This Broken Planet

[Earth’s beginning and end,
and its unseen Water Layer]

On 2/12/2023, while hanging out in my garage, the Lord showed me a vision of what Earth looked like before the Great Flood of Noah’s day. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but this is probably nothing like anything you’ve heard before. You’ve got to read the book (online or off) to see if this is real or unreal; if it’s fact or fiction. Whatever it is, it isn’t mainstream.

I’m offering this, and all of my books, to you online for free (while supplies last). Just click the link below and start reading the online version (clicking through multiple chapters). But you need to know what God showed me on that day about our planet. You need to know what happened at the Flood and how that has affected us now. Even if you know you don’t agree with this (somehow) you still need to read it to know what it is. And I’m not asking for any of your hard-earned money in the process, either. I just want you to know what I know, that’s all. Because what I know about This Broken Planet came from God. And because I care about you, you fellow broken human you, it matters what you think and believe. And like all people, you’ve been fed some really far out there lies. It’s upsetting. Check out the table of contents (under the table below) for the online version (all versions may have slight differences; ebook vs paperback vs online).

You should know that this book is a polemic against mainstream education, scientific corporations, and others who have been attacking biblical ideologies for decades and decades across This Broken Planet. This is inline with the Bible’s teaching that our struggle is against dark forces in this world, among other things elsewhere, and not against each other, so much. I say in the book that we should be easy on people but hard on concepts (and institutions). This is the antithesis of identity politics rampant in the world today—started by the schools, btw. People have inherent value, as being made in the image of the Living God; their notions and ideas (and feelings) do not. Make sense? Be lighthearted and openminded; it will be easier for you that way.

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Not all options are available yet. (I still have work to do.)

Ch 1: Competing Worldviews
Ch 2: The Broken Planet Model
Ch 3: The Flood
Ch 4: “Earth Looks Old”
Ch 5: Radiometric Dating
Ch 6: Some Scientific Dating Methods
Ch 7: Biology
Ch 8: The Promise
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