
The Trinity of God Demonstrated By A Scientific Tool

Know what a science lab glove box is? (It’s not like the glove box in your vehicle.) It’s a see-through box that protects scientists from any harmful elements in/of/on their work (like toxic gases, acids, or radiation). It also protects the processes and/or materials in it from ambient impurities, temperature, and the like that might be outside of it. It accomplishes this, partly, by incorporating arm-length gloves attached to the box. The air in the box can be completely sealed off from the air where it is located. Some of them are very simple and some are very complex (temperature controls, special means of adding or removing gasses and liquids from the box, fire extinguishers, pressurization or vacuum systems, and more). Well, I’m going to use this box as a visual aid in describing my new way of seeing God in His Holy Trinity.