Noah’s Flood Made Easy


On February 12, 2023, I received a vision from the Lord about the pre-flood world. This post is a quick reference guide to what I saw and the subsequent knowledge I gained as to how the flood actually happened. For a more in-depth presentation of this information, you can read my book on it for free on this site. The book is called This Broken Planet [Earth’s beginning and end, and its unseen Water Layer] and can be read here. I will also be posting a tract series by the same name as this post (Noah’s Flood Made Easy) that will be available soon for free as well.

I never attended a university; I was an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for 20 years with the FAA (making too much money to need college). The only knowledge I had about geophysics or geology before this experience was from reading books and articles and watching videos from Young Earth Creation (YEC) scientists (which I soaked up quite a bit since the mid-80s). But I have always been a believer in the Bible, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for as long as I can remember, so I don’t have a conversion experience to share with you. Just know that I am a hardcore believer and always have been. I call myself a Christian but do not affiliate with any particular denomination or sect of religion. At the time of posting this, I’m 63 years old and retired from ATC.

The Vision

While hanging out in my garage, contemplating the flood and young Earth creationism (and how to communicate them), I saw on the workbench a globe of Earth. It was about 18 inches or so tall and looking like a hologram that could be seen through. As soon as I realized what I was looking at, the vision left the workbench and instantly took up my entire vision in a zoomed-in view of the layers in a cutaway presentation. As soon as I understood the vision, it faded away and I felt the Hand of God upon my head as it faded. The vision only lasted about 5 seconds in all.

Details of the Vision

While the vision was a cutaway view, I could only see so far down into the layers. The farthest that I could see down into it was the surface of a rock ball that was whole (and not cutaway) that looked like a brown bowling ball, since it was so smooth. This, I learned later, was the Mantle of Earth. Above that, covering it, was a layer of water, maybe two or three miles thick (the actual depth was not given but I believe the vision was all to scale). Surrounding that Water Layer was a hollow rock ball, maybe 1 to 5 miles thick (I wasn’t given the thickness of this part either). I call this part the Crust Bedrock Layer. On top of the Bedrock Layer was a layer of soil. The Soil Layer was no thicker than the Bedrock Layer. Above that was the sky. Here’s a diagram I made to show these layers:

Antediluvian Layers of Earth

Unfortunately, my graphic arts skills are not good enough to show it the way that I saw it. What I saw was really cool and very realistic. I was unable to get any AI platform to give me a decent image either. Oh well.

The Implications of the Vision

When I saw this, I instantly knew what the ramifications would be on man’s knowledge of geophysics. I knew this vision could change everything we thought we knew about the Flood and how the world was formed (called cosmology).

How the Flood Really Happened

Here’s what I learned about this as the Lord took me through a crash course on geophysics and flood geology.

Imagine a meteorite, speeding toward the unsuspecting planet. It comes straight down through the atmosphere, all ablaze, and crashes through the Soil Layer, the Bedrock Layer, the Water Layer, and into the Mantle, coming to rest deep within. As it smashes through the bedrock, a plume of dirt, dust, and rock flies high into the air. When it hits the Water Layer below that, water comes gushing out as well through the same hole just made in the crust. That was the first few seconds.

Immediately after the plume of water is seen shooting upward, and while it is still in motion, lava quickly follows as the plume changes into a pyroclastic explosion of steam, ash, and the other debris already in flight. The meteorite hole is not large enough to contain this blast that was caused by the super hot lava contacting the Water Layer deep below the surface. The land rises significantly and quickly reaches its breaking point. When this happens, the Crust Bedrock fractures into pieces, with a huge crack spreading Northward and Southward from the point of impact (where Iceland is located now). That is when the explosion reached epic proportions.

That was just the beginning of the explosion that ruined and changed the Earth forever. The Mantle had been holding a huge store of lava (under pressure) that was released when it was penetrated by the meteorite. The hot lava escaping caused the Water Layer to explode. But that did not just happen in one spot; it caused a chain reaction that very rapidly spread all around the globe. This lava and water reaction was multiplied everywhere (since the Mantle was also being damaged—blowing inward and releasing more and more lava). It brought down the Crust Bedrock and everything on it into the deep waters of the Water Layer.

Earth went from being a Green Planet to a White Planet to a Brown Planet to a Blue Planet.

Rising Water

That Water Layer was made of scalding hot water. I do not know how hot it was but it must have been hundreds to thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. The Crust and everything on it began to sink into this super hot water, with the Bedrock pieces coming to rest upon the now mangled Mantle, which is still releasing more lava. The Bedrock pieces were undoubtedly in all shapes and sizes, from powder to continent-sized. (Think of a glass or pottery item that shatters when it is dropped to a hard floor.) But these pieces are being tossed, pushed and rearranged by the magnificent forces of water and lava in motion from the immense explosion.

As these pieces are flying and falling, the Water Layer is coming out with a vengeance. It is turning the Soil Layer to mud. Lots of gigantic mud blobs are surging and flowing in all directions with the flow of the escaping water.

This means that the Flood was not just rainfall, but an explosive release of boiling water all around the globe within less than a hour. And it was not just water; it was surging, boiling mud as well. This mud grabbed all of the plants and animals (and people) that were not on the Ark that Noah and his family made. There is absolutely no way that any creature could have escaped this explosive event. There is no running to higher ground when all ground is falling together. I’m actually surprised that any sea creatures made it through alive at all. If birds could have taken flight they would have no place to go but into the boiling water and mud with everything else.


