4. No Trace Remains
I guarantee that there is no vestige, trace or hint of the antediluvian (pre-flood) world remaining on This Broken Planet.
Notice the image below. See how the before and after images are completely different from each other? That is the basis for this tract. Read on and see what I mean.

New Features
As I said, the antediluvian (pre-flood) world had very little in common with the world we live and suffer on today. While the old world was very nice and liveable on every inch of fertile soil, this new world is harsh, inhospitable, and very dangerous. Let’s just take the new features of Earth one at a time, from top to bottom.
The old world had perfect “birthday suit” weather everywhere, all the time, night or day, year-round, without any of these phenomena:
• Snow, Ice, Sleet, or Hail
• High Winds
• Thunderstorms, Thunder, Lightning
• Tsunamis or Floods
• Earthquakes
• Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Water Spouts
• Uncomfortably Low Temperatures
Water Bodies
Before the Flood, the seas would have been very shallow by our standards; more like lakes that are on our continents today. They were likely no more than 1,000 feet deep (200-400 meters).
Today, the oceans are extremely deep. The lowest part is deeper than Mt. Everest is tall!
Mountains & Canyons
Before the Great Flood, the terrain was very smooth, compared to now. Probably only gently rolling hills supported the immense and lush biomes that covered a surface that was much larger than our current surface, with its soaring mountains and plunging canyons. It was, after all, a green planet. I mean green everywhere.
You see, the beautiful soil they had then was turned to mud and baked into sedimentary rock when its support feature, the Crust Bedrock, was ripped out from under it. As the mud was captured by rising lava, it hardened. But this hardening was not instant; it took weeks.
As the mud lay on the lava beds, it began to cook and grow stiff. But before it could harden completely, part of it got moved around and formed into various forms. The Grand Canyon is an example of partially hardened rock that cracked under the force of masses of mud, rock and water that were in great turmoil and motion.
Other examples of this kind of semi-hardened geomass would be the mountain ranges in North and South America, and China. As the mass we call India was pushed up into what we now call China, the Himalayas were formed. As even larger masses were shoved across what we now call the Pacific Ocean (from as far away as west of Hawaii), we got the Sierra Nevadas, Cascades, and Rocky Mountains. The Andes were formed at the same time, in the same manner. These formations did not exist before the upheaval of the Great Flood.
As the continents rose, the final surges of great tsunamic tides took huge amounts of soil downhill to the edges of the new continents and into the oceans, making the Continental Shelf, worldwide. We can also see evidence of erosion between the great swaths of layers of mud that became what are now called Phanerozoic, Paleozoic, Cambrian, and other made up monikers. Such names were made by people who did not have the understanding that you are receiving here, from a direct revelation of our great God and Creator.
Tectonic Plates
Another important feature of Earth today is the Tectonic Plates. These plates are what is left of the original Bedrock Layer that was broken and submerged below the early Water Layer. (More on this in another tract.)
Because the Mantle was broken, it leaked much lava. This extruded lava went all over, causing many various features on Earth.
Much of it was captured between the collapsed Bedrock Layer (now the Tectonic Plates), and the damaged and leaking Mantle. This new layer of lava is called the Asthenosphere. It is not very thick, but it keeps the plates above it in frequent motion, due to its gooey nature. This is why we have so many earthquakes around the world today.
Some of the lava went through the cracks of the plates and formed volcanoes above the plates. Some volcanoes have a constant supply of lava from the deepest depths (as in Iceland) and some of it is cut-off from the deep lava flows (as in dormant volcanoes).
Much lava that made it to the top of the plates became the foundations for what we now call continents or islands. Before the flood, all land was one unified mass. But now that the lava is out, it formed on the collapsed plates and gave us igneous rock formations that the former soil (turned mud) latched onto and became sedimentary rock. Together, the igneous and sedimentary rock layers created the continents of today as they were stacked up on each other and rose. This is what saved Earth from being a water world.
Seafloor Spreading
Between the continents of the Americas and Africa and Europe is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a great example of seafloor spreading. This is where there is a crack between plates that allows lava to continue to exude. As the lava exudes, it spreads out along the seafloor.
Those broken pieces of Bedrock (turned tectonic plates), went in different directions, causing various configurations of the fallen bits. Some went deep into the Mantle, some fell upside-down, and some were partially stacked on others. Where we see this overlap, we call it subduction. The term is a bit off, due to not knowing the backstory I’m sharing here, but that is what subduction is—pieces of plates overlapping at the edges. It isn’t due to the process that they attribute to it.
Fossils and Fossil Fuels
One of the interesting, if contentious, aspects of geology is the presence of lots of dead things in the rocks around the world. Those who have pushed God out of the picture say that those dead things, turned fossils and fossil fuels, got there slowly over millions of years. But now we can say definitively that the presence of fossils, coal, oil, and gases is due to the processes I’ve been sharing here.
You see, as the ground fell out from under all life on the surface, it was wrapped in mud and baked as the mud turned into rock. This process put all kinds of animal remains in all kinds of configurations in this new rock. The college boys call it the “Geologic Column”, but I say it’s just the way it all came about in this huge deluge of a catastrophe. I’ll cover this in its own tract a bit later in the series. For now, I’ll just mention that this flood model explains what we see in the layers of earth perfectly.
Well, that’s all I have room for on this page, so be sure to see what the remaining tracts in the series have to say about this fascinating new flood model and how it works, scientifically and biblically.
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