Noah’s Flood Made Easy Series

7. Fossils & Fossil Fuels

In this tract we will take a deeper look into the formation of fossils and the fuels that come from the same processes which form them. 

Archaeopteryx, a strong flying bird with teeth, claws, long legs, and a long tail bone

What’s a Fossil?

Almost all fossils were made 4,300 years ago when super-hot mud covered all life on Earth in about an hour. The mud quickly turned to rock as it was baked by lava beneath, around, and mingled with it. Fossils are the remains of dead plants and animals that turned to rock as minerals replaced their bones and other features, like feathers or leaves. In some cases, the bones remain, while in others, an imprint is left in the rock—like pressing a stick into clay and seeing the shape it leaves behind. So, nearly all fossils on Earth were captured within the same hour. That event was Noah’s Flood. 

Transitional Forms

The term “Transitional” regarding animals or plants is a misnomer (literally, misnamed). That means that it is a false term. In reality, there is no such thing as a “transitional form” in the fossil record. We might see the remains or imprints of animals that are now extinct, but there is no animal that changed from being one animal and turned into another kind of animal. The fossil record shows this. 

Take Archaeopteryx, for example. It was a fully functional bird, with strong abilities for flight. But because it also had teeth, claws, long legs, and a long boney tail, some people decided to call it a transition from dinosaurs to birds. But in reality, it was a bird about the size of a Raven that could climb a tree, attack and hold its prey in its claws, while ripping it to pieces with its strong shark-like teeth. Its tail may have had defensive properties as well. 

None of these traits make it a “transition” between two kinds of animals. It was a bird (now extinct) that could fly very well, due to hollow bones and other features, like feathers. It had a beak, like all other birds, but it just had sharp teeth in that beak. 

All birds were created on the 5th day, before God made mankind on the 6th day. Any other explanation is just an attempt to take God out of the story, which any follower of Jesus should reject. There were 14 of each bird kind on the Ark.

God made all animals exactly the way He wanted to. But this does not mean that all animals are alike. In fact, there are many animals that don’t fit neatly into the usual classifications. Another example is the Duck-Billed Platypus. It’s a mammal with webbed feet and a duck-like bill that lays eggs. Seahorses are fish that are different from others, due to its shape and the fact that the male holds the young until they hatch. 

What Was The Cause?

When the world was destroyed by the Great Flood, all life on Earth (except for the animals and people on the Ark and some sea life) was very quickly swallowed up by the water and mud that consumed everything on the surface. One way or another, everything became encased in the hot mud. 

This mud was formerly good soil but when dumped into the former Water Layer it quickly became gigantic globs of mud. 

At the same time, lava was escaping from deep within the mantle, and coming out all over the world. This lava formed the foundations of the continents or became islands. It was very, very hot and turned the mud (holding all of the plants and animals) into rock. 

These huge globs of mud turning to rock were stacked up on each other. That mud had a lot of weight and that weight caused much pressure to be exerted upon the remains of the life forms. This pressure, combined with the super heat of the lava was the perfect combination for cooking oil, coal, or making gases out of the plants and animals. At no other time in Earth’s history have these conditions come together in this way. It was a one-time event. 

This is why we do not see fossils or fossil fuels being created since the Flood—it requires conditions that are not seen any longer. Some things can die where they get covered up but without the heat; other things die in heat but without the immense pressure needed. It takes both. And how are there sea fossils on literally every mountain top in the world? The story of deep time and uniformitarianism does not hold up to the billions of fossils found everywhere on Earth. There HAD to be a global Flood!

Quickly or Slowly?

Can fossils be made quickly, or does it take millennia or longer to make them? The answer is that under the right conditions they are made very quickly. And under the wrong conditions they are not made at all. 

Every single fossil had to be buried very quickly (very deep) to prevent the corpse from being eaten by other animals. Also, the corpse had to be buried in very hot mud (or rock) under a lot of pressure, to be turned to either coal, oil, gas, or a fossil. 

We see plants, insects, and all kinds of animals perfectly preserved in fossil form all over the world in HUGE numbers. But since the Flood, we do not see ANY animals becoming fossils, unless buried very near to volcanic activity (which could replicate the conditions of the Flood). 

Outliers and Anomalies

“Outliers” and “anomalies” are terms used by scientists for fossils or data that do not agree with what they expected to see. The fossil record is FULL of these kinds of things. But each and every one of them fits quite nicely with the creationist model (which includes a biblical, worldwide Flood). 

Too Much Life

Here’s one that isn’t talked about very much: There are too many fossils of plants and animals compared to the number of plants and animals on Earth today; there is too much oil, coal, and gas for today’s plants and animals to replicate it. The fossil record shows a world that was much more abundant in life forms than what we have today. There are more kinds of plants and animals than what we see today as well. This means that the world that was had to have a LOT more life on it than the world that is currently has. 

Either It Fits or It Doesn’t

When we take an honest look at the evidence (the fossil record), we see that there are too many problems with the tired old story that has been forced upon us by the schools for decades and decades (since before our science had uncovered so many “anomalies”).

The unbiblical story that has tried to take God out of the picture has failed. It’s time for those pushing it to finally give up and concede their loss. They need to read God’s Bible, that says “Let God be true and every man a liar.”

Closing Thoughts

The fossil record doesn’t belong to secularists—it belongs to the truth. Their failed theories of deep time and gradual processes can’t explain the overwhelming evidence of a catastrophic event that reshaped the Earth. My Broken Planet Model (BPM) explains the fossil record, fossil fuels, and the geological features of our world (like plate tectonics) far better than their own theories ever could.

This isn’t just about science—it’s about truth. They have tried to claim the fossil record as their own, using it to push God out of the picture. But the evidence fits the biblical account of creation and the global Flood perfectly, leaving their stories of slow, uniform processes in shambles.

The fossils testify to a world that was broken by judgment and reshaped by God’s power. They show us the remains of a life-filled Earth that was utterly transformed in a single event. It’s time to let go of failed narratives and embrace the truth of God’s Word—as God expects us to do. 

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