The Ten Commandments

The 5th Commandment

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12, NLT

From here on out in our study, the Commandments get a lot easier to decipher. So I’ll spend less time on each one.

This Command is the first of the ones that have to do with our relationships to each other. 

Of all of the institutions of God and man, the family is arguably the most important (second only to our relationship with God). I believe that this command is extremely important for our development as human beings, citizens, family members, and so forth. And this command cuts straight to the heart of it. By the time a child can read the Ten Commandments, he/she is in need of hearing this command. And I like that He added, “…that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Which implies that your days may be short if you don’t follow it. I know that I certainly instilled a fear of not obeying dad into my two children when they were little. And this has paid off mightily in their young adult years. 

Of course, this doesn’t just speak to the children; it also speaks to the parents. It reminds them of how important God thinks it is for the children to behave. Hopefully, this command has inspired countless parents to instill just such obedience into their progeny. Not only that, but it reminds the adult children to continue to honor their parents as they continue to age (all of them). 

The family is the heart of society. If it breaks down, then all hell breaks loose in the community. You can test this by visiting communities that do not place a high priority on ensuring that their children obey this command. Just do so during broad daylight. 

Direct your children onto the right path,
    and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Proverbs 22:6, NLT

Parents, give honor to your own parents and teach your children to honor you. Children, follow this command so that you will have a chance at a long, happy life. 

It’s only one of the most important things in life to do. 

In His love,


Previous – The 4th Commandment | Next – The 6th Commandment

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