1. New Flood Model?
Why do we need another flood model for Young Earth Creationism (YEC)? (YEC is a belief that Earth is very young—thousands, not billions of years old.) Well, the models we’ve had so far don’t quite capture it by following both real science and the Bible faithfully, but they’re better than the others.
First, I have liked much about all YEC flood models I’ve seen over the years. But let me start by telling you what a “Flood Model” is. A flood model is just an explanation of how Noah’s Flood may have happened. In my lifetime, there have been many models proposed by well-meaning followers of Jesus. By “well-meaning” I mean that they really care about this and have tried very hard to get it right. “Getting it right” means staying true to both the Bible and true science. True science is the study of God’s creation, using the scientific method. The scientific method is a way of observing, testing, and questioning.

Other Models
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Model
As of right now, the favorite flood model of YEC is called the Catastrophic Plate Tectonics model (CPT).
Plate Tectonics is the study of huge plates of rock that are under the oceans and continents all over the world. These plates have a way of moving around and bumping into each other. When they move, earthquakes happen. The more they move, the stronger the earthquake.
Well, CPT uses these plates to try to explain how Noah’s Flood happened. Maybe you’ve heard about Tsunamis, which are also called “Tidal Waves”. These are strong waves that come from the ocean and wash up onto the shoreline where they meet land. They can be small or huge. Sometimes, they just create a “surge” of rising water, where the water just gets taller and comes farther onto land than usual.
Almost always, these waves are destructive to whatever is in their path, either on land or sea. Sometimes they are very destructive. And this is the idea behind the CPT model. It says that the tectonic plates moved so much that they sent waves up onto land all over the world!
It’s very scientific, as a model, but it doesn’t really explain why we have tectonic plates in the first place. In this series, you’re going to read about a new flood model that does tell us where these plates came from; that they weren’t part of the Earth as it was created. So that’s one problem with CPT. Another is that it doesn’t really fit the Bible as well as it should.
Water Vapor Canopy Theory
For a time, an exciting model was called the “Water Vapor Canopy Theory”. This one has a kind of bubble that surrounded Earth. In this way, they try to show a firmament with water above the land. Unfortunately, scientists have shown this idea to be untenable.
Hydroplate Theory
The other model that is pretty popular is one called the “Hydroplate Theory” (HPT). It says that there was a layer of water (a plate) that was under the land, which watered the land with springs bubbling up from below. I didn’t really know about this theory until recently. I actually like it more than the CPT because it does fit the Bible and science better than the other two so far. But this theory shows the water being in pockets, with connections between the rock layers around it. But my new model has a Water Layer without the rock layers being connected to each other. The Crust is free-floating.
If you look at the image above, you’ll see that the world was created in layers. And one of the layers was made of water—in-between two rock layers: the Mantle and the Crust Bedrock Layer (both intact and whole).
The Bible tells us that when God formed the Earth, He made the land so that it was surrounded by water. Not like an island is surrounded by water, but having water both above and below the land. Sadly, all three models have something missing; either scientifically or biblically. As you continue to go through this series, you’ll see that the new flood model accounts for both the biblical description and the scientific data as well.
The models of secular science in the schools fall short in being either scientific or biblical (believe it or not). I’ll show why I say that they missed the mark, scientifically, in later parts of this series. So hold that thought.
God in the Mix
On 2/12/23, God showed me, in about 5 seconds, a cutaway view of Earth’s layers as they were before Noah’s Flood. I saw the Mantle (a hard rock ball), intact and covered by a Water Layer, that was enclosed in another rock sphere that held it all together. That rock sphere is what I call the Crust Bedrock Layer. That is what supported the soil and all life above it.
Well, I had to start learning about the composition of Earth just to learn how to explain this vision to others. I knew right away that it was very important and that it would change the way people understand this world we live on. In fact, everything the schools teach about geophysics is going to have to go bye-bye now that we have a better story.
You see, in schools they teach something very different than what the Bible tells us about Earth. They say that the world is billions of years old. Not only does their story (what I call Deep Time) not fit with the Bible’s teaching of the world being only about 6000 years old, but it tries to remove God’s creative acts and even remove God from the picture altogether. This is not good for us because God expects us to believe in Him and what He tells us.
The other story they teach that goes along with Deep Time is what I call “Evil-You-Shun”, which they call Evolution; that life evolved from tiny microorganisms into (eventually) you and me. I call it evil because it also takes God (and His Bible’s teaching) out of the picture. Trying to remove God and His influence away from humanity is never going to go well for whoever does it. God tells the truth and He expects us to too.
My Broken Planet Model
Throughout this series, I will explain the various aspects of my “Broken Planet Model”(BPM) and how it all fits with both science (true science) and God’s Bible. In the space I have left in this section, I’ll share a quick overview of it and its major features.
Imagine a meteorite, that is large and moving very fast, speeding toward Earth. It is so big and so fast that it crashes through the Atmosphere, the Soil Layer, the Crust Bedrock Layer, the Water Layer, and breaks into the Mantle, where it is lodged forever. Imagine that the Mantle is full of Lava that is under pressure. When the meteorite breaks the surface of the Mantle, lava comes shooting out, like blood from a gunshot, and contacts the Water Layer that is just above the Mantle.
When the Lava touches the Water Layer, the water explodes into steam and vapor. This causes a huge amount of pressure, since it’s enclosed in a rock ball. The rock ball (the Crust Bedrock) expands, but because it is rock (that doesn’t really expand) it quickly cracks open. Then the Water layer, under a lot of pressure, comes flying out through the cracks of the fractured Bedrock Layer.
The Bedrock Layer breaks into pieces all around the world because the lava is still coming out and doing this all over again, all around the world. That makes the Crust, with everything on it (all life) fall into scalding hot, violently moving water. The water all comes out as the pieces of the Bedrock fall onto the just fractured Mantle. Those pieces of Bedrock are what we now call the Tectonic Plates. That was Noah’s Great Flood!
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