ETME Series| 03 God’s Wrath

God’s Wrath

So far in this series, we’ve looked at Ezekiel’s War and the Tribulation. Neither of those are God’s Wrath. Please do not confuse them with acts of Jesus. I point that out because it seems to be that many people (some of them serious students of End Times prophecy) aren’t paying attention to Jesus’ words in the Olivet Discourse. Specifically, that His wrath does not commence in full force until after the Great Tribulation is over.

The “sun, moon, stars, and powers” reference is found in the Old Testament prophets. See Isaiah 13:10; 34:4; and Joel 2:10 for a few examples. 

When we read those references, we see that Jesus was saying that His wrath would come immediately after the tribulation. 

The Day of the Lord is another phrase that correlates to His wrath, judgment, and presence on Earth.

Too cryptic for you? For me, it speaks volumes to His wrath being after Satan’s wrath, which is the 7-year tribulation. 

I think this is an important point that we need to keep before us in this study.

A Lot Going On

During this period, there are many events happening in rapid succession or concurrently with each other. These are not like the ordinary violent acts of Satan and antichrist from the tribulation; they are global, cataclysmic, and celestial. There really isn’t any comparison in the scope of God’s massive fury vs. Satan’s.

In no particular order, there will be all of these things happening during God’s Wrath:

  • Meteor showers
  • Reddening of the oceans
  • Poisoning of all open water
  • All sea life dying
  • Earthquakes (mountains will fall)
  • Tsunamis
  • Massive storms, 100lb hailstones
  • Skin rotting on living people and their animals
  • Their eyes rotting in the sockets
  • Their tongues rotting in mouths
  • People breaking out with painful sores all over
  • Complete darkness in regions
  • Angel armies sweeping across the horizon scanning for people to save from the wrath of Jesus, or helping Him destroy them.
  • Locusts that attack mercilessly, inflicting pain for 5 months.
  • Angels flying through the air ahead of Jesus telling people to repent.
  • Jesus scours the planet, with His angel armies, looking for those who have hurt and oppressed His chosen ones and those who have served and worshipped the antichrist or Satan. (They do this while flying through the air.)
  • People falling away from faith in Jesus.
  • Systematic oppression of Jews and saints.
  • Demonic activity of all kinds 
  • A coronal mass ejection upon Earth
  • Killing, killing, and more killing.

The Two Witnesses

Backing up slightly in the timeline to the Great Tribulation, I just wanted to mention the Two Witnesses of God who are in the temple in Jerusalem for the Great Tribulation, being a thorn in the side of antichrist, I would imagine. 

Undoubtedly two of the most interesting people to have a conversation with, I’d imagine as well. We know, from Malachi, that Elijah is one of the witnesses (Malachi 4:5). 

The reason I mention them here, and not in the Tribulation issue, is that their acts are very akin to acts of God’s vengeance, and near to the same time. (Also, I didn’t have room in the Tribulation issue.)

They do perform miraculous feats while here. If anyone tries to harm them, they can burn them with (laser-like?) fire from their mouths, for example. But as interesting as they are, they just aren’t that important to us now in the big scheme of things. I mean, I would hang on their every word if I saw them live in public. But understanding them and their mission is not necessary to the overall picture of the End.

And they appear before God’s wrath commences. So, enough on them. Except for this; I think that the other witness is Enoch, since he never died either. 

An Important Point

While studying and pondering these things, it is good to note something about God’s wrath. I have never heard this taught by anyone so far. 

There are two (2) kinds of wrath, visited upon three (3) categories of people. The two kinds of wrath are: 1) Temporary; and (2) Eternal. Temporary wrath is designed to bring people to repentance or protect people. It’s an act of love by God. Eternal wrath does not allow for repentance. That chance has passed.

The three categories of God’s wrath recipients are 1) individuals; (2) groups; or (3) all people on Earth together.

Noah’s flood was the only example of #3 so far. Most wrath events in the Bible have been to individuals or groups—mainly the Jews. 

The important point about this is that God’s wrath is always temporary, up until the Final Judgment. At that time, all judgments are final and there is no hope of repentance (that I know of). 

The eternal judgment is personal, between God and the individual. Therefore, eternal judgment is always upon the individual. It is deeply personal. 

This is a factor when discussing pretrib failings, especially their contention that we are not destined for God’s wrath.
(See 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10) It is only His eternal wrath we are not destined for.

So, whenever the reader comes upon a passage about God’s wrath, judgment, anger and whatever word conveys the same righteous indignation, they would be keen to quickly survey which type of wrath is being studied and upon whom, for how long, or to what end.

Loyalty and Love

In all of these events, so far, the real heart of the issue seems to be with the heart of people. Jesus talked more about a person’s heart, I think, than just about anything else. What’s the motive? Whose side am I on? Have I been loving and loyal to my Lord and His people? 

 When we talk about God’s wrath or anger, it always has to do with us being one with Him and others. Or rather, not being one. 

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.”

(Matthew 7:1-2, NLT)

Unfortunately, there will be a lot of judgy-ness against Jesus’ followers in the last days. So He will have lots of folks to pay back. 

Revelation 8 tells us about the cry of the martyrs who are under God’s altar, which God responds to by having an angel throw a burning censer filled with the prayers of the martyrs down upon the world. 

Look what Jesus tells people when He judges them:

 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’”

(Matthew 25:45, NLT)

Jesus cares deeply about our loyalty and love for Him. And he wants us to show our love for Him by obeying Him and loving each other. Otherwise NOT loving Jesus and not loving His people will get you into deep water when He returns. 

“I will execute terrible vengeance against them to punish them for what they have done. And when I have inflicted my revenge, they will know that I am the LORD.”

(Ezekiel 25:17, NLT)

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