Noah’s Flood Made Easy

5. Lava, Lava, Everywhere

This tract will tell you how our planet got to be the way it is. It starts with the Mantle, because that is where all of the lava came from. 

You know what lava is; that thick, orange and yellow goo that comes out of volcanoes. 

Active volcano

They say that it is molten rock—but I say that it didn’t start out as rock; I say it started out as Lava, and when it cools it turns to rock.  Why do I say this? Because its first state is lava and its second state is rock (igneous rock). Lava is molten (melted).

Where I live in New Mexico, we have some pretty amazing lava flows that cooled and turned to pitch black rock. You can see the ripples from its molten state, still wrinkled up, frozen in place. 

Cool lava flow in NM, USA

Where did lava come from?

It came from deep in the Mantle, from the Outer Core of Earth. That’s almost as deep as Earth goes. It is really deep down in there. This is why I say that its first state is molten (almost liquid, but very thick). The Inner Core (the very deepest part of Earth) is swimming in it. 

How did it get out?

Well, that’s the $10,000 question, now isn’t it? The answer lies in the Flood of Noah. Yeah, the Flood of Noah; but not the 40 days of rain that everyone thinks about when they hear of the Great Flood. 

If you’ve read the earlier parts to this series, then you should know that the Flood was a lot more than just a rainstorm. It was a celestial object breaking the planet and completely changing it in very profound ways. 

One of those changes was how the Mantle got penetrated by that meteorite, causing much of its life-blood, the lava, to come gushing out. When the lava came out and made contact with the Water Layer, it destroyed the Crust Layer and sent it to the top of the Mantle, which also got really fractured as well in the explosive process. 

Layers of the broken planet after the flood


This block-long word is what we call the lava that came out and remained on the surface of the Mantle, between the broken and collapsed Bedrock Layer and the Mantle. Well, that’s my definition of the word based on what I know about this event that reshaped the world. 

These Bedrock pieces are what is now known as the Tectonic Plates that are under the oceans and continents around the world. Because the plates ride on a layer of lava, which is gooey and slippery, the plates have a tendency to move around a lot. When they move, it’s called an earthquake


When one plate is under another plate it’s called subduction. (Whoever came up with this term didn’t really know how it actually happened, but I’ll tell you now how it happened.)

When the Bedrock pieces fell, they fell onto each other or beside each other; some went into the Mantle; some turned upside down—it was a real mess, because an explosion is what broke the Bedrock. And since the intact Bedrock was a hollow rock ball that was slightly larger than the surface of Earth now, the pieces had to overlap in places. And that is why we have some overlapping each other. That is subduction.

How Hot Is Lava?

Well, that depends on where it is and what it’s been through. But when the lava was in the Core, it was about as hot as the surface of the Sun (up to 5,500°C, or 9,932°F). That makes lava almost the hottest thing on Earth, next to the Inner Core.)

The Important Part

If you’ve read the earlier tracts in this series, you should know that the original Crust Bedrock had soil on top of it. That is what all the life on Earth lived on. I don’t know how thick the Soil Layer was initially, but when the Bedrock broke and sank into the former Water Layer and onto the Mantle, the soil became mud (instantly). 

The muddy soil became suspended in hot, turbulent water and began to move around, all over the world. As the lava was expelled from the Mantle, some went under the new Tectonic Plates and some went between the cracks, and either became volcanic activity or just laid there on top of the plates and became the new foundations for the new continents. There were no continents before this event. All land was in one continuous piece before this (NOT Pangaea). 

Well, as the muddy soil was moved around by the surging water, it came into contact with the lava flows, which were cooling now but still extremely hot. When the huge mud globs met the lava they got caught by it and stayed put, creating layers of mud. The mud very quickly began to turn to rock as it was baked by the extreme heat under it. But more mud globs got stacked up on the previous mud globs and that is how we got sedimentary rock layers all over Earth. These are what became the continents, as the mud layers swelled as they baked and grew taller and taller, building up layer upon layer. 

College boys have names for all of the layers but they didn’t know what they were looking at. And since they were in a mindset of millions and billions of years of history, they completely missed the mark on how all of this happened. Their story, unfortunately, became the gospel of geology and stuck. 

Layers Upon layers

Here is a table showing the layers that I am talking about. You’ll see these tables in textbooks around the world, but with some bad information attached to them. What they call millions of years is really more like minutes or days. Yep, they’re that far off. It’s too bad, isn’t it? Well, not to worry, now you can see the truth and let the truth set you free from the cult of schools, with their bad info. 

Isn’t it funny (not funny) how having a wrong bias can turn things completely wrong?

The numbers down the right column are supposed to be millions of years. Oops! They weren’t even laid down in that many days! These layers were just globs of mud, filled with dead things (flora & fauna) that were alive just hours to days before, deposited in place in a very short period of time. That is how the layers were really formed globally in the global Flood. There’ll be more on fossils later, but I’m out of room here. 

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