins back to the people listed in Genesis chapter 10, the Table of Nations. These are the cousins of Peleg, who were born when the language division hit. 

Also, at that time, the family was very preoccupied with fame and accomplishment, as in with Nimrod and/or building the great tower (ziggurat or pyramid). The building of something monumental was going to be a great achievement in their eyes. God did not mention removing their ambitions; just splitting them apart by confusing their speech (too bad they didn’t keep a married couple from each language there together to learn the languages from—a world language institute, if you willkeeping their languages alive with their clans nearby that could go off to where the others went…). Anyway, we can see monumental structures that all went up very close to the same time all around the world in the most ancient cradles of society. I would be interested to see this shown through further Y chromosome collection and assessment; not the other failed dating methods. And give it to Dr. Jeanson for his research. 

The neo-religious (some would say “non-religious”) aspects of both Deep Time (millions of years) and Evil-You-Shun (evolution theory) are exceptions to the older religions and faith systems with their rules and demands. Or perhaps they both are two aspects of the same mindset (humanism, for example). These theories, turned philosophies, turned beliefs, turned paradigms (which are one in my mind in this light), turned cult, have been wildly attractive to people all over this time and space continuum because these new belief systems allow any lifestyle for its adherents to follow (or not). 

This cloudy mindset completely removes God and His rules for our behavior from our lives and minds and hearts (like covering one’s eyes to make the monster disappear, I guess). We think that we are free from tyrannical religious law when we subscribe to such philosophies. However, the truth is that such a mindset is but a mental and spiritual trap for its victims, since it denies reality that exists on, beneath, and far above the surface (“to infinity, and beyond”). 

And a detachment from reality is not a good state to be in. Who knew that our entire society (quite nearly) is living in a dream world, detached from reality? This ends up being a means of separation from the Creator. And I’d welcome detachment from reality if it led to unity with Him, but I’m not sure that’s the most favored path to take. Either way, sane or not, detachment from God is to be avoided at all costs, including one’s sanity, and life, and limbs, if it should come to that. But before you cut something off, remember that nothing can come between Him and His. Just make sure that you’re one of His, so that He doesn’t cut you off altogether.

On Religion

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

(Prov. 14:12, Berean Standard Bible)

“Oh no, I don’t need your help God; I’ve got this. Let me show you.” 

This is not the way that Christ set out for us to follow. We are to follow Him and His efforts on our behalf if we are to make it to the Father in good standing. Trying to get there on our own steam is futile, especially when we need to go through Jesus anyway, no matter what. He is both our Prosecutor and Defender. And He’s really good at His job; either way it goes for us. And He is our Shepherd; we are the sheep. Sheep do not shepherd themselves. 

“Divide and Conquer” is an old military axiom. For the common man, it addresses the fact that people are not as strong as individuals as we can be when united. God addressed that point at the Babel incident. This is how armies can take over entire nations that outnumber them. They divide them into smaller groups that are easier to defeat. 

Well, this is what our enemy took advantage of when God sent us in different directions from the great division at Babel. The enemy didn’t scatter us, but he sure took advantage of the situation before him. People began to listen to the enemy as they did before the flood. 

Demons became gods to them and they followed them and their ways. My own opinion on this is that almost all religions are demonic in origin. The only exception I can think of is Judaism, which was instituted by God, directly. But He did it to make a point— that it doesn’t work. When Christianity becomes a work and reward system, it is in the realm of demonic theology, and should be shunned as such. In my opinion, turning God’s gift of salvation into something that must be earned is the worst kind of evil there could be (see Galatians 3:1-14). Even worse than the horrors that would soon follow from such a condition (see Church History). 

But the big takeaway here is that taking God’s rules out of the picture also takes away His blessings—in this world and the next. The cost is far too high, especially since all things that are contrary to His ways are empty and not fulfilling at all, no matter what—and doomed to destruction. 

Why do people avoid Christianity and Judaism, if both are supposed to be genuine? And why don’t Christians and Jews agree?

