Noah’s Flood Made Easy Series

9. The Geologic Column

It’s all about bias. There really is no such thing as a “geologic column” in the real world beneath your feet. It only exists in the minds and textbooks of college boys who want God out of the picture. In reality, the worldwide Flood captured, buried and cooked the pre-flood plants and animals into what we use as fuels today or fossils that we find intriguing. In this tract, I’m going to show you just how convoluted this hoax really is. 

Quickly, the story about the column is that it proves their claim to billions of years for the Earth’s existence. Their myth of millions of years of Earth history has been carefully, cleverly, and meticulously crafted into this very detailed story, complete with names and dates and all kinds of fake data. 

But the flood model that the Creator gave me is very simple and elegant and is completely without any of the problems that you are about to see.  

Problems with the Hoax

There are far too many problems to list in just this short tract, but here are some of the better ones for you to ponder. 

Polystrate Fossils

A polystrate fossil is one that cuts or extends right through several strata (those lines that they say show millions of years of time passage between them.) But when a tree fossil stands tall in the lines of millions of years, it obliterates their story. There are many examples across the world today of these fossils. This image shows a good example of one.

Polystrate Tree Fossil

Manmade Tools & Artifacts

The London Hammer: Look at this hammer with an iron head and a fossilized handle. How do they explain this one being encased in what they call 400+ million years old rock? 

Metallic Spheres: In South Africa, small metal orbs or discs etched with lines, called Klerksdorp Spheres, have been found in Pre-cambrian rock that is supposed to be up to 3 BILLION years old. Some claim that the spheres are a hoax, when really the 3 billion years is the hoax! 

These metallic objects, found in sedimentary rock, actually prove the existence of metal tools existing before the Flood of Noah!

Mountain Top Clams, Mollusks & Trilobites

Since the story goes that clams, mollusks, and other sea life, like trilobites, are supposed to be at the bottom of the column, why are these very fossils found all over the world on top of the highest mountains? Wouldn’t that be the top of the column? Hmm. Not very convincing is it? 

Living Fossils

There are many examples of “old” life forms that are still alive or that have been seen as recently as the 20th century. Here are a few that put the column in doubt:

Coelacanth: Thought extinct for 66 million years, is found near Madagascar.

Horseshoe Crab: Said to be 450 million years old. Uh huh.

Wollemi Pine Tree Once known only from fossils dated at 2 million years, it was rediscovered in a remote gorge in Australia in 1994.

Brontosaur: Sightings in the swamps of Congo by the locals there of a “grumpy” dinosaur that they couldn’t get near to, described to be just like a brontosaur. (No photographs exist; just eye witnesses.)

Plesiosaur Carcass: Washed up on Monterey Bay, CA, in the 1930s. It was photographed before being washed back into the bay.

A few other examples include:

Nautilus (500 million years)
Hagfish (330 million years)
Tuatara Lizard (200 million years)
Platypus (120 million years)
Komodo Dragon (40 million years)
Purple Frog (120 million years)
Hoatzin Bird (34 million years)
Sandhill Crane (10 million years)
Aardvark (5 million years)
Red Panda (4 million years)

Frozen In Motion

Can you imagine a fossil being formed over millions of years while eating its last meal? Me neither. But here you have it:

Or how about a train of Trilobites being cooked to death as they crawl through the hot mud encasing them as it turns to rock?

Here’s another one: an Icthyosaur giving birth as it dies in the mud:

Are you seeing the pattern here? These animals were caught in the motions of life as they were covered by mud that turned to solid rock around them. This does not show what they want it to show, now does it? It shows rapid creation of fossils in a flow of mud that turned to rock. 

Here’s the Rub

My Broken Planet Model (BPM) given to me by the Creator matches exactly with every single one of these examples of what those with the wrong backstory call “anomalies” (things that don’t match their story). These are not unusual at all when observed in the light of my model. Not at all. 

In fact, they all work quite well with the backstory that I am offering to the world (for free). You don’t have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to take a course so that you get the truth with my BPM. In fact, you can read this tract and the book for free on my website,

Why don’t they admit it? 

I don’t know, you’d have to ask each one of them why they cling to an obviously false narrative of the empirical evidence of the rock layers shown around the world. The (dumb) story they offer doesn’t even come close to being a real or even logical explanation for the thing they recklessly call the “Geologic Column”, as if it were a real thing. It is not. 

Let me be perfectly clear; there is no truth to this ridiculous backstory that they have forced upon us all for decades upon decades all around the world. 

But what makes my blood boil is that they don’t just leave it at that. They claim that God does not even exist, and show this drivel as “proof” of their godless assertions. Well, as I have tried to clearly show here, their “proof” just went “poof”. 

“Let God be true and every man a liar.”

There is no such thing as a “geologic column” anywhere on Earth; just lots of dead things covered up by a very quick burial in mud that quickly turned to rock. We call it a Flood!

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