33 Commandments of Jesus

From the Book, Rules For Life: According To Jesus

12. Give More Than Is Demanded 

“If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.  If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.  If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles.” 

Matthew 5:40-41

So, we just looked into the previous Bible passage, which is very similar to this one. In section 11, I said you could defend yourself or someone else. That remains true. This passage is a bit different than needing to defend yourself. It’s about someone who has a gripe with you. They feel like you’ve wronged them or gotten out of line and they’re taking action to correct you or get recompense. 

Usually, people get offended for a somewhat valid reason (“Social Justice Warriors” not withstanding). It’s up to us to evaluate our actions and see if the complaint against us is legitimate.  But even if the gripe is not legitimate, you should still follow this commandment.

What I think that the Lord is teaching us here is to make amends with the ones we’ve wronged. Go a bit farther than what is required for recompense. Doing this will put the whole matter to bed much more quickly than not doing it. Whoever has this issue with you, whatever it may be, will be quicker to let it go if you go above and beyond what they are demanding for payment. 

Such behavior on your part will show the other party, and anyone else who is watching, that you are a noble and righteous person and are willing to pay your debts and to do the right thing when you have wronged someone (hopefully by mistake). 

Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.

Romans 13:8

Remember, Jesus’ commands are there to teach us godliness. They are to raise us up to a higher level than what our human nature wants us to do. We must keep this in mind as we study being Christ-like. 

Rather than living as one who lashes out against accusers, learn to rise above their base behavior (if any). Show compassion to them in every way. Pray for them. Show kindness and be patient with them. If you can win someone over to Christ merely by parting with some material possessions or money, you have struck a bargain. Keep the big picture before your mind’s eye at all times. 

The pettiness of squabbling over material things is just that: Petty. As followers of Christ, He is calling us to be better than those who care about such temporary things. We should be focused on what really matters: Things of the Spirit. 

We never really got to see Jesus act this out in person. The reason is that He never gave anyone a reason to have a valid complaint against Him. What we DID see is religious fanatics slapping Him for their own petty reasons. They had no demands of repayment, but when they slapped and hit Him, He just stood there and took it. Wow. What resolve!

PreviousDo Not Return Evil With Evil | NextLove Your Enemies

Sections in this study:
1: Repent
2: Be Born Again
3: Place God First
4: Love and Serve One Another
5: Live By Faith
6: Forgive Others
7: Remain in Jesus
8: Live Righteously Before Men
9: Avoid Bad Influences
10: Stay On The Narrow Path
11: Do Not Return Evil With Evil
12: Give More Than Is Demanded
13: Love Your Enemies
14: Check Your Motives
15: Pray Simply
16: Do Not Worry
17: Store Up Treasures In Heaven
18: Do Not Be Judgmental
19: Guard what is Sacred
20: Care For Those In Distress
21: Do Not Swear Oaths
22: Watch out for false prophets
23: Exercise Spiritual Power
24: Have Childlike Faith
25: Do Not Exalt Yourself
26: Settle Disputes Quickly
27: Settle Disputes Between Believers
28: Do not Oppose Brethren
29: Remember Me
30: Be Merciful
31: Make Disciples
32: Be Ready
33: Obey Jesus’ Commands
Closing Comments

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