Well, it’s kind of the same question in my mind. The disagreement comes from believing or not believing the New Testament and specifically Who Jesus is. Those who are Jewish remain Jewish when they accept the Lordship and sacrifice of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus). Their Judaism doesn’t go away, they just acknowledge that the atonement is taken care of for them now and they follow the apostles’ teachings (the Apostles were Jews, too). Their Judaism doesn’t save them from God’s judgment. If you approach God with the Law (works) you will be judged according to the Law and your own judgments upon others; if you approach God with a contrite heart and faith in Jesus’ works and not your own, then you will be received on your faith (if it is genuine). Faith leads to sainthood apart from judgment; I speculate that judgment by works at best leads to membership in the Nations on the New Earth (if you pass). As a member of “the Nations”, you would be under God but not one with Him. He will hear and answer your prayers and be good to you as long as you obey Him and His saints. You would not share in His higher commutable abilities, though, like the saints will.

Becoming a member of the Nations, through works, seems much more difficult than becoming a saint on faith alone. And I do not consider attaining citizenship in the Nations as a goal; it’s more of a safety net. Like a trapeze artist, I want to be caught, mid-air, and not hit the net.

The reason why Christianity is not winsome to others is the behavior of the Christians is not attractive. I can’t speak for the Jews but suspect the same condition to exist in their ranks as well; haughtiness can be an issue. So can obvious sin.

Why does Earth look old, eroded, and broken?

Earth looks old because radiation is breaking everything down at the molecular level. It is called “entropy” by the scientists. Erosion from the Flood also makes the surface look old. Breakage is from the Flood. Radiation contamination is from the flood. Jagged, rugged mountains in their purple majesty are from the flood (they all have seashells on their peaks, you know). 

How could a 40-day rainfall flood the world, covering the highest mountains?

No, that would be silly. There needs to be a model like mine that has a large amount of water tucked away someplace out of sight, like the Bible says, which is suddenly released. Of course, my model also has the mountains being formed under the flood and emerging up out of it, or soon after. 

As a quick note; the mountains where I live are evidence of the earth having been broken, with large pieces being pushed up from jostling, during the flood’s turbulence. The layers’ baking presented large masses of semi-firm rock being jostled about by the heaving waters, mud, or lava. They were soft and pliable, then became hard and brittle, and being further baked in place. A cooked layer is sitting in place where it was baked and then is suddenly broken and shoved to and fro, making all kinds of shapes in the forming new crust layer, like the Grand Canyon, for example. This also aids in piling the continents higher and faster into mountain ranges, plains, and plateaus. Lava flows add to the rock layers of the continents. Lava shoots up in the oceans to become islands.

Imagine baking cookies by placing big globs of dough on the hot baking sheet in random shapes and then continuing to mess with it (stirring it) the whole time it hardens and adding more and more dough as it sets; that might be like the formation of our sedimentary continental rocks in layers. Only, they were formed in water, partly, and tossed around by it for months. During and after the tossing, much volcanic activity took place as well, whether the water had receded by then or not.  It was the combination of lava and the mud that built up the continents.

Some stratification shows evidence of soft and warm, not yet solid mud/rock being bent into wavy shapes. That is evidence of heat and motion working together on baking and hardening mud as it turns to rock. And we see fossils in this type of formation, too, like nuts & chocolate chips. Geological flood evidence like this is evident everywhere, evidently.

During the Flood, at the crest of the water level the land/mud elevation was 22′ less than the water level. But that was in flux and soon changed as the mud became dry and swollen, as did the lava.

How could one man put enough animals on a barge/boat/box to give us the species we have today?

He only needed “kinds” of animals (similar to “families”), which can lead to many species. Of all the kinds of air-breathing animals we now have, plus the ones extinct, including dinosaurs, there would have been enough room for them and all of their food for the year of the flood. It was big. And not just the food for the trip; but they will need to start all over in their gardening. And there won’t be anyone else to get seeds or plants from. The old nursery that Noah shopped at would soon be at the bottom of the continent, so he needed to take everything he needed to start a new garden. 

Noah wasn’t alone. He could have assigned one son and wife couple to each of the three decks. Then he and his wife could roam around between the three decks, helping as needed (for example). It would have been a lot of work for them when things settled down enough to move about the cabin, but not overwhelming. I imagine that when they came to rest is when they had to get to work, as taking care of the animals ramped up.

What happened to all of the dinosaurs?

Well, there are actually many things to say about that. It could be a book on its own, really. But I can keep it short for a quick overview. 

