This Broken Planet (online)

Chapter Four | “earth looks old” 

“Why does Earth look old?”

“Because it’s broken and falling apart”. 

Even the newest toy or tool can quickly become old looking when it is broken beyond repair, especially if it were of particularly fragile design to begin with.  And the Earth was of very fragile design when new and treated very harshly.

Earth didn’t have radiation destroying the life and minerals at first. But now that its radiation has been released, everything looks bad—because it is bad—and getting worse! 

We call this “Entropy”—the tendency of everything to breakdown. Things are getting worse; not better. Things are getting simpler; not more complex. Things are breaking down and decaying; not growing and becoming better and stronger. (Funny how this law of physics is ignored by those who say things got more complex and better over time.)

Where I live in the southwest US, jagged Rocky Mountains loom over the city. Those weren’t there in the days before Noah’s Flood, discussed in Genesis of the Bible. They appeared during the Flood as huge masses of new earth were shoved into each other and wrinkled up from east and west to form the mountain range we call “The Rockies”. 

The Flood is why Earth looks old. It damaged Earth to the point of no return to its early glory and beauty. (And yes, it is still beautiful in its dying, decaying state.) It still nurtures life, but just barely; a mere shadow of its early, vibrant splendor. 

A Poetic Interlude (and ode to the Lord)

Let all that I am praise the Lord.

O Lord my God, how great you are!
    You are robed with honor and majesty.
You are dressed in a robe of light.
You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;
you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds.
You make the clouds your chariot;
    you ride upon the wings of the wind.
The winds are your messengers;
    flames of fire are your servants.

You placed the world [Crust?] 
on its foundation [Mantle?] so it would never be moved.
You clothed the earth with floods of water,
water that covered even the mountains.
At your command, the water fled;
at the sound of your thunder, it hurried away.
Mountains rose and valleys sank
to the levels you decreed.
Then you set a firm boundary for the seas,
so they would never again cover the earth.

You make springs pour water into the ravines,
    so streams gush down from the mountains.
They provide water for all the animals,
    and the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
The birds nest beside the streams
    and sing among the branches of the trees.
You send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home,
    and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor.
You cause grass to grow for the livestock
    and plants for people to use.
You allow them to produce food from the earth—
wine to make them glad,
olive oil to soothe their skin,
    and bread to give them strength.
The trees of the Lord are well cared for—
    the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
There the birds make their nests,
    and the storks make their homes in the cypresses.
High in the mountains live the wild goats,
    and the rocks form a refuge for the hyraxes.

You made the moon to mark the seasons,
    and the sun knows when to set.
You send the darkness, and it becomes night,
    when all the forest animals prowl about.
Then the young lions roar for their prey,
    stalking the food provided by God.
At dawn they slink back
    into their dens to rest.
Then people go off to their work,
    where they labor until evening.

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
    In wisdom you have made them all.
    The earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the ocean, vast and wide,
    teeming with life of every kind,
    both large and small.
See the ships sailing along,
    and Leviathan, which you made to play in the sea.

They all depend on you
    to give them food as they need it.
When you supply it, they gather it.
    You open your hand to feed them,
    and they are richly satisfied.
But if you turn away from them, they panic.
    When you take away their breath,
    they die and turn again to dust.
When you give them your breath [Spirit], life is created,
    and you renew the face of the earth.

May the glory of the Lord continue forever!
    The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made!
The earth trembles at his glance;
    the mountains smoke at his touch.

I will sing to the Lord as long as I live.
    I will praise my God to my last breath!
May all my thoughts be pleasing to him,
    for I rejoice in the Lord.
Let all sinners vanish from the face of the earth;
    let the wicked disappear forever.

Let all that I am praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!

(Psalm 104)

Conflicting Cosmologies

For the last couple of hundred years since the Enlightenment of the 18th century, people have been trying to put evolution into biblical cosmology and the Bible into evolutionistic cosmology. 

How has this worked out so far? It hasn’t. There aren’t any resolutions to be found between the competing worldviews of secular, evolutionistic cosmology (which depends upon deep time) and biblical, young earth creationistic cosmology (which demonstrates a young earth). 

So, whichever side you’ve been on lately, you should admit that it hasn’t been working if trying to bring them together. Maybe I can help you with that. First, stop trying. If you think it’s working, you should know that it’s a delusion. An impossibility. They are diametrically incompatible. It’s a target that will never be hit. You’re wasting your time. Give it up.

