The Judgment
There are actually two events that we would all call “judgments”; but some would also call Jesus’ wrath a kind of judgment as well. In fact, some use wrath and judgment interchangeably. Anger, with its synonyms, can also be used here.
Two Judgments
Just before the millennial reign of Christ begins, He holds court and separates the Sheep from the Goats.

I touched on this in our previous pamphlet, The Millennium. But now I want to make it plain what I believe about this judgment.
These two judgments take place 1,000 years apart. The first one (the Separation of the Sheep and Goats) occurs at the beginning of the millennium; the second one, the Great White Throne of Judgment, occurs at the end of the millennium.
The Millennial Judgment decides who remains on earth as a mortal during the millennium.
The Final Judgment decides who will go to the Lake of Burning Sulfur and who will live on the New Earth.
Neither judgment is for the saints. As far as I can tell, there is no judgment upon the faithful; they have passed all tests.
The millennial judgment impacts the next 1,000 years of the recipients; the final judgment has eternal consequences.
Fruit trees of all kinds will grow along both sides of the river. The leaves of these trees will never turn brown and fall, and there will always be fruit on their branches. There will be a new crop every month, for they are watered by the river flowing from the Temple. The fruit will be for food and the leaves for healing.”
(Ezekiel 47:12, NLT)
Millennial Mortals
By the time that Jesus sits down to judge the remnant of mortal humanity just after the great apocalypse, He will have already glorified His saints. Therefore, this judgment is not for them; they are already perfect and sinless and judgment is not necessary.
This judgment is to decide who remains living on Earth (in a mortal state) and who goes to hell for the next 1,000 years (or maybe even the Lake of Burning Sulfur).
These “Sheep” who pass the judgment will be “The Nations” on Earth during the millennium. If of Jewish descent, they are in the Jewish Nation. If not, they are in the other nations scattered around the globe.
As far as I can tell, the nations will never be glorified. They will not be “one with God” the way that the saints will be. They will be just like we are now, but with the opportunity to live a life free of oppression and tyranny. They will be free of mental disease, corruption in government, raids and warfare, child mortality, and demonic activity.
I see the millennium as a kind of dress rehearsal for the New Creation. So I am fine with applying the following statement to both the millennium and the New Earth, although it is given with regard to the New Earth nations:
“I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!”
(Isaiah 65:24, NLT)
That tells me that the millennium and the New Earth will see a utopian existence for all of the nations.
No more will people lament about a “god” they can’t see. Faith is no longer a factor in life. God is right where you can go and see Him, sitting on His throne. You can talk to Him and He’ll talk to you.
Angels will probably be visible to all on Earth as well; fierce and beautiful.
The saints will be taking good care of the mortals who are under them. And since every saint is one with Holy Spirit and Jesus, they also seem to be knowledgeable of everything.
If anyone does step out of line, they will be confronted by a government that already knows every detail of their offense (including motive). They will be treated fairly and severely. They will have to pay, but their punishment will be fair and bearable. Restoration will be the goal.
The government actually does love each citizen as much as a good mother loves her baby. It will be a very good life.
I have progressively begun to see how Jesus has been telling us all along that there will be two categories of human being on Earth during His reign: mortal and immortal. In order to live long lives, mortals (the nations) must drink the Water of Life and eat the Fruit of Life.
That scene of the fruit trees comes from Ezekiel’s vision of the millennium. But the same trees also will grow in the New Earth.
This provision of the Water and Fruit of Life is my proof that mortals will be living on Earth in both eras, since only a mortal would need it
Another proof is that the saints will not rule over themselves in these two worlds. Therefore, the nations must be separate from the saints.
Since saints own their immortality, and cannot die or get sick, these leaves from the tree are not there for them.
Mortals have not “inherited” life from God; only the saints have. That means that the saints own their lives, but that the mortals do not.
But of course, if there are grapes, and I’m a saint, I’m going to eat some. In fact, saints may partake of all good things in God’s kingdom, including the Water and Fruit of Life. Revelation tells us so in Chapter 22. But verse 22:2 explicitly states that the nations can drink and eat these life-giving blessings.
Final Judgment
Now that we see a bit of what the millennium will be like, we can guess a lot more about the New Earth. In fact, in reading all I could about both times and places, I saw very little difference between them. But we’ll get to that in the next issue, The New Creation.
For now, the spotlight is on the actual judgments.
And really, the main difference is in the resulting punishments. The millennial judgment will most likely send you to hell if convicted. That’s a 1,000-year sentence of solitary confinement, with no blessing whatsoever. No light, no companionship, no relief from the agony of regret and the weight of sorrow. No early-out for good behavior. Just you and your thoughts and feelings for a thousand years. (not fun)
But that’s not the scary one. The final judgment will send you to a sea or planet of lava that will hold you in pain for all eternity. (ouch!)
What a contrast between the two possible outcomes: eternal life on a utopian planet; or eternal misery in a Lake of Fire!
These stakes are higher than the average person can conceive of. We just don’t really understand eternity, anguish that never leaves, never-changing despair and misery; or eternal happiness and blessing as well for that matter.
Ask God to open your mind to the reality of what He has in store for humanity and all creation. It will rock you to the core, when you see it.
Unfortunately, some people will go through hell (maybe for 6,000 years) and then go to the Lake of Fire forever and evermore.
Please accept the cross of Christ, in faith, so that you will avoid these judgments. Otherwise, you’ll be judged on your own merit, and very few will pass that test—into mortal life everlasting (in, and as a member of, The Nations).
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