“Dragons” is what they were called in olden times by many cultures. The word “dinosaur” is pretty new (ever since scientists started making stuff up about them, like, “they’re mythical”). And so it isn’t so difficult to see that many of them were killed off by ambitious young men with weapons (or men protecting their families and clans). 

They were probably not very tame animals. Reportedly, one in Congo several years ago had a nasty disposition toward people. And that was one of the “veggie-saurs”; a brontosaur. Imagine how thrilling it must have been to go after a T-rex or a Raptor as a young man or with your hunting buddies. 

The Bible mentions two dinosaur- or dragon-type creatures in the book of Job in the Old Testament. Apparently, Job knew what they were when God mentioned them.


Leviathan sounds like a fire-breathing sea dragon. Fire-breathing is not unheard of in the animal kingdom. Mixing of two chemicals that are in glands in the throat or other area of an animal can facilitate that ability (see bombardier beetles). It wouldn’t even have to be actual flames to be called “fire breathing”; the fluid could just be flaming hot or acidic to earn the title. But actual flames could be made by a creature if that is God’s design. He has that ability. He’s that smart.

I’m going to share with you the entire chapter that discusses this dinosaur in God’s talk with Job. As you read it, imagine an actual fire-breathing amphibious dragon, just like in the best movies (with feet, not flippers). You’ll get the most accurate image that way. (I quit reading the NIV regularly when they called it an alligator, and behemoth a hippo or elephant.) We join God questioning Job.

Can you catch Leviathan with a hook
    or put a noose around its jaw?
Can you tie it with a rope through the nose
    or pierce its jaw with a spike?
Will it beg you for mercy
    or implore you for pity?
Will it agree to work for you,
    to be your slave for life?
Can you make it a pet like a bird,
    or give it to your little girls to play with?
Will merchants try to buy it
    to sell it in their shops?
Will its hide be hurt by spears
    or its head by a harpoon?
If you lay a hand on it,
    you will certainly remember the battle that follows.
    You won’t try that again!
No, it is useless to try to capture it.
    The hunter who attempts it will be knocked down.
And since no one dares to disturb it,
    who then can stand up to me?
Who has given me anything that I need to pay back?
    Everything under heaven is mine.

 “I want to emphasize Leviathan’s limbs
    and its enormous strength and graceful form.
Who can strip off its hide,
    and who can penetrate its double layer of armor?
Who could pry open its jaws?
    For its teeth are terrible!
The scales on its back are like rows of shields
    tightly sealed together.
They are so close together
    that no air can get between them.
Each scale sticks tight to the next.
    They interlock and cannot be penetrated.

 “When it sneezes, it flashes light!
    Its eyes are like the red of dawn.
Lightning leaps from its mouth;
    flames of fire flash out.
Smoke streams from its nostrils
    like steam from a pot heated over burning rushes.
Its breath would kindle coals,
    for flames shoot from its mouth.

 “The tremendous strength in Leviathan’s neck
    strikes terror wherever it goes.
Its flesh is hard and firm
    and cannot be penetrated.
Its heart is hard as rock,
    hard as a millstone.
When it rises, the mighty are afraid,
    gripped by terror.
No sword can stop it,
    no spear, dart, or javelin.
Iron is nothing but straw to that creature,
    and bronze is like rotten wood.
Arrows cannot make it flee.
    Stones shot from a sling are like bits of grass.
Clubs are like a blade of grass,
    and it laughs at the swish of javelins.
Its belly is covered with scales as sharp as glass.
    It plows up the ground as it drags through the mud.

 “Leviathan makes the water boil with its commotion.
    It stirs the depths like a pot of ointment.
The water glistens in its wake,
    making the sea look white.
Nothing on earth is its equal,
    no other creature so fearless.
Of all the creatures, it is the proudest.
    It is the king of beasts.”
(Job, chapter 41, NLT)

And Noah could have had a couple of young ones on his boat, if they had legs and feet instead of fins! How exciting would that have been to see? (Feet might be required to be walked by little girls.)

“Watch the hay around those fire-breathing dragons, Ham! We’ll all be on fire if they sneeze!—and keep ‘em happy and well fed, too!”

(Now I want a painting of a young pair sleeping together on the hay in the Ark.)