One thing that must be dropped from cosmology is this concept of “Deep Time”.  That’s what we call the story you’ve been hearing your whole life, that “the world is something like 4.5 billion years old”. This idea of Deep Time was popularized in Edinburgh, Scotland in the 1,780’s. 

James Hutton — Lawyer

James Hutton, called “the father of Geology” by his pals in Edinburgh, penned some thoughts in 1,785 that some folks of his day were eager to accept. He basically took God (and His Church) out of the picture by imposing strict guidelines into everyone’s thinking on Geology. Here’s how he put it:

“The past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now. No powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted except those of which we know the principle.”

(~ Hutton’s Theory of the Earth was presented in 1,785 in front of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, then published in 1,788 and enlarged to two volumes in 1,795.)

And then he went on to add:

“The result, therefore, of our present enquiry is, that we find no vestige of a beginning—no prospect of an end.”

(Same source)

Whatever he was thinking and believing when he wrote this is not known to me. I never met him or his buddies nor read anything more from or about them, really. I’m no expert on the Enlightenment either. But I can see what he was doing in making such statements. He was stacking the deck; making it impossible for the Creation story to be considered as equal to his and his buddies’ ideas. Charles Lyell picked up on it too. I think Hutton wanted to begin the debate with a claim of eternal existence for Earth, so that bringing it down to a ridiculously huge and inconceivable number may be easier. A compromise. He was a lawyer, after all; trained in hostile negotiations, no doubt.

If Hutton and the other influencers of the enlightenment were attempting to get the Church out of their social club, then they did a pretty good job of it over time. Today the Science Club and the Bible Club hardly even talk to each other, much less share their hopes and dreams and doctrines with each other. 

As it turns out, though, Hutton was completely wrong about the past NOT being the key to understanding the present (and future). He wanted to explain the past based on the present. But that doesn’t work when the past had a catastrophic event that reshaped and ruined the planet irreparably. He and his social club buddies talked the world into seeing things completely backwards, leading to the most inaccurate results that could have been realized. People like Lyell and Darwin only added to it in the years following.  That bandwagon has a lot of disciples, sadly.

Because the world fell for this story and way of approaching science (and God), we have been chasing a lie for over 200 years! We are so far from the truth now that those who have been raised in this doctrine of ignorance can only laugh at the prospect of any other paradigm. But again, it’s not their fault that they’ve been spoon-fed poo their whole lives and accept it as good and true. (Not judging the peeps.)

I see people following Hutton’s way as tantamount to putting a bag over their head before engaging in science.

What’s wrong with “Deep Time”?

Salvador Dali—The persistence of memory, 1931

A lot is wrong with deep time. It is nothing more than a sham; a lie; and false pretense that cannot work in the real world. There is absolutely ZERO evidence of long periods of time on Earth. In fact, there is the exact opposite. Please, let me explain.

When we observe layers of rock, sand, clay, ash, and whatever else is stacked up in the “soil” before us (like looking at the walls of the Grand Canyon, for example), we can see that there are huge deposits of these minerals and more that have been apparently laid down by the force of moving water (mud, really).  

Where any two layers are stacked up, the Deep Time explanation has been that the layers were put down over millions of years, very s l o w l y.  Why do they say this? I don’t know. It doesn’t make any sense to me, whatsoever. 

Here are a few scientifically observable reasons why there could NOT have been long periods of time between layers of soil or rock deposition, and why evolutionists and “Olde Earthers” are going to go sit down on the Flat-Earthers’ bench (this is science; not Bible; it absolutely guts both concepts):


I’m going to make an outrageous statement that I will clarify as we go: 

Any stratum that exists under other strata does not show any signs of disturbance, anywhere in the world. 

I know that this is quite outrageous to some, but it will make sense before too long just what I mean. Just stay with me for now. No burrows of animals or insects. No erosion. Nothing. How can this be after millions of years and all over Earth? It looks as though the top layer came so quickly after the first that nothing had time to disturb it—not a rodent, a reptile, a bird, or a bug (or a dude). Actually, they were all dead at the time, sadly.

Burrows, tracks, and erosion are mostly absent where two or more strata have been stacked up. (In some places, a few footprints are in “older” rock than their makers’ fossilized feet in “newer” rock—oh boy.) Their timeline is make-believe. All we see in the mud-rock layers is petrified dead things; not their homes. No other evidence of them in the soil, like we see today.

