The Three Realms of Existence

The Three Realms of Existence

This is a short explanation of the way that I personally view the arenas of life. This is a presentation of my concept of what I call “realms” – places that contain life, both on earth and beyond. 

I believe that there are three realms of existence (but not for us):

  1. The Physical Realm
  2. The Spirit Realm 
  3. The Divine Realm

The Physical Realm – The Natural Universe

I believe there is a Physical Realm, which is made up of Time, Space and Matter. This is where I believe we are living today – the natural universe.

I believe that the Physical Realm is finite, not infinite. I believe that the universe has boundaries. If one could travel to the edge of the universe, he would be unable to go any further, because the universe would no longer continue out before him in space, there would be no more matter before him, no more space, and by the time he got there he would be out of time as well. 

It has a beginning and an end. It began when Time began. Before Time, there was no universe. I believe that this universe will have an end, when it will cease to exist. I believe that this realm is the least of the three realms in hierarchy. 

While the earth is not in the physical center of the natural universe, or even its own solar system, it is central to the Physical Realm experience. I believe that what we call “outer space” is also referred to as “the heavens”. I also believe that the term has been used to describe the atmosphere that encompasses the earth as well. Some call the earth’s atmosphere the “first heaven”, and outer space the “second heaven”.

The Spirit Realm – The Third Heaven 

I believe that the next realm is the Spirit Realm. I believe that the Spirit Realm is separate and distinct from the Physical Realm but yet penetrates into the Physical Realm and permeates it. It is also above and beyond (supernatural to, transcendent of) the Physical Realm, but at the same time is connected to the Physical Realm. 

I believe that we people, who are physical (natural), also have a Spirit nature as well but that this Spirit nature is connected to the physical in such a way that if the two are separated, the physical body ceases to live. In fact, I believe that the “life” of a person is in their Spirit. I believe that once a person’s Spirit and natural body part, the Spirit of that person experiences the Spirit Realm as fully as it did the physical. (Think of removing a glove worn your whole life and touching something for the first time without that barrier.)

The Spirit Realm has been referred to as the “Third Heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). Some simply call it “heaven”, however, I believe that there is much confusion as to what heaven is. Therefore, I am reluctant to use the term very often so as to avoid confusion. “Heaven” has been used in such simplistic and vague terms historically that I think it has lost the impact it should have on us. People without any grasp of the intensity and reality of “heaven” are apt to simply “poo-poo” it as the vibrant, impactful, and powerfully passionate place that it appears to be.

I believe that those who live in the Spirit Realm are able to come into the Physical Realm (at times and with permission). I believe that the ones who live in the Spirit Realm are a mixed group. I believe that the ones who are “native” to the Spirit Realm are those we call Angels. I believe that these angels are neither male nor female and do not procreate (at least with each other). However, they are referred to in the masculine. I believe that they have spirit bodies that are finite. I believe that there are two factions of angels. While I have no idea as to the number of angels (maybe millions or billions), I believe that the two factions are not equal in number. The two factions are determined by their own free will. One faction has decided to remain faithful to the Creator and the other faction has decided to rebel against the Creator. The faithful outnumber the unfaithful, two to one. The faithful live to serve their Master, God. The unfaithful are determined to fight Him every moment that they can. We call the unfaithful angels “demons”, or “fallen”. The first to rebel against the Creator was named Lucifer but his name has been changed to Satan. He is the leader of the rebellious fallen angels.

I believe that angels (good or bad) do not die as we do, nor do they cease to exist. Once created, they continue to live forever. I believe that they were all created at once or very close to the same time (before the natural universe). 

I believe that the Spirit Realm is finite as well, that it has an outer boundary which cannot be crossed by any creature, whether spirit or physical. 

Just as the Physical Realm had a beginning and will have an end, I believe that the Spirit Realm had a beginning (before the Physical Realm) and that it too will come to an end. (It must have been quite surprising to the angelic race when God created the Physical Realm right before their eyes.)

I believe that the norm is that physical beings cannot enter the Spirit Realm as physical beings; that they would have to shed their physical nature and enter the Spirit Realm as purely spirit beings. However, I believe that entry as a physical person is only possible if the physical person is brought into the Spirit Realm by the One who created both realms. (I do believe that two people have entered the Spirit Realm as natural, physical people. Their names are Enoch and Elijah. They did not enter on their own but were “taken up” by the Creator. They have been there the whole time but will return to earth again in the future. Whether anyone else has been taken physically into the Spirit Realm I cannot say.) Jesus went to the Creator after His death: Once before His glorification; and then after His time on earth (the First Advent) was done.

I believe that angels have power over the natural world that is beyond what we are capable of. Their understanding is superior to ours, as are their abilities. I believe that Satan and most of his demonic hoard are permitted to come and go freely between the two realms for now, but that their activity is limited. The holy angels also come and go between the two realms but only at the bidding and for the purposes of the Creator. I believe that demons also have been and will be used by the Creator as well for His purposes, though perhaps not as much. Satan has been called “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and has been given much dominion over it. But he can only do what God allows him to do. I do not pretend to say why this is with any certainty but think that it has something to do with God testing humans to see if they will love Him through adversity.

