This Broken Planet (online)

Earth’s beginning and end,
and its unseen Water Layer


Gary Wentz

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188.
All rights reserved.© 2023, 2024 Gary Wentz


What this is

If you’re really sensitive to hearing or reading about things of God, Christianity, and the Bible, and don’t want to hear it, just put the book down now (or click off) and walk away from this. I promise to talk about God and His Word as I discuss His world—His broken and doomed world. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m going to share with you what I think God shared with me in February of ’23 (this millennium). He gave me an image in my mind of Earth (see cutaways above and below). It lasted just a few seconds. I had to mentally process what I had clearly seen for a bit in order to understand it better (although the gist of it was quite clear to me—as were the ramifications). 

The Vision Itself

It was the 12th of February, and I was in my garage. I was actually contemplating the Earth and the Flood at the moment when a holographic-looking image appeared on my workbench in front of me. It was transparent but visible—a globe of Earth in a cutaway, about 14 inches tall.

As soon as I realized I was looking at a vision of the Earth, the image left the workbench and was strictly inside my mind but zoomed in (it might have been all I could see, actually). I could quite clearly see a deep layer of water on top of the brownish rock surface of the Mantle. The Mantle’s surface was smooth and brown (intact); the Mantle’s interior was not shown to me.

The Water Layer was encased in an outer rock ball, which was covered with a Soil Layer and some bodies of water. As soon as I understood what I was looking at, the vision faded away. As it disappeared, I felt a familiar touch on my head. It was my God letting me know that it was Him giving me the image (I know His voice and touch). The whole experience lasted about 5 to 8 seconds in all.

This message is a presentation of what came out of that brief vision and subsequent instruction from Him.

Understanding the Vision

After receiving this amazing vision from God, I had to take a crash course on the fundamentals of geology and geophysics just to know enough to communicate this knowledge and its impact to others. Since reaching adulthood, my education on the topic has largely been self-guided anyway (since I never attended a university), but since the image came to me, God has taken me on a short study of how He made the planet for us.

This is the second impactful vision given to me by God. The first one was more spectacular and longer in length but more personal. I’ve seen other, less impactful visions before—like seeing Jesus while worshipping or thoughts that come to mind as images—but so far, I’ve only had the two really impressive ones.

This one has the potential to completely change man’s understanding of cosmology, geophysics, and Flood geology (it turns it on its ear, actually). It demonstrates, very clearly and eloquently, the fact of catastrophism as opposed to uniformitarianism. (Catastrophism says that the world was reshaped by one or more catastrophes in the past, while uniformitarianism says that the world has always been uniform, or constantly like it is now, with slow changes, if any at all.Uniformitarianism is what is taught in schools, while catastrophism has been vehemently opposed by them. Uniformitarianism is an attempt to remove God from the picture, while creationism keeps Him central to the message.

Young Earth Creationism & Science

When God feeds me with information or knowledge (not necessarily with a vision), it’s usually little spoon-sized bits at a time. I have to show interest in whatever it is, or else He may not give me any more. This time, I paid attention, and He taught me starting from where my knowledge base was (which is a lot higher now—a year into this).

I have always had an interest in scientific knowledge but never attended university due to their anti-God dogma and the expense associated with enrollment (not to mention making a six-digit income without it—and the debt). My understanding, then, has been born and nurtured by God. This doesn’t make me a genius, and I am sometimes quick to forget what He has taught me (even less apt to apply it). And He has only shared a little bit regarding a few things anyway throughout my adult life (or maybe that’s how much I have paid attention).

And although I say that God gave this to me, don’t think it means that I am some “holier-than-thou” kind of guy, or in any way superior—I most definitely am not (just ask my wife)!

Ever since the mid-‘80s, I have depended heavily on the tutelage of Young Earth Creation (YEC) teachers and scientists for my knowledge in areas of science and cosmology (the study of the beginning of the cosmos). And YEC scientists are quite knowledgeable about the science of it all—at least as much as anyone else (they’re scientists, after all).

In fact, the creationist view is gaining popularity in the world as people wake up to what I am about to discuss: the truth that actually fits with the evidence. It is the creationists who are making exciting discoveries these days in science, not the evolutionists.

And this revelation, though not a discovery, is very exciting to me. It opens up the whole history of the world to me and brings everything into its proper place—and timing. It is a backstory that has not been shared before, to my knowledge.

Why This Matters

Anyway, now that I understand better what the Holy Spirit showed me that day about the Earth, physically, I’m passing it on to you. That’s what this book is going to discuss. And if I do this right, it will be very easy for you to understand my message and determine whether or not to wrap this new knowledge into your own understanding. To be clear, this is a message from me to you of a special vision from God to me. Sound fun?