The other one, Behemoth, sounds like a kind of brontosaur, but a lot of modern Bible commentaries try to make it out to be a hippo or an elephant (again, NIV comments fell far short). I guess they didn’t read their own translations. This is no animal with a tiny tail, like the tails of hippopotamuses and elephants. Here’s what Job says about that creature.

 “Take a look at Behemoth,
    which I made, just as I made you.
    It eats grass like an ox.
See its powerful loins
    and the muscles of its belly.
Its tail is as strong as a cedar.
    The sinews of its thighs are knit tightly together.
Its bones are tubes of bronze.
    Its limbs are bars of iron.
It is a prime example of God’s handiwork,
    and only its Creator can threaten it.
The mountains offer it their best food,
    where all the wild animals play.
It lies under the lotus plants,
    hidden by the reeds in the marsh.
The lotus plants give it shade
    among the willows beside the stream.
It is not disturbed by the raging river,
    not concerned when the swelling Jordan rushes around it.
No one can catch it off guard
    or put a ring in its nose and lead it away.
(Job, chapter 40, NLT)

After the flood, there would not have been as much earth for men and dinos to keep away from each other on as there was before the flood (from almost 100% to way less than 29%). I’m sure that before the flood the people just stayed away from the potentially nasty-tempered giant reptiles. And so with less room for us to cohabitate, we ended up killing them off, because that’s how we are. Of course, the weather was pretty bad for quite a while there too, after the flood, which might have affected their numbers. Some dinos are encased in ice, while crossing a river—this means they lived after the Flood.

There are ancient drawings of dinosaurs on rocks in different places in the world. There are tracks of dinos and people together in Texas. A plesiosaur, like the “Loch Ness Monster”, was washed up on Monterey Bay in California in the 1930’s, I think it was. A photographer managed to get some shots of it before the tide took it back out to sea. 

I look at gators and crocks as tiny dinosaurs that are still with us (not as much of a challenge or threat as the others, I guess). 

Soft tissue, called collagen, exists in many fossilized remains of dinosaurs. This is becoming more common as they dig up more fossils. But this should be impossible, if the tissue is to be 85 million years old. Soft tissue like that only lasts a short time; thousands of years, at the most. Oops. Well, it just isn’t that old. The whole story has come unraveled for our college community. They are going to have to either give up their fantasies or admit that they are just blindly following a failed notion out of an emotional response to God and His Book. 

Why is there still ice on the poles if it’s all melting? 

Because it’s only been melting for about 4,300 years; not millions or even hundreds longer. When it’s gone, it’s gone. We won’t have another Antarctica that is covered in snow and ice again. No more ice ages when this one peters out. Penguins might have to move to Mars. “Earth Penguins Invade Mars!” But Jesus will be back far sooner than Greenland is green.

How could a crust layer be suspended on a water layer?

(When you zoom in on an image of layers, it’s easy to forget that it’s spherical.) So, why doesn’t the bedrock fall through the water layer? Well, how does a hollow ball hold water? The Crust doesn’t fall through because it’s firm and holds together since it is in a shape that naturally holds its own weight. The spherical shape of it counteracts the gravity pulling it down uniformly. The water has density and helps to hold it in place. The pulling force is uniform from gravity, not allowing it to go closer to the Mantle on one side or the other.

Earth’s crust bulges at the equator now because it isn’t held together anymore like when it was created. Its structure has been compromised and so the squishy parts are bulging at the middle for lack of support. I mean, the Mantle and the Crust were blown up! The Mantle went inward and the Crust collapsed upon what was left of it. No wonder it’s bulging out at the middle. The explosion hitting the soft center did it. 

Wouldn’t the Water Layer boil and cause heat buildup and pressure?

I think it would to a degree (pun). I expect that vents were present to off-vent steam or pressure. The Bible mentions springs of water coming up from below (See Genesis 2:6). Noah used tar on the boat to seal it. Where did the tar come from? Hot steam vents.

Don’t we have records that go back more than 6,000 years?

No. We have records, but interpreting them is not as straightforward as we might like it to be. And the presence of readable records does not ensure their accuracy. A more accurate technique is available to us today through DNA, whereby the scientist can measure the degradation of the male Y chromosome and determine the generation. 

(See Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson’s research with Answers in Genesis. This only works with a Young Earth viewpoint. And have a DNA sample taken, men, of your haplo group, then send it to Answers in Genesis to be added to the data—especially if you’re Native American.) 

