You got the title right—this post is about the death and resurrection of the Antichrist, not Jesus. Billions of people have good knowledge about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but how many know about the death and resurrection of the Antichrist? Probably not as many. And after reading this post, you should have a pretty good understanding of it as well.
When 2 or more are 1 in some way, unity lives.
The “Plain Meaning” Interpretation
Arguments abound over how we interpret (understand) the most important book of all time, the Bible. And, indeed, this is a real problem among all people who come in contact with what we call “The Word of God”. In this short post, I’d like to share my own way of understanding God’s message to the world.
Promises of Jesus in John 14
A short study on the promises of Jesus made just before His death.
When Will Jesus Return?
We may not know the ‘Day or Hour’, but if we read the Bible like any other book, we’ll know the signs to look for.
Problems with the Pretrib Rapture
Born out of pure love for the brethren, I shed light on this hot topic that sits like an elephant in the room during a Bible study. With just a few verses in the Bible, the rapture can be made as clear as crystal. Please read…
A Comment on God’s Wrath
God’s wrath is an important topic for the world (especially this generation). This post will share insight about it that you probably have never heard before.
33 Commandments of Jesus
This is an online version of Gary’s latest book: Rules For Life According To Jesus. Comprised of an Intro, 33 Sections, and Closing Comments.
Discipleship and Evangelism
Can you describe the difference between discipleship and evangelism? If not, hopefully you will after reading this short post.
Are Mormons Christian?
Are you able to say why Mormonism is not the same as Christianity? Don’t they call themselves the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints? If you can’t say what the basic differences are, read this post.