How to take this

Unfortunately, many people today don’t really like discussing certain subjects; like Religion and Politics. Well, at least we can dodge one of those topics here. Politics is far too petty a subject for this revelation anyway, and I can only take so much stupidity at a time. (Sorry, but politics is filled with dishonest people acting stupidly and selfishly. Well, religion is too, but this needs to be discussed; it’s far too important to ignore.) And know that the enemy cares deeply about this topic. It’s been one of his priorities from square one. That’s probably because the stakes are so high for all eternity; not just this voting cycle. So, we’ve just got to discuss this.

You know, the enemy has never quit using the flood against the Lord; from as soon as it happened. Then, when everyone was split up from Babel a hundred years later by God, the demons went to work right away; using the pain of it all to force a wedge between Him and us. They became the new gods to many people worldwide.

We’re going to go BIG, and will cover no less than: 

  • How we got here; 
  • The state of the Earth now and why; 
  • What its condition will likely be going forward; 
  • And not just how its state affects humanity, but how humanity affected the Earth and all other life upon it as well (past, present, and future).

Would you like to go there with me? It shouldn’t hurt too much, unless you allow your pride to get hurt. Learning new points of view can be lots of fun, with the right way of approaching them. I don’t claim any authority over anyone, so everybody is free to take this or leave it as they see fit. But this topic is controversial. It’s actually very controversial to some. In fact, some folks are really not going to like what I have to show them here. I can try to be sensitive to their hot buttons, but someone is going to be instantly upset with this. I hope that isn’t you. Luckily for them, I have no credentials, so they will find it very easy to pooh-pooh my model and go on about their merry, uninformed way.

I am a Young Earther and have been my whole life—before I knew the term for it, even. This point of view that I am presenting fits squarely within that framework, since I have never had any other point of view. Oh, I’ve listened, and read, and taken the tests regarding what I call “Olde Earthe” stuff; I’ve just never been convinced by the arguments of Deep Time (m/billions o’ years) or Evolution (evil-you-shun). Not for a minute. And the title and philosophy of “Young Earth Creationism” is in response to the teaching of evolution (from amoeba to man, said to occur over millions or billions of years) as it has been and is being forced upon us from the media, entertainment, education, the science industries, as well as the government (any government at any level, worldwide). All power bases involved in propaganda or information release seem to be spreading evolution occurring over m/billions of years as a forgone fact. But is it? Is this world really billions of years old? Can you prove it? Can anyone, regardless of position, prove their case?

Why me?

Thanks for joining me on this journey to the center of the Earth and back again; then on past us, right into eternity. We’re going to look at the best-selling book of all time, one of the oldest, the Bible, and see what it says about the age of the Earth and how it was put together by the Master Designer and Builder. We’re also going to unpack that short vision and lay it out with all of its consequences, both scientifically and theologically.

But before we jump right into the details of this amazing vision and its impact, I want to take just another minute and consider the context, or perspective, from which I come into this. I am, after all, anti-religion (which I consider a way of telling God to pay up) and I consider the Bible to be true; not a textbook for world dominion (as some have attempted to make it).

I’m perfectly sane; I just don’t believe the nonsense that the overwhelming majority of people in the world have been taught about This Broken Planet (with most of them falling for it). It is one of the biggest hoaxes known to mankind and I have simply refused to buy into it. And if you will be honest with yourself, you should realize that you have some doubts or questions about it too that still linger. (Unless you just know what it is and keep using it as a weapon against the Bible thumpers and others who hold to a strict religious worldview that you hate.) If that isn’t you, then stick with me and I’ll show you a whole new way to look at planet Earth; This Broken Planet.

Before I share anything on why God may have picked me as someone to give this to, I want to point out that it is not because of my accomplishments, character, or lineage (to my knowledge). There is nothing about me that is outstanding as a person. I am not particularly inspirational to others (unless by sharing God’s message alone). I certainly cannot claim being better than any other person that I know (as in being a good, righteous, or holy person). And I have no idea how many other people He gave this revelation to either (I only know of one other). Maybe I’m the millionth; maybe I’m only one of two. Anyway, here’s how I see God’s heart concerning who He likes to use. Really, the message is about the message; not the messenger. Quickly, here is an example of a message and how it is received and presented. See if you can make the connection.

1st Corinthians 1:18-29, New Living Translation (NLT)

The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.  As the Scriptures say,

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”  (Isaiah 29:14, NLT)

So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.  Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.  It is foolish to the Jews, who ask for signs from heaven. And it is foolish to the Greeks, who seek human wisdom.  So when we preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it’s all nonsense.