Is this all in the Bible?

What we have in the Bible matches exactly with the model that I am putting forth, based on the vision given to me from God. Read the book and the Bible to determine for yourself if it’s biblical. This is your responsibility.

Why didn’t we already know this?

I don’t know. I received the vision on 2/12/23.

Why did God give it to Gary Wentz?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I have never believed in anything but what the Bible says. Maybe God does have a sense of humor after all. Why else would He give it to someone who is: 

  • misunderstood more than most people in just casual conversation; 
  • very unimpressive, in all regards; 
  • not wealthy;
  • dyslexic; hyperactive (ADHD); slightly autistic; depressed; anxious, awkward…

“And all of that is on top of being a white male, for crying out loud, and you know how bad those guys are these days. They can’t get anything right!” … “Toxic white men.”

Who else would have received a 4-second vision and turned it into a cosmology? I just don’t really know why God gave this and the associated knowledge to me and not a million others. It’s not like “I’m all that”. And I don’t know that I am the only one He has given it to. Maybe there are many more. (Since writing this, I have found another person who received a similar vision.)

What qualifies you to speak for God? Are you a prophet?

No, I’m not a prophet; I only received a vision from the Holy Spirit. It isn’t so unusual. I will not consider myself to be qualified to speak for God until He tells me to, which hasn’t happened yet. So I do not claim to speak for God. But though I do not speak for God, I do quote Him a lot. And I share what I think that He gave to me. He did not tell me to go and share what I have been sharing here. That is on me. That is why this is my cosmology model. I think that He wanted to leave a shadow of doubt in people’s minds as to the origin of this idea. This model is my interpretation of the vision that God gave to me. I speak on my own. I believe that what I say is God inspired. Therefore, I have confidence in the model. But don’t say that I speak for God—I don’t claim that at all; I deny it. Also, prophecy is seeing the future; this is seeing the past.

Why do we need the Bible when we have Intelligent Design?

The relatively new descriptor, “Intelligent Design”, brings a concept or view that attempts to marry two diametrically opposed concepts: Creation (young earth) and Deep Time (old earth). It is therefore an exercise in futility. It attempts to give God and His followers a more palatable compromise (by at least acknowledging God’s design), while trying to do the same with the college crowd (letting them have their Deep Time and Agnosticism too, as to Who actually did the designing and when). 

But the problems begin to arise instantly from the bottom up, like bubbles emerging in a pot of water starting to boil. This is because it is a false narrative that they attach to their “intelligent” arguments. If they wish to be intelligent about it, they will leave it the way God showed us in the Bible and build on it from there (Biblical Creationism). This is because wisdom begins with a healthy fear of, and reverence for, God. Therefore, I see Biblical Creationism as the best base for a scientific cosmology; especially when it fits the evidence the best, by far.

Acknowledging His design without acknowledging Him is a bit rude in my mind, if not just straight up insulting. In the same source where we hear of God (the Bible), we hear of a young Earth that He created not too long ago. Did God design the creation intelligently? Oh yeah, so much so that any attempt to take Him out of the picture, as some ID preachers attempt to do, is just foolish to the enlightened. “I will make foolish the intelligence of the intelligent.” ~ God 

If, by waving the flag of ID, instead of Biblical Creationism, you are denying the existence of the Creator, what have you gained in your reasoning (fear of God is the beginning of wisdom)? If, on the other hand, you are simply avoiding any connection to certain annoying people, then that is another issue. I would not blame you for avoiding those whom you find annoying. If you are not able to believe the words in the Bible, then that will be a problem for you, going forward. You are still in darkness if you are not getting your daily light from the Bible. If you do not understand what it says, read it in another version. If that doesn’t work, ask someone or look it up. If that doesn’t work, you need to really amp up your prayer about it. Hopefully, you have been praying all along anyway. Getting with others is a great way to figure it out; two heads are better than one, after all. But mostly (firstly), ask God and He will answer.

I see ID as just another bolt in the crossbow quiver. But use it wisely; it only goes so far. And you need to know how to use it. My advice is to stick to the Bible and incorporate it into the discussion of His Intelligent Design (as I have done). 

Hasn’t science proven evolution and deep time to be true, thereby disproving the Bible?