Just as the natural universe has many regions (localities), I believe that the Spirit Realm has different regions as well. I believe that when a natural person dies, their spirit (soul) is taken up to the Spirit Realm (the third heaven). However, I believe that there are two distinct regions where a person’s spirit will go, depending on the relationship that person had with the Creator during their natural life. If they rejected their Creator while living in the flesh, I believe that they will go to a place that is devoid of the Creator’s blessings – a place of captivity and personal regret. If they embraced their Creator while in the flesh (and approached Him on His terms), I believe that they will go to a place where the Creator’s blessings are constant and where His presence is experienced in a very close and personal manner. I also believe that the place without the Creator’s blessing is a place of loneliness and separation, where no fellowship is experienced at all (sorry, no parties with your buddies). At the same time, I believe that the place where His presence is experienced is a place where all can enjoy each other’s company and fellowship together. Both of these regions, like the rest of the Spirit Realm, are temporary (not eternal) and finite (having borders).

The Divine Realm – Where Only the Infinite, Eternal Creator Is

I believe that the final realm is one where no created being may go. It is what I call the Divine Realm. It is the place that is beyond the borders of the other two realms. It is where no created being ever has been or ever will be. This is the rest of eternity and infinity (although the term “rest” implies finality, it does not in this case). Since the Creator is infinite and eternal and His creation is not, it is only logical that the creation at some point comes to an end and then the Creator is left by Himself in the absence of His creatures. I am speaking of presence, not time, when I say that the creation comes to an end. I believe that people and angels will continue to exist onward into eternity once created. 

Just as the Spirit Realm penetrates into the Physical, the Divine Realm penetrates into both the Spirit and Physical Realms. Only, the Creator, I believe, has a very special relationship with His creation that is vastly different from any other relationships. It is intensely personal and unique with each one of us.

I believe that the Creator knows all things (omniscient), is everywhere at once (omnipresent) and is all-powerful over His creation (omnipotent). He is Spirit. He has no evil in Him at all and is perfect in every way. Because of His essence, He cares deeply for each and every one of His creatures. He is intimately involved in the life of every creature He has ever made. Because He created the time, space, matter universe, He is both in time and outside of time. He is not limited to human logic because there is nothing for Him to learn. There is nothing for Him to discover. There is no one He needs to meet. He is not dependent upon anyone or anything in any way for any reason at any time. He has always existed and will continue to always exist, in all places. He can “see” the entirety of His creation at the same time, without any division of attention; from the highest heaven to the lowest depths; from the beginning to the end and beyond into eternity. He literally holds every atom together in the natural universe. He will, at the time of His own choosing, completely destroy the current creation and make a completely new creation; a new heaven(s) and earth, if you will. What that will be, exactly, is not for us to know at this time. 

Wrap Up

I do not say that “good” people go to heaven and “bad” people go to hell. We are all bad compared to God (Isaiah 64:6). I say that God knows both those who love Him and those who do not. He will decide who will be with Him and who will not, based on His knowledge of their evil hearts, and what He wants. However, I also believe that every person has the right to reject Him; that He does not force Himself upon anyone.

Speaking of being with Him, He has let it be known that He came into our natural world as one of us. This is the Jesus story. Jesus will return again (very soon, in my opinion). When He returns, He will bring His holy angels with Him. He will also reunite the departed (dead) faithful believers in Christ with the living at that time (pulling the dead saints out of the Spirit Realm back into the Physical – in glorified bodies). He will remain on the earth for 1,000 years and be the absolute Ruler of the earth during that time. (See Matthew 24, 1st Thessalonians 4, 1st Corinthians 15, and Revelation 20)

This will be a most interesting time in earth’s history, because we will have God (Jesus) as the King of the world, His holy angels as His messengers, and His followers (the saints) as His “governing body”. At the same time, there will be those who are “ruled” – the remnant of natural mankind, who did not fully accept Him before His return. With this in mind, I do not say that we will go to heaven, but that heaven will come to us. However, even this is not clear because the ones who die do go to a certain location in the Spirit Realm of God’s choosing for the time between their death and the Lord’s return (called the “temporary state”). So, for a time they were in “heaven”. But really, they are in “heaven” for all eternity because heaven is where Jesus is (wherever that may be), even if that is on earth. Likewise, some will be in “hell” (also a temporary state) where they will await the final judgment at the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ.

There is much more that I could say about what I believe on this. I draw all of my inspiration from the Holy Bible (non apocryphal). I am always ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that I have within me, hopefully with gentleness and respect (but I am fallible).

Thanks for reading this brief description of what I believe about the venues of life. There is so much more that I could say about this topic. Look for future posts about death, the temporary state, the return of Jesus, and many more topics.

In Him,


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