Printable Tracts

In this tract series, you can read the same message that is found in the book This Broken Planet [Earth’s beginning and end, and its unseen Water Layer] but in a much shorter form. This is a companion series to that book.
It is designed to be downloadable (if you have the right combination of browser, device, and connection to the internet). Sorry, but not everyone will be able to download and print the tract series.
If able, you can print each tract (1-12) plus a bonus page and the envelope (below) to print and fold to hold them all in.
Follow these links to the tracts:
- New Flood Model?
- The Layers of Earth
- The Catastrophe
- No Trace Remains
- Lava, Lava Everywhere
- 40 Days of Rain & Ice
- Fossils & Fossil Fuels
- Challenges to the Model
- The Geologic Column
- Bad Dating Methods
- Good Dating Methods
- Does It Matter?
Series Envelope
Print this PDF and fold it as shown to make your own envelope. Have some clear tape handy to tape it closed. Use just a small piece of tape to hold the flap closed.
If you fold it right and use some tape, this PDF printed can become an envelope to hold the series in…and give away.
1. Print each section of the series on one sheet per section, front and back (both sides, landscape, along the short edge). 12 pages
2. Print the bonus tract, just like the others.
3. Fold each pamphlet into thirds (trifold panel)—the back should have the GGG logo.
4. Print this envelope PDF and stack the others on top of it with the front facing down.
5. Center the stack of pamphlets on the back of the printed envelope over the gray rectangle and fold the sides of the envelope around the stack to hold it so that the two come together in the center.
6. Tape the envelope down the center of the back to keep it closed. I like to use one single strip the whole distance and fold in the extra over the paper edges inward.
7. Fold up the bottom of the envelope so that the image looks good on front and is not clipped (try not to bend the tracts inside). Tape it. Leave extra margin on the top for a flap.
8. Fold the top of the envelope over and tape it too but with less tape than the bottom, so it’s easy to open. That’s your flip top flap. —done— (go share)
Bonus Tract
Here is a very short overview of the model with a color graphic on the back panel. Print it too and keep it with the series.