No, it hasn’t. Actually, true science has completely debunked both evolution and deep time, showing them to be failed theories. (DNA limits evolution; and stratification, one factor of many, buries deep time.) And not only those failed concepts, but many of their related notions as well, like string theory, a big bang, and all of these other dimensions they want to introduce. We have four dimensions (for now) in our existence—TIME is the 4th. Anything else, whether fewer or more, is fantasy. We know that there is a Physical Realm and there is a Spiritual Realm, and can guess that God has/is His own Divine Realm beyond that. The failed notions of evil-you-shun and deep time go against all of the scientific evidence and solid logic pointing to those concepts (as well as the Bible). Evolution and Deep Time have not only been unsupported by science; they have been solidly disproven by it; over and over.

And the related concepts that are attached to them are nullified as well, such as: 

  • string theory; 
  • five or more dimensions (I do not consider spirit to be a dimension, but a different state or condition inside the 4 dimensions); 
  • 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional existence without all 4 together (time is the 4th); 
  • extraterrestrial races (other than the angelic race—which includes our enemy); 
  • a big bang (without God doing it)
  • wormholes, and the like.

I don’t know, I think it could be a long list. It’s just crazy to me that people have been growing up and living their whole lives believing all or some of that stuff and some of them allowing it to take God out of their hearts and minds altogether. 

And then there’re those who think that they are so intelligent because they did not fall for the ancient stories that have been around for the entirety of human existence. How clever of them to not fall for someone’s “piñata” cosmology, formed in the image of an alternate universe (or multiverse) with very little or no connection to this one.

The fact is, it is very easy to break the piñata. When the enemy presents God’s story mixed with falsehood, it becomes a lie; a fabrication; a piñata. When the schools tell us that Noah’s Flood (for example) happened a certain way (other than how it actually happened) and use their explanation as a straw man to beat up on, it becomes very easy to beat up on and rip to shreds, like a piñata. Continuing the example of the flood, there really is no way for a 40-day rainstorm, even if worldwide, to cover mountain peaks that soar ~29,000’ above our current sea level. That is a piñata. There had to be more to the story—as my biblical model demonstrates. We can beat up the piñata a lot easier than we can beat up on the truth as given in God’s word.

But their explanation or interpretation of what the Bible says isn’t real; it’s their own punching bag; a piñata that they constructed to beat up on. The real God Who made all of this (and told us the story about it) will not be amused when they see His face. They think that they are beating up on the Bible, when really they are just beating up on their own piñata that they concocted in their minds. Doing so reinforces the false notions that fuel their fake knowledge and its fake power.

Making a mental piñata is actually very easy to do and is probably the basis of much delusion that we ALL feed to ourselves, or receive from the enemy. We all have done it and will continue to do it. We beat up on what we think is the truth, when really it was just another lie (a piñata) that we didn’t want to fall for. Or in this case, we beat up on the truth, thinking it to be a lie, while embracing the real lies that come from the enemy. Hmm. Try not to be discouraged. This is why we all must walk in humility; because we are all judgmental toward others to some degree. 

And as our scientific endeavors continually confirm that what the Bible says is true, we are at the same time nullifying false religions or other philosophies of men, with their false cosmologies and false gods (not to mention the tyrannical chains they attach to peeps in the process). 

In fact, I would say that this revelation from God to me, and the ensuing instruction, has been showing me how all the world has been in a fog of falsity and fantasy ever since the generation after Tower of Babel incident. And even for the few to whom He has revealed the truth, they or their people have not been able to keep it pure and active (I cite the Jews as the prime example—in brotherly love—since they did faithfully write it all down, even if they no longer believe it). 

Time, coupled with human frailty, has allowed the truth to be swept under the rug and walked on for ages, to the point that most folks (nearly all) are living in a dream world today. And although I have been given much insight into these things directly by God, I am seemingly doing all I can to forget all that He has taught me. I too am at least as frail in my fallen human state. It is only by God’s gracious providence that I know any of this at all. And I am sure that it has been by His grace that I have not fallen victim to such outright lies as evil-you-shun and deep time (evolution and an olde Earth, as taught in the schools). Because I definitely embody the spirit of the quote given at the beginning of this essay: 

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you.  Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise.

 Be blessed as you seek the Lord, in reverent humility.



Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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