But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you.  Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.  God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.  As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. ~ Paul, Apostle of Christ

So, why me? I don’t really know; does it mean that I’m just pathetic enough for the job? I’m a nobody; so the message isn’t about the messenger, that’s for sure.

In God’s Image

I feel it would be helpful to share my own personal perspective and understanding concerning the Creator as we go through this. So here’s a quick bit about us being designed and made in God’s image. 

I think that I can add one more way to the list of ways in which we are made in the image of the Living God: He is infinite, which means that somehow we are inside of Him. (I’ll actually expand on this in chapter one.) We are not infinite; but we do have other beings inside of us also.

We’ve learned through scientific research that our bodies have amazing autonomous structures in them that seem to be mechanical in nature, while also being chemical and biological, I guess. But what struck me about some of these is how they seem like tiny creatures setting about their appointed tasks (like white blood cells, for example, searching, sniffing and snuffing out infectionsor the microbes that are the intruders). In fact, we are all made up of tiny little particles that form into things that have function and purpose. Consider again the immune system in your body. It is somewhat autonomous, and yet it works on behalf of, for the betterment and benefit of, your body. 

Or just the cells, themselves; I’ve seen video of two heart cells filmed on a dish in a lab that start beating together when they make contact with each other.

Or in your gut, your intestines, you have many kinds of cultures or colonies of tiny microorganisms. Some are beneficial and necessary, while others are the intruders, which the guardian cells of your body are fighting off. (Eat those veggies, kids.)

It seems that everything about your body, from that furry skin of yours down to the innermost, infinitesimal structures of your cells, says that you are just one big machine, made up of the tiniest things in creation. And then when they come together to form your brain…wow, I’d imagine that’s the most complicated thing in the universe! It’s also one of the most fragile, in my opinion. 

Not a big point, I know, but I just wanted to mention it. The human body is indeed a miraculous work of pure, infinite genius. And that’s just the physical part of us (the body). There are also the other, ethereal parts that are even more amazing. We are all made up of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. Maybe I’ll dig into this later.

Fragile hearts and minds

When we were little, we had all kinds of things shoved into our little, fragile, malleable, tender, and oh so impressionable minds. I was one of the lucky few who grew up with God’s Holy Spirit in my brain and heart (so to speak) from my earliest knowledge or awakening. And I never really pushed Him out, even in my most disobedient years. So He has been with me the whole time; leading and protecting me, even when I disobeyed (numerous, nay, countless times). All I have to do is come back to Him and show Him repentance; then He always restores (His mercy is new every morning). I have always tried to be more loving and loyal to Him above all others. He is the only God I have ever had.

One way we can protect our hearts and minds from deception is to verify the message we are receiving with what we already know about life from the Word of God—the Bible. This is in opposition to the message of the enemy, which says to stay away from it; they say “get it out of the schools, and away from the children!” “Separation of Church and State!” And if the enemy doesn’t want us to know it, then we must need to know it. If he’s keeping it from us, then we must need it in some measure someway. And in the case of the Bible, we need it a lot.

So I invite everyone to put this Flood theory up against what we can actually see in the world beneath our feet (through science) and to put it up against the light of the Bible (through theology). Do that. With everything. Always. You won’t go wrong. 

Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights.  A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people.  Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.  Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.
(2 Timothy 2:23-26, NLT)

Jesus helps people escape the clutches of Satan (enemy of both God and man). And when you have been set free by Jesus, you are freed indeed. Religion, “deep time” (m/billions of years), and “evil-you-shun” (my term for the evolution theory) are traps set by your enemy. Although you can be freed from his power, you are never free of the enemy’s influence for as long as you wear that skin suit you’re in. The test is always on. The clock never stops until it’s over. His snares are easy to fall into when your eyes are off of your Creator (for just an instant). I think that is why Satan is still alive and able to interact with us today; to see if he can pull us away from Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit (and their Bible); to get us to deny Jesus before men.  Or at least to be ineffective or dormant in God’s work. Oh, and getting us to hurt each other seems to be a favorite trick of the enemy’s too.

Find the Water Layer in this cutaway picture of Earth and see where it is, relative to the other parts. It was located between the Mantle below it and the Crust Bedrock above it, before Noah’s Flood of the Bible. When it broke, the world fell into the scalding hot water, quickly turning to mud, maybe miles thick. If you picture a melon cut open, it helps to imagine the Mantle of Earth. Above that is a lot of hot water (heated by the Mantle) and that is encased in a stone ball Crust.


Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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