2. The Layers of Earth
In this tract, we will look at the Earth as it was shown to me in a vision from God. This is how the world was before Noah’s Flood. It also varies quite a bit from any other model known to mankind up until now.
Look at the image here.
Notice anything different from what you’ve seen before?
How about the Water Layer, between the Mantle and the Bedrock Layer? Check it out.

But I’ve started in the middle. Let’s start from the Core and work our way out as we look at the layers of Earth as they were before the Great Flood.
The Inner Core
Not depicted on the image here would be the center of the Earth, called the Inner Core. It’s a metal ball about the size of Pluto, which is smaller than our Moon.
The Core is super hot—about as hot as the surface of the Sun.
The Outer Core
Also extremely hot is the Outer Core, which is basically a lot of Lava, that the Inner Core is suspended in.
The Mantle
The outer third or so of the Mantle is a mixture of materials that range from gooey to crystalline. It reminds me of a giant geode, for some reason. The outermost crust of the Mantle is thick, solid rock that holds the whole thing together. Now, I’ve never been educated in geophysics and was not given this information about the inner workings of the Mantle. I was only shown the image of the Mantle outward in the vision from the Lord, so take all of this part about the interior of the Mantle with a grain of salt.
What I did see was the brownish surface of the Mantle. It was smooth, like a bowling ball and looked to be intact, without any faults, cracks, or bumps.
The Water Layer
This, to me, is the interesting part. I was shown a Water Layer in the vision that appeared to be about 2 or so miles thick. It was directly on top of the Mantle’s surface, sandwiched in-between the Mantle and the hollow Rock ball that encompassed it.
All I saw was the layers, not how they moved or really anything else. All I know is what I was shown in about 5 seconds or so.
However, after studying this vision and learning and praying and thinking very hard about it, a few interesting things have come to mind about this Water layer:
1. It was in motion. There are forces of nature, known to us through the study of physics that must be taken into account. One of them is the Coriolis Force that would have acted upon this Water Layer.
Because there was nothing to stop the water, like a shoreline or island, the water would have had to be in motion due to the linear momentum associated with the force. This is actually rather important because it helps to give the water the ability to counter the force of gravity from other bodies in space, like the Moon, Sun, or even Jupiter.
2. The Water Layer was hot; really hot. This is because the Mantle beneath it was giving off quite a bit of heat in all directions. This means that the Water Layer gave the Crust Bedrock above it a lot of heat as well. The effect of this hot Water Layer would make this antediluvian (pre-flood) Earth very warm, with “birthday suit” weather all over the surface, all the time, night or day.
3. The Bible says that there were springs that came up out of the ground to water the surface. So there must have been a way for water to transfer between the Water Layer and the Bedrock Layer above it.
4. This Water Layer must have been very dark and the water must have been fresh and not salty. I doubt that there were any microbes or other life forms in the water either, due to the heat, dark, and motion.
Now much of what I have given here is speculation on my part, and I am not a scientist at all. In fact, I’ve never even attended a university.
The part that I will swear to though (and die for) is that there was a Water Layer right where I have told you here. This is what God showed me and I will swear to it until my last breath. The thickness of it is a guess as well.
The Crust Bedrock Layer
This part of the vision is also quite interesting to me. I don’t know how thick the Crust Bedrock Layer was, but I know where it was—right on top of (surrounding, really) the Water Layer. I have no idea what kind of rock it was made of either. I just know that it was there. I also know that this Bedrock Layer is now the Tectonic Plates that are under the oceans and continents around the world. (There will be more on that in a following part of this series.)
As I just said in the previous section on the Water Layer, this rock layer received heat from the water inside it and was therefore pretty hot too. Enough to keep the Earth a nice perfect temperature everywhere all the time, night or day, regardless of location or season.
Something about the Crust Bedrock let water pass through it to the surface from the Water Layer and back again. It was held up by the Water Layer’s density and mass, to keep it from collapsing into the Water Layer. I doubt that it bulged out at the equator, as Earth does now, due to the firm, round Mantle holding it fast from inside.
The Soil Layer
This is where all life lived on the planet. It is what we would call the surface of Earth. How thick was the soil? I really do not know. Probably not very thick, really. Maybe only three to five miles deep. But that’s a lot of awesome soil for growing food.
The Soil Layer likely included a few types of soil. Since water passed through the Bedrock from the Water Layer below, it likely had sand or gravel on the bottom. Maybe both. I also expect precious stones and metal ores to be present as well since the Bible mentions them being there.
Also present in the Soil Layer would have been tar pits, since Noah had to use pitch to coat the Ark. It makes sense to me that if there were vents of steam from below, there would have been places near them where vegetation turned to black goo. How many of these tar pits were there? Your guess is as good as mine.
I also expect the soil to have been very nutritient rich and filled with microbes for the many plants and animals to be fed from.
Speaking of life, both flora and fauna, this surface of the antediluvian (pre-flood) Earth was massive. It was not like our surface today at all. It was a continuous surface of land, with a few shallow seas, lakes, and rivers dotted about (probably in the low lying areas, fed by springs). It was a green planet, with huge forests and green biomes the size of our continents today. We cannot even imagine how much life was on that version of Earth. But this I know; it gave us far more fossil fuels than we could come close to gaining from our current world. Anyone who knows about fossil fuels should back me up on this.
The Atmosphere
Warm, humid and without harsh weather, ever, anywhere at all, this atmosphere was nothing like ours is now, with its extreme temperature variations that drive the harsh conditions we have in almost every corner of the world now. Only small temperature changes would have been present from place to place, meaning that it was calm and nice, all the time. Just gentle breezes and a few clouds, globally. Yes, our world now is pretty too, but it’s very harsh compared to that one.
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