Compare top images with bottom pic; see any disturbance between strata below? Me neither.

Remember, the lie has been that each little stratum above was formed over millions of years. Eesh.

Polystrate fossils

When we look into the rocks under our feet, we see that Trilobites have died and been fossilized while crawling through the mud. They only made it a little way before succumbing to the mud and heat, but they were preserved in their struggle to get uncovered by the flow of hot mud that was encasing them quickly. 

“Pretty amazing thing to occur over a million years!”

“Uh, no, it didn’t happen that slowly.”

Yeah, they were covered in seconds to minutes, not weeks, months, years, decades, or centuries, and definitely not millions of years. They were covered up in a second and then remained encased forever. That’s how fossils are made; dead things in hot mud turning to rock. It’s a baking process.

Vertical fossils of trees run through multiple “layers” (I’m using the word as loosely as the textbooks here). There are several examples of trees and other forms of life or rock passing right through several layers. And some layers are all bent in a swirl together.

“How did that happen over millions of years?”  Answer: “It didn’t”.

It happened quickly in forming (baking) rock (while still soft and not yet hardened—think of gooey bread, still baking). But those fossilized trees did not grow where they’re encased. They were deposited, along with everything else in the mud. The roots are largely gone; broken off in the flood.

Polystrate Fossils, like this fossilized tree appearing in several  “layers” (strata) pokes a big hole in deep time.

This phenomenon is not helping the deep time position any. In fact, it cuts right through it. Just like the tree fossils cut through their “millions of years” worth of layers, this fact cuts right through their story that was just a figment of someone’s imagination (James Hutton) and repeated for over 200 years. Sounds kind of like a myth or a fairytale in the making, doesn’t it? But since people are making a living off of this and it’s deliberate deception, I’m calling it a $cam. Especially since it’s been forced upon us.

Those layers all around the world hardly have days between them, much less years. Anything beyond that is silly. The bigger the number gets; the sillier it is. One million years between layers? Very funny. Ha, ha. Ludicrous. 

(Side note: Layers and strata are confusing terms that seem to be interchangeable in the schools. If it were mine to say, I’d have “strata” be the little lines that appear in dirt or rock that has been immersed and moved by water. “Layers” would then be the different flows of mud that were stacked up all over the world. So, in my mind that’s what they are and I thought you should know that, since you’re reading my stuff here.)

The actual layers, in my opinion, are huge mega-flows of mud that we’ll look at in a little bit. Mud Tsunamis cooked to rock.

If you want to see what “strata” look like, take some dirt and put it in a jar (just one third to halfway full). Fill the jar with water and make sure that all the dirt gets diluted with it. Shake it up and let it settle. In a short time (hours), you’ll see “layers” form, just like the ones in the Grand Canyon. 

If you did that, you did a science experiment that shows how strata are formed naturally in dirt when carried in water.

“Gee, that’s just like what happened in the Great Flood.”

“Millions of years between strata? Give me a break!”

We know better now. Mt. St. Helens (1980) taught us that these things happen very rapidly. (Thank you, Dr. Steve Austin, PhD.)

Stratification is just a natural phenomenon associated with flows of minerals in water. And not just the rocks, but the many bones of segmented animal remains or the complete bodies of some animals are carried in the same manner. And not just animal remains but trees or other flora have been encased in rock as well—as fossils or oil. 

Everyone agrees that water covered every inch of the globe at one time. All of our sedimentary rock shows signs of stratification from water flow. This is universal around the globe and the timing matches everywhere as well. 

Fossil Fuels Recipe:
Dump biomass into a boiling pot of mud.
Cook it under pressure for a while (weeks to years).
You’ll either get coal or oil or fossils, depending.
You may also get a bunch of gas. 
“It’s not that complicated. Just don’t ask a professor to explain it,
unless she’s a biblical creation geologist.” (ツ)

The men are standing on one layer looking at another. Dr. Steve Austin (hand raised) is a prominent Creation Geologist Professor with a PhD in Geology. He was instrumental in teaching stratification at the Mt. St. Helens eruption site. Image taken from the film, Is Genesis History? which is available for free on YouTube with ads here. I highly recommend it. They didn’t have the revelation given to me but they can read the signs in the earth.


Erosion is so severe and prevalent worldwide (mostly on the surface) that nothing but a worldwide flood can explain it. The same is true of the Continental Shelf that exists around every continent. 

“Wait! Didn’t you say that there was no erosion?”
“I did.”
“Between ‘strata’. Look at your dirt in the jar.” But yes, there is a huge amount of erosion, but where it is and how it appears is what is important. Stay with me.

These flows all show signs of occurring in the same time period—just like a worldwide flood would do. They all occurred in a few months’ or weeks’ time of each other, tops. More likely it was hours or days between flows, lasting for many months. The erosion on Earth is consistent across the surface. It lasted over 150 days straight and years following.

And when we see how some of the surficial rock features formed from erosion are precariously balanced, or are of a particularly crumbly, fragile nature, we can deduce that those features formed quickly in the recent past. Otherwise, it isn’t likely for some of the precarious and delicate formations to still be perched where they are. If you don’t know what I mean, look at the Badlands of the Dakotas in the US.  (Or look at the picture.)

Fossils and Fossil Fuels

Fossils and fossil fuels, like Coal, Oil, Gases (Methane and Natural Gas) and the like could have been formed very quickly in the immense pressure and heat that was holding them. Just like the fossils, the biomass that is now coal or oil was wrapped in a mud-bake to be pressure-cooked. 

This mud-bake was very quickly setup by the coming together of a few important, inimitable (unrepeatable) conditions:

  1. In a worldwide earthquake (explosion), the Crust bedrock fractures and falls into the Water Layer below, coming to rest on what’s left of the searing hot Mantle at the bottom, which has had its surface blasted into its innards. The Mantle was blown inward in places, while the Crust was blown outward before collapsing back onto the imploded Mantle. The Crust pieces are now exposed to lava and magma from the ruptured Mantle, which is melting the soil and some of the rocks it contacts, making more lava. The Crust and atmosphere are irradiated by the escape of radiation from below. The radiation is destroying the broken rocks too. The lava is melting them in places. That’s global melting; the rising of the Asthenosphere! It might not stop. But that’s okay. Jesus will be back before Greenland is green. Seriously, who knows how much lava will continue to ooze forth until it stops?
  2. The soft soil that was on top of the bedrock is quickly incorporated into the water that is suddenly escaping the fractured, dissolving Crust Layer. The Water Layer was in motion before this explosion. That means that the situation is much more dynamic than one might imagine. The heat of the water causes the soil to dissolve quickly into mud as the flows churn it violently. This mud is what all the people, animals, buildings, plants, sea life, and everything else were living on just seconds before being swallowed up in this burning mud that is churning and turning, bubbling and boiling. Prior to the flood, the flow of the water went unnoticed miles below. And into it they all went—all life! In less than an hour, I suppose, all life on earth was being sloshed, tossed, broken up, and cooked in the mud by the heat under it all. It was a quick death for everything. I’m amazed that any sea life lived at all. The Ark story is a miracle! Such turbulence!
  3. This mud, that was solidifying from the massive heat under and around it, was quickly shaping into built-up heaps that will together form the continents. Layer after layer of thick mud, carrying the remains of Earth’s lifeforms, began to solidify into these massive mounds; eventually becoming dry land covering a mere 29% of the surface (where the soil used to be nearly everywhere on the surface, minus some lakes and seas).  This is how the continents were formed in the water with lava and mud expanding as they cool, harden, and meld. The former soil layer becomes the new sedimentary rock and the lava becomes igneous rock.
  4. The hot Water Layer is no longer protecting the soil from the immense heat of the Mantle because it was trying to get on top of everything but the air. The water is trying to get away from the heat below it. This heat is now doing what any kiln or potter’s oven would do; it’s baking the mud in place. And as more mudflows are caught and added on, the fledgling continents grow in height (mud expands when it bakes, I would imagine). I think God was ensuring that we would have enough land protruding above the waterline at the end of it all. So the soil was scooped into piles as it baked. I suspect that it takes both lava and mud to make a continent. The lava (and magma) is coming up from the depths of the Mantle in certain spots, and the mud is what’s left of the original soil. Together, they are what make up the continents. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is where the lava is oozing out from between two plates touching. Many islands in the Pacific, for example, seem to just be cones of lava that shot straight up to the surface. Lava is a big part of the recipe.

And so, with the Water Layer migrating to above the Crust Layer, and the continents being built up from the mud and lava turning to rock, everything was put into the configuration we see today all over This Broken Planet.

