Noah’s Flood Made Easy Series

11. Good Dating Methods

Literally all human dating methods have the same problem—no one alive was there to observe the creation and take notes. That means that we all must either speculate or just believe God’s story. Personally, I go with God’s explanation and timeline. 

The Broken Planet Model (BPM)

One day when I was just hanging out in my garage (2/12/23) and contemplating how to explain the Flood and creationism, the Lord gave me a vision of what the world looked like before the Flood. It was nothing like I had even contemplated before. 

The important thing about this is that it helps us understand how He put the world together and thereby how the Flood occurred. Since we can now see what the world looked like before and compare it to what we see now, it isn’t all that complicated. Even I understood it (with His guidance). 

So this makes my model a new method for knowing how old Earth is and how the Flood changed it back in the 1656th year of the world’s history. There is no need to speculate at all, which removes much of the confusion and bad guesses from the narrative. But, besides my model, there are other ways (biblical ways) that show the youth of This Broken Planet. I’ll list a few of them here for you to contemplate. 

All of these “good” methods start with the assumption that the Bible is correct and accurate. That is what makes them viable. But the next step is to ensure that they also match the empirical evidence that we can see, touch, and measure in the physical realm. That is another aspect that makes them credible. The problem with the “bad” methods is that they do not match either the Bible or physical reality. 


One of the most damaging factors for an old Earth is DNA. There are many things about DNA that both refute an old Earth and support a young Earth. This will be a quick discussion on it and I encourage those interested in knowing more to look into it. The information is out there and is easy to find and study. 

For starters, DNA is far too complex and packed with information for the earliest life forms (according to the failed evolutionary timeline) to have had time to be developed. It literally screams of a Creator being necessary for it to be a reality. 

And not just its existence, but the way that it ensures the sameness or continuity of all life forms that exist. You see, DNA prevents life from evolving from one kind of life into another. It makes sure that the child is very much like the parent, in every single case. Is there room for change? Yes. Is that ability able to allow such changes that are claimed by evolutionists? No. While change is possible, there are absolute limits to how much change can occur. 

For example, my son is much taller than me, but DNA will never allow him to have wings or feathers or scales or gills. That kind of big change is just not possible, while other relatively smaller changes are very possible and even expected at times. DNA makes sure that the life form remains within its created kind. 

What does this have to do with the age of the Earth? Well, if such changes are not possible with even millions of years of history, then the need for an old Earth goes away. You see, it’s all a part of the narrative that people choose to follow. Deep time (billions of years) coupled with Evil-You-Shun (evolution) have to go hand-in-hand with each other for their story to even be considered (although I have never given either of them any credence in my lifetime). 

However, that is only half of the story. The other side of the DNA coin is that we can count the generations from one to the next because each generation has a slight degradation of information in it. This allows smart scientists, like Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson to make very good guesses as to the age of a particular ancestral line. 

For instance, he can trace the Y chromosomes in men all the way back to Noah and his three sons, and give us a pretty good estimate of how long ago Noah lived. Of course, we could just read the Bible and know exactly to the year when he and two of his sons were born, but this is a good way to verify the Bible’s story with cold hard facts of science. He can also do this through the mitochondrial DNA of women all the way back to their wives, as well. 

So he has been able to show through the scientific method how this works and how accurate the Bible is. 


Another way to show a young Earth is through studying erosion. And it works very well to support a young Earth.

The continental shelf is uniform all over the planet and speaks of a large amount of soil being washed into the sea all over the world at the same time. 

The layers of sedimentary rock that cover the continents also demonstrate a pattern of worldwide deposition and erosion between them that also confirms the Flood. 

The amount of sediment on the seafloor globally also supports a very young Earth, with only about 4300 years of accumulation. In fact, there is not enough sediment on the seafloor for even 100 thousand years to have passed. I could go on and on about this but, again, I have run out of room here. 

Soft Tissue in Fossils

Since the enlightenment, people have been trying to make the world either eternal or very old. But as the science catches up with the claims, we have noticed the claims of an old Earth begin to find less and less support in the real world.

One of these bits of data that decimates millions of years of history for dead bones in the ground is the presence of soft stuff like collagen, red blood cells, and more. In fact, the more bones we dig up, the more soft tissue is found to exist in them. 

Why does this matter? Easy. Everyone agrees that collagen, for example, cannot last that long. It can only survive in rock for a few thousand years, not millions. So just like all of the other facts about the fossil record, this one drives it home that the world just isn’t as old as the secular schools want us to believe. 

C-14 in Fossils, Coal, & Diamonds

Much like the soft tissue argument, the presence of Carbon-14 in fossils, coal, and diamonds is devastating to the old-Earth view. For the very same reason, C-14 just does not last long enough for its presence in these things to be there. This throws millions of years right out the window and out of consideration, based on the true evidence. 

Sea Salt

As salty as the oceans are, they just are not salty enough for the salt to have been accumulating for even 100 thousand years. 

DNA In Ancient Bacteria

This is really the same argument as for soft tissues and carbon-14 in “old” matter. First, why is it there, and second, why is it the same as what we see today in microbial life forms? This is a blow to both deep time and evil-you-shun. 

More Evidence

I could just go on and on an on about the proofs of a young Earth, since there is so very much support for it, and absolutely none for an old Earth. But here are just a few more to fill out the space I have left.

Bent Rock Layers

When we look at the layers of rock that are exposed, many places show rock layers that are bent and/or folded over. This is obvious support for those layers being laid down while malleable, like mud that turned to rock, and give no validity to those strata or layers being laid down slowly over eons. 

Earth’s Magnetic Field

It is no secret that the magnetic field that surrounds This Broken Planet is slowly fading. It also may have flipped or moved in the past as well. But even though it is decaying slowly, it is too fast for the world to be millions of years old. In my BPM, I suggest that the answer lies in the Mantle being fractured and destroyed from its original condition at the time of the Flood. This could be one viable answer for it. 


As comets zip through the cosmos, they lose matter. They leave trails as they scoot around. Well, if they are losing matter, then it isn’t difficult to see that if they did this for millions of years there would be nothing left of them by now. 


Frankly, we just don’t have enough helium in the atmosphere for it to be any more persistent with the rate of off-gasing that we can measure today. And with that, I am out of space for any more of the many proofs I could cite. 

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