Noah’s Flood Made Easy Series

8. Challenges To The Model

This tract will be a Q&A that discusses some challenges to or questions about the Broken Planet Model (BPM).


Q: How can you say that no societies or even continents existed before 4300 years ago—we have archaeological records that are older than that? 

A: No, we don’t. What we do have are opinions and interpretations of folks who look at the archaeological and other evidence with an old-Earth lens. The evidence is not off, the interpretation is. If you claim that the interpretations are backed up with Carbon Dating, then read the next tract in this series called Bad Dating Methods

With the BPM there is no chance of any trace of former societies or even evidence of them surviving this global catastrophe. And since it fits all of the empirical evidence, we can conclude, through logic, that any attempt at older ages is off (often wildly). 


Q: Isn’t there too much diversity in the human specie for humans to have only lived on Earth for that short of time? 

A: No, not at all! In fact, when looking at genetics, we can accurately trace the generations back to Noah and his three sons using the Y chromosome, or to their wives tracking the mitochondrial DNA in females. See the research of Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson


Q: With so many religions in the world, why should anyone follow your story over the many others?

A: Just look at the actual stories. The Bible is the foundation of my model, along with a direct revelation from God. I do not recommend following any religion; I recommend studying the Bible, which is not a religion, although religions and religious people attach themselves to it. The Bible stands above the rest of humanity’s attempts at some other narrative, due to its unassailable veracity and agreement with the natural world around us. It is not a textbook but agrees with the actual evidence of science. After all, it was written by the One Who put this world together. 

Geologic Column

Q: What makes you think that you can just do away with the Geologic Column? It has been confirmed and backed up all over the world by many different fields of study.

A: That just isn’t true. What they call the geologic column is really just a bunch of dead things that have been buried deeply in hot mud, turned to rock all over the world. But hold onto that thought for the next tract in the series on that very subject.

40 Days of Rain?

Q: How could a 40-day rainfall flood the world, covering the highest mountains?

A: It couldn’t. That is why my model does not state that. I show how the Flood was really more of a global “sinkhole” than a flood. It was not just local events, but a worldwide, colossal deluge which is not in any way repeatable. It was the Crust of Earth falling into the Water Layer, which no longer exists. See the tract in this series on 40 Days of Rain & Ice for more on that.

Plate Tectonics

Q: Even the Christian scientists contend that the Flood was from tectonic movements. How do you counter their claims? 

A: What their models do not show, mine explains easily. When you read about my model in the tract called, New Flood Model?, you will see how I explain the formation of tectonic plates and the effects of it. I’ll not take up the room here to rehash it all over again. 

Ark Capacity

Q: How could one man put enough animals on a barge/boat/box to give us the species we have today?

A: He only needed “kinds” of animals (similar to “families”), which can lead to many species. Of all the kinds of air-breathing animals we now have, plus the ones extinct, including dinosaurs, there would have been enough room for them and all of their food for the year of the flood. It was big. And not just the food for the trip; but they needed to start all over in their gardening. And there won’t be anyone else to get seeds or plants from. The old nursery that Noah shopped at would soon be at the bottom of the continent. 

Noah wasn’t alone. He could have assigned one son and wife couple to each of the three decks. Then he and his wife could roam around between the three decks, helping as needed (for example). It would have been a lot of work for them when things settled down enough to move about the cabin, but not overwhelming. I imagine that when they came to rest is when they had to get to work, as taking care of the animals ramped up.


Q: What happened to all of the dinosaurs?

A: They lived for a while after the flood but were killed off largely by people, who no longer had the advantage of a huge Earth to stay away from them. Also, the new Earth was no longer the gentle environment it was before the Flood. We know that men and dinosaurs shared real estate together due to the many drawings and other evidence of cohabitation. They were called “dragons” in days of old by our ancestors; being the very same creatures by a different name. 

Ice Ages

Q: We know that there have been many ice ages in the past, doesn’t this disprove your model? 

A: Not at all. If the ones who claim that there were multiple ice ages would reexamine the data with my model, they would see that my model fits the evidence just fine. The data is not what claims multiple ice ages; only the people making interpretations of it. If you claim scrapes on rocks as evidence, then consider that those scrapes and marks were formed when the final waters receded into the oceans, causing the Continental Shelf around the world. See 40 days of Rain.

The Flood gave us one, single ice age, due to being an inimitable event with more water in the atmosphere than ever before or since. Antarctica is too dry, for example, to give much precipitation. Once the snow and ice melts in the polar regions, it will never return like it is now. Never. 

If scientists would look again at the ice core samples with my model in mind, they would see how harmonious they are. Imagine how much snow and ice would form in the arctic circle, for example, with 40 days of solid, steady snow and ice storms, presenting unprecedented amounts of precipitation from the pole down to about the 40th parallels. 


Q: How could a crust layer be suspended on a water layer?

A: First of all, the Crust Bedrock was a hollow sphere that contained the Water Layer and the Mantle below that. This means that the water was sandwiched in-between the two rock surfaces and was under pressure. That pressure, with no ability for displacement is what sustained the bedrock. Water is actually capable of sustaining more weight than rock, since rock can be crushed!


Q: Wouldn’t the Water Layer boil and cause heat buildup and pressure?

A: It would, to a degree (pun). But there must have been a way for the pressure to be relieved somehow. I actually do not know how this was accomplished, but since the Bible says that the surface was watered by springs from the deep, that is what must have happened. I invite hydrologists to look at this and see what they come up with. Plus, if contained, it should not be a problem until air is introduced.


Q: How could rain cover all of the Earth at once in a single storm? 

A: Since the water escaping from under the collapsed bedrock was so very hot (hundreds to thousands of degrees), it immediately began to turn to steam and fog, then billowing thunder clouds. And since the atmosphere was already very humid, the storms grew very rapidly and voraciously worldwide. It was more rain than we could even imagine. Maybe a computer model could accurately show its magnitude. 

Divine Wrath

Q: Why would a loving God destroy all humanity in such a manner? 

A: While it is true that God is very loving, He is also just as righteous, and His holiness demands that sin be punished. The Bible tells us that the people of those days were very evil, much like we are today, and it says that He felt He had to act. This Flood was His solution to man’s inner pollution. It was quick and merciful.

Rather than judging the Judge, we should be more humble about this and see that we too may be wiped out when Jesus comes back to the same Earth He judged all those years ago with a worldwide flood. 

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