Mud Flows Into Rock

In just a few years, really, all of the coal seams and oil fields on Earth could have been made from the intensely populated biomes of life that were covered, squeezed, and wrapped into the mud, then cooked during and after the massive tsunamis of the great deluge, called Noah’s Flood. It all happened very quickly and violently. Nothing had a chance to survive. Just some sea life and those in the Ark with Noah. 

There was so much life on Earth before the Flood that if another were to happen today, we wouldn’t get anywhere near the same amount of these fossil fuels. In fact, I’ve heard that there is not enough life on the planet today to even come close. But of course we can’t get the conditions we have today from the conditions we have today, now can we?

For example, look at this image below. What I’m saying is that everything between the orange start line and the white finish line was some kind of forest or other biome just packed and teeming with life. The scrape marks on the ocean floor seem to indicate that much geo-mass was scooted along the floor to where it’s obviously piled up into the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains. And if it did all that, then making the Grand Canyon would be a sneeze. And that’s just the part that gave the US its fossil fuels. Imagine the vast jungles and forests and swamps that used to lie between Denver and Honolulu, before the Pacific Ocean was in place. Can you see all the scars of volcanism in the Southwest USA (Utah to NM and AZ)? This is physical evidence of what I’m saying here.

CAPTION: The Rockies were likely made from soil that came from where the orange line is up to the white line. I’m saying that Denver came from Honolulu-ish during the Flood. I think that North America came from two directions in the Flood. From West and from East.

This is what happened when the Mantle ruptured and the Crust cracked and sank: Lava came out of the Mantle and mixed in with the Crust pieces and soil sludge.

Volcanism was off the charts during that year and following as rising lava captured sloshing mud swaths and became one with them into an amalgam of cooling lava rock and warming mud rock. It was heating up and cooking all of the Crust’s good soil into “useless rock” (making all the continentsthat “useless rock” that saved all life on the Ark). And since it was holding biomass of all kinds, it reduced it all to either charred coal or liquefied oil or flammable gas (unless it just fossilized into rock too). Well, God is going to destroy the world with fire, so He might as well get things ready, right? All of that flammable stuff on the surface…

Have you seen the charts and graphs and maps showing massive flows that took place over “several millennia”, nay, “millions of years” (hundreds of millions of years?? Billions of years???)? They’ve got them all named, so they must know everything about them, right? 

Well, actually this requires a bit of explanation to get a grip on. There were huge flows of mud that got baked into rock. They call the rock “sedimentary”.  It’s all over the world, under every continent. I think that was the good soil of the previous world that was sloshed, tossed, turned, and then baked. 

And like I said, that’s how fossils are made. But it’s also how mountains and other formations are made on the landscape. These massive flows all occurred at roughly the same time—within no more than days of the previous—as the flood waters were sloshing all of that mud around, which would become the continents when it all comes to rest.  

Great Unconformity

An example of layers.

“Unconformity” is a word used for the divisions in these huge flows of layers (gaps between flows are unconformities); the “Great Unconformity” is the bottom divider (gap), under which no fossils can be found; only above it. An unconformity is where one mudflow came to rest on top of another. These unconformities are all about fossils and mud-tsunami-flow deposits.

I need to clarify again an earlier statement of mine that there is no erosion present between strata. There are some gaps (“unconformities”) in the true layers of the earth under North American feet and others’. These unconformities are the only places that I know of showing signs of erosion between layers. And to me, a “layer” is a giant mudflow with many strata within it. Strata do not show signs of disturbance; layers are the disturbance.

But these are showing massive events of extremely rapid erosion flows between layers that were catastrophic and hugely widespread. They are devastating evidence of a worldwide flood event with several sequences of surging mudflows. They formed in rapid succession wherever they exist, globally. Remember I called the grabbing of animals into mud like rolling ants into dough? These flows are the rolls of dough that get piled up in the “oven” to make “raisin cookies”.

After all of the dirt finally came to a standstill, much of the topmost layer was washed into the oceans with the receding waters and the high winds. In some higher elevations, huge lakes or seas were formed, only to be loosed later, bringing subsequent flows of much water, with mud and rocks. Look at China and Montana.

Read this quote:

Many geologists are already aware that there are six thick sequences of fossil-bearing sedimentary strata, known as megasequences, which can be traced right across the North American continent. This was documented five decades ago in 1963  and subsequently verified by numerous observations so that it is now well recognized. In the early 1980s, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) conducted a project in which all the local geologic strata “columns” derived from the mapping of outcrops in local areas, supplemented by drill-hole data, were put on charts to show the sequences of fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers right across the North American continent. 

(Andrew Snelling, AiG

Chart from same article quoted above.

 I don’t know if you caught that or not, but the major unconformities (places where mass erosion took place) match up with levels in the layers where many animals were buried in mud turned to rock.

When animal remains (bits and pieces, mostly) and the mudflows in which they are encased are covered up by megatons of more mud layers, and cooked by the high heat of the new lava under and in the Crust below, it’s just like a pressure cooker. And we get lovely layers of dead things laid down and covered up in the very same method all around the world at the very same time.  Why is this a mystery?

Now that the world knows the processes that cause fossils and fossil fuels to form, we can see that they were present in the world at the Flood, and only during the Flood of the Bible. The conditions were just right during the Flood and never again, before or since, to make fossils and fossil fuels. We call this condition inimitability, incase you’re not familiar, the conditions were just right at that time and never again, before or since.

And so the fossil record agrees with the Bible; not the universities—despite their deceitful cries to the contrary. Their silly explanation of millions of years between strata is just completely without any physical support at all in the real world. And the harder they cling to this godless notion, the more foolish they look (sadly).

Look at the graph again from Andrew Snelling, just under his quote (just above); it shows “my” at the top of the number column on the right-hand side of the graph, that stands for millions of years, and then the numbers in that column are supposed to be hundreds of millions of years. Well, to show how off they are (those deep-timers, old-timers, whatever they are), if we took their numbers and changed the scale to minutes or hours, not even days (600 is definitely going to be about the limit during the flood; yes, things continued to move for quite awhile afterward (where are we now, like 4,300 + years into it and still in motion?) maybe up to a few hundred years.)


The argument goes, “It takes millions of years for the light of stars that are millions of light years away to get here! Therefore, the universe must be old enough for the light to have travelled to Earth from wherever it originated”. 

Nice one. That’s a good one, all right. “It takes millions of years for light to travel millions of light years.” (Millions; billions; whatever.) It sure sounds good. Now if you could just prove it. But of course, there’s no proving that, now is there? It’s another one of those theories.

Objection 1 

The speed of light may not have been constant then and may not be constant now. Forces can affect the speed and course of light, theoretically. This is unfalsifiable; it’s a theory with the same failings as radiometry in a way (not accounting for outside effects). 

Objection 2

The Bible says that God created the lights in the sky so that we could use them. But before that, He made light itself. 

Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years. Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” And that is what happened. God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day.

(Genesis 1:14-19, NLT)

So according to the Bible, God made the stars, the sun, and the Moon in the sky on the same day (the 4th), within 24 hours. The reason He put them there was to be for us to see them, or see by them. If He created the light for us to see, it would have to be where we can see it on day six. 

Notice that this is day four in the creation account. The Sun and Moon and Stars didn’t exist when God created light on day one! So the light already existed between here and there (wherever the star or other celestial body may be). There was, theoretically, no reason for the light to travel where it already existed (all along the path). Therefore, the light didn’t have to travel at all; it was already there where we could see it on day six, when human eyes first saw them. We don’t need the light “source” if the light is already there. So He just left the “connections” in the light so we could see it. Logical, yes?

If light travels in a stream, the stream was already flowing when the points of light were put in their places. 

If you don’t like this explanation, then see how yours isn’t going to work either (since deep time is scientifically impossible).  This is all I have for you at this time. It’s a theory; not a revelation. The revelation shows that 6,000 years ago God created all of the lights we can see in the natural universe. Figure it out. I like my explanation.

Every “explanation” given by those who push evil-you-shun and deep time has been solidly debunked over the decades since they came into our limited thinking. And evolutionists have said some of the most condemning things about evolution of all. There is no scientific support for evolution or long ages for Earth.

If dinosaurs died out x million years ago, then why do we see evidence of man and dinosaurs being together? We see images of them in caves and on rocks in the open, we see their footprints with ours (see photo below), and their bones often have collagen in them (quickly deteriorating soft tissue). And we have numerous accounts of people fighting “dragons”, which would be what we call “dinosaurs” today. In the Bible, God talks of dinosaurs with Job (Leviathan and Behemoth).

Collagen in Dinosaur bone

Photo of a human footprint in rock with a dinosaur footprint on top of it.
“Mr. Delk found the loose slab against the bank of the Paluxy River, about one mile north of Dinosaur Valley State Park, [TX]”


Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
Questions & Answers

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