Relationship vs Religion
Sheep To Nations Doctrine
Bot Debates
End Times Made Easy (online)
Contents Preface/IntroductionCh 1: Ezekiel’s WarCh 2: The TribulationCh 3: 3rd Temple BuiltCh 4: The Great TribulationCh 5: The Wrath of…
This Broken Planet (online)
Earth’s beginning and end,and its unseen Water Layer By Gary Wentz Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from…
Uniformitarian Deep Time Evidence
In this Bot Debate, I’ll discuss the age-old debate of Old-Earth vs. Young-Earth with the bot. If you don’t know, uniformitarianism is the (dumb) idea that nothing has changed in how our world got to be like it is over the centuries since creation. It is also used to try to remove creation from the narrative. Unfortunately for those who follow this failed idea, the evidence doesn’t support it (neither does the Bible). So I asked the bot to try to support an old-earth position without using their consensus view interpretations of the data, only the actual data that is found by doing actual science.
Being “In Love”. An Epiphany.
This morning the Good Lord showed me exactly what it is to be “in love”. And so I am sharing…
Do Angels Have Wings, Really?
In this bot debate, we will debate this very thing. See what you think as I challenge the mainstream view…
Secular scientists’ lack of logic
Introduction We all know that there is tension between some in the scientific and academic communities and those in the…
Weariness On The Battlefield
Call it a therapy session Introduction: We all have days. Some days are great! Others are hell. WARNING TO PARENTS:…
Should Christians Play With Halloween?
Let’s see what the Bot thinks. It’s almost Halloween, so time to break out the Bible and look at it….
The Plain Meaning Hermeneutic
How we read and understand the Bible Introduction There are many methods that people use to try to make sense…
The Complete Gospel
A Blending of the Four Gospels into One Continuous, Flowing Story Online PDF Red Letter Edition, Full Page © 2024,…
ETME Series| 02 The Tribulation
The Tribulation The end will come [like] a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to…