But there was rain—lots and lots of rain—more rain than This Broken Planet has ever seen before or since this catastrophic event. The water was so very hot, that when it was exposed to the tepid air above it (for the first time) that it formed instant fog, steam, and water vapor that shot into the sky. Super cumulonimbus clouds leaped into the upper atmosphere and instantly began to drop the water back down to the surging surface. To get a grip on how destructive, violent, and powerful this formation was, try to imagine the worst thunderstorm ever recorded and multiply it into a continuous storm that literally covered every inch of the world’s surface.


There were winds higher than any recorded by mankind since. Today, we’d call such forces “gales”, “tornadoes”, or “hurricanes”, but none of those descriptions can come close to what this was. This was a global explosion, like volcanoes going off all over, but not like the volcanoes that accompanied this event. It was just a massive explosive event that turned air into scalding torrents of destruction. I honestly don’t know how those on the Ark survived this. Call it God’s providence, I guess. But the winds didn’t last forever and subsided some after the initial explosion had circumnavigated the reeling Earth.


Consider this: That super hot water was cooling rapidly, as it mixed with the soil and vented into the atmosphere. It also continued to cool due to the blanket of clouds that reached from the surface to the upper atmosphere in a single, continuous mass covering the entire planet. In fact, as the heat dissipated and the precipitation continued, the falling water turned to sleet, snow, and then ice on the poles and down to about the 40th parallels (north and south). This was the creation of the Ice Age (the only one). In fact, it has yet to melt on Antarctica and Greenland to this day. But it does continue to melt. Call it global warming, if you want, which has been happening for the last 4300 years since this flood.


Before this catastrophic event, the world was very different. It was a beautiful, green planet. If you could have seen it from the Moon, that is the color you would have seen; green. There were no oceans like we have today, only small and shallow fresh water seas dotted about, like the lakes and seas we have now on the continents. In fact, I doubt that any sea was deeper than the Great Lakes in America, which are no more than about 1,000 feet deep (no more than 200 to 400 meters or so).

But that land was on a sphere that is now under our current continents. The pieces of the Crust Bedrock that were all part of a unified and whole sphere have become the Tectonic Plates of today! And those plates are all riding on a bed of lava, which is now called the Asthenosphere. No one really could have explained the origin of the Asthenosphere before having this knowledge from God. Neither could they have told you where the Tectonic Plates came from; only that they are there. But now we can take this new information (backstory, if you will) and see how it all happened in a very short time. Throw away the current theories of the continents being together in a kind of Pangaea formation. Instead, see that they were all created at the time of the Great Flood.

How the Continents Were Formed

Here are the critical elements to the formation of the continents we live on now.

As the Crust Bedrock fell onto the escaping lava (from the Mantle), which is now the Asthenosphere, more lava escaped through the cracks and margins between the plates. Some of the plates fell into the now fractured Mantle and some had to overlap, because the Bedrock sphere had a larger diameter than the crust does now. Those overlapping plates are what gave us the idea of “subduction”, which is a good idea but based on the wrong backstory. Now we can see that this overlap, called subduction, was caused in a moment, as one plate fell onto another. Because the Mantle oozed enough lava to cushion the plates, the crust appears to be roughly the same elevation (without one plate sticking up really high over another) as the bottom plate is pushed downward into the Mantle. This means that subduction is not the product of years of seafloor spreading.

As the lava continued to escape from under the plates (through the cracks), it produced all kinds of volcanism on the surface down to the plates. In some places the lava seems bottomless where the Mantle cracks meet up with the Tectonic Plate margins. In fact, under Iceland there is a huge, deep shaft that goes all the way to the outer Core, where the meteorite dug a hole in its path.

This lava that came out to the surface of the plates is what forms the foundations of the continents today. As the gigantic mug blobs were pushed around by the roaring water, they got stuck on the hot lava beds. This is the process that formed the continents, as it was repeated over and over again until all of the mud blobs became stacked up upon each other. You see, mud turns to rock when it is cooked with high heat; just like clay in a potter’s kiln. As the mud bakes, it rises, like bread. This is the formation of the sedimentary layers found all over This Broken Planet. Where there was only water, the lava shot up high into the water and created islands.

When we look at the world today, we see how Africa and South America look like they were fitted together at one point. But this is just an illusion. The truth is that the crack in between, called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is where a huge force of water was pushed out in both directions and in turn pushed the giant mud blobs in two directions at the same time. Those mud blobs then shortly hardened in place due to the lava beneath them.

Fossils and Fossil Fuels

Now you can see how all of the life, both flora and fauna, was captured by the mud that used to be the soil it was living on and in. When we look at fossils, they are usually encased in rock that was obviously fluid at the time of capture. This is how leaves and feathers are shown in exquisite detail in rock that holds them. This process could not have occurred at any other time in Earth’s short history.

Where huge biomes of various types were caught and heated, coal, oil, and natural gas were formed very quickly as well. We know that the world as it is today does not have enough life to create the fossil fuels that we find under the surface worldwide. Well, now that mystery is solved. Imagine a continuous forest or jungle stretching from west of the Hawaiian Islands to the current West Coast of America that was captured in mud and moved to where it was gathered together under the North American Continent of today. We can see the scrape marks on the floor of the Pacific Ocean if we look at Google Earth. In fact, that is how the Sierra Nevada, Cascade, and Rocky Mountain ranges were formed too, as the moving mud was piled up against the mud already hardened and brought from the East.


This has been a very quick synopsis of the Flood Model I call The Broken Planet Model (BPM). As I mentioned at the beginning, you may read the full book on this amazing vision and backstory for free on this website here. I will also be uploading a tract series on it that goes into more detail than here but less than the book.

I encourage the reader to see how this proves the Bible is true and Deep Time (the idea of billions of years of Earth history) is false. And if Deep Time goes away, then evolution must follow.

Let God be true and every man a liar.
(Romans 3:4)

Be blessed as you search for God in His Word and His world.